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  1. V

    Dry burning glow not even

    New to rba and the one thing I cant do is get them to glow even. They tend to glow from the middle then the ends slowly start to glow. How big an issue is this. They have been vapeing fine.
  2. V

    Rba resistance wrong

    I just started making coils for an rdta. I make them to be .25 but they read .27/.30 they vape fine(on my mod I know that it could be wrong but assuming it's right) is this an issue.
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    Low voltage cutoff

    Hi, I'm about to get a 2 battery device(regulated)the low voltage cutoff on the batterys is 2.5(Samsung 25rs) does having 2 batterys effect the low voltage cutoff or is it still 2.5.