Search results

  1. IrishTexan

    Finally....the twist has given me an aha moment

    I have been vaping for a little over a year and while it has kept me off of analogs...I was not completely satisfied. I started with smoketip and moved quickly to an echo...added some 510 bats and a few months ago an old goat mod. I have been using the old goat with boges and while it was...
  2. IrishTexan

    update thread locked???

    Can someone tell me how we get information on reos and when they will be available? The updat thread is locked to new posts and the tab on the website has not been updated since December????? Thanks
  3. IrishTexan

    OMG..Thank you sooo much.

    Hi all, I just tried my first Boba's and I am in heaven. I started vaping last may. I started on 808's and then went to echo. Never really 100% satisfied but enough to quite a 3 pack a day habit. But still that little craving in the back of my mind for the real thing. I tried tobacoo...