Search results

  1. S

    Tank? CE2? Cartomizer?

    I have gotten my E-Power pretty much figured out... I say pretty much because at the moment I only like the 2.0 Ohm Boge cartos (that's right, not at all liking the "Resurrectors," nor do I care for the 3.0 Ohm Boge or the atomizer/cartridge combo that came with the kit), and for some...
  2. S

    HELP, I tried to upgrade...!!!

    I started out with GreenSmoke and loved it! Then I discovered this forum and realized that I'm a s*cker for paying that much! :glare: I decided a while ago that I needed to "upgrade." Every time I tried to sort it all out by searching this forum I would get incredibly overwhelmed! FINALLY I...