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  1. MasonD

    Need a little help

    Friend of mine picked up this atty at a shop and we need to re-wick it. Anyone know what model it is? How it comes apart? Has a 510 connection at the threads for eGo batts. Appreciate the help! :vapor:
  2. MasonD

    Reaction with flavor makes milky-cloudy...

    So, I've got some lemon lime cooler flavor from flavor apprentice (natural and artificial flavor, polysorbate, pg, ethyl alc., vit e), which, on its own, is pretty clear. But when I mix it @ 20% in an 80/20 pg/vg mix at 9mg, *poof!* milky-cloudy weirdness. Seems to vape okay, but that's quite...
  3. MasonD

    Guess I'm not a newbie anymore...

    Wow, last post before I can't start new threads here. Time flies when you dont smoke! :vapor: Well, I know that this forum and the people in it have been invaluable. And now I can proudly tell people I don't smoke (often while billowing clouds of vapor, just to prove the point:laugh:)...
  4. MasonD

    PA White Chocolate fail...

    So, I'm pretty new-ish at diy; and I was a cook for some years, so the concept isn't exactly foreign... but I haven't been able to get the PA white chocolate to work at all! It smells great! When I mixed it by itself @ 15%, and 20%, in a 20/80 vg/pg mix @ 18mg, it seemed more aromatic than...
  5. MasonD

    Which ayP alP option is preffered?

    Being new at buying things directly from people, I want to know: what's the best option to use, when using a particular payment service, where we aren't supposed to mention anything e-cig related? Ought we use 'goods', 'personal', and what sub-category? Does it matter-- I understand that...
  6. MasonD

    An eGo-T users rant.

    I use the eGo-T, and find it works just fine. :grr::glare: Every time someone posts a question about the eGo-T, the first few posts, and then scattered throughout the thread, are some variation of 'go buy something else'-- particularly to go buy cartos. Hey-- I'm having trouble...
  7. MasonD

    Dripping on the eGo-t atty

    So, I was doing the wick mod on my eGo-T, and realized, once I had the needleplate out, that I could just take the end cap off of a tank (to then use the tank as a mouthpiece), and just drip directly onto the atty. But, this being my first PV, I have nothing to compare it to, in terms of...
  8. MasonD

    eGo-t ?'n: silica vs. fiberglass for wick mod

    I just got my eGo-T; happy as can be! :toast: But, I want to do the wick mod with the pyramid tea-bag, just to ensure good wicking. Here's the question: how hot does the atty burn? See, I can go and get wood-stove rope at my local hardware store... the which is made of fiberglass. I looked...
  9. MasonD

    Newbie Mixing

    Hi all I just ordered some nic. I figure I'm gonna wait a bit, try out some different juices, and then start trying to mix flavors I like. Here's the question: Is it better to get PG (or VG) in large quantities-- say 250ml+ to have around, or is it better to just order smaller batches...
  10. MasonD

    Flavor drought?

    I've heard that vaping on the same flavor days on end causes a sort of 'perfume drunk' where you can't taste anything at all. Have people run into this?
  11. MasonD

    A Newbie’s Review of E-cig’s E-8

    After sifting through the internets looking for my first PV, I settled on the E-8 from the relevant website; if you’re a light smoker, a social smoker, or maybe someone who just wants to smoke at work when you can’t smoke smokes, or when it’s rainy, then this system may well fill the bill-- if...