Search results

  1. Red Dragonfly

    Total lunar eclipse on Yule, Winter Solstice - a time for change

    Hi everyone! December's Full Moon (Long Night's Moon) will be on Dec 21st, on Yule, Winter Solstice. Those in Oklahoma are in for another treat that night! On December 21st, there will be a total lunar eclipse from 12:32 a.m til 2:17 a.m. I'm hoping some of our neighboring states will be...
  2. Red Dragonfly

    Very thankful this Thanksgiving!

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to say thanks to all the members of this forum for lending their knowledge and support about vaping! Your helpful information - and great sense of humor - has been a major factor in helping me end a 35 year addiction to analogs! Patches, gums, and willpower never...