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  1. LilMew

    Flabbergasted… Why King County??? Why???

    I could see a ban of indoor vaping in the interest of the public if the idea behind it was sound. Right now it sounds a lot like “jumping off the bridge because all your friends are doing it so we should ban bridges in public places.” If someone sees me blow out my vapor in a bar and my...
  2. LilMew

    Fruit Punch inspired Haiku

    Fruit Punch is yummy A wake-up punch to the throat My toes are now numb :vapor:
  3. LilMew

    Oh, is this all we have to do? :)

    Change your thinking to kick that cigarette habit – Paging Dr. Gupta - Blogs :p
  4. LilMew

    On the news last night

    Thought you all might want to see it. Quit Smoking Now - Get The Help You Need - KCPQ
  5. LilMew


    Sitting here enjoying a chilly Seattle day and wanted to say hi!:)
  6. LilMew

    Cowboy Carts and a hard draw?

    My husband has had three and I've had one that we were just unable to vape. We tried blowing them out incase they had extra juice in them <which seemed to be the case> and we tried not putting them all the way on the battery by backing them off a little as well as putting them on as tight as...
  7. LilMew

    Hello everyone!

    It's been 10 days now since I started vaping and completely cut out the analogs. I couldn’t feel better! It’s been about a month since I got my first order and since then I’ve ordered twice more and really want even more stuff!!! V4L has been really good to me and I owe it all to them and...