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  1. S

    What Brand Analog Did You Quit???

    Started on Du Maurier 7 years ago switched to Canadian Classic (which up until i quit was something i smoked occasionally) but my brand at the end was Viceroy
  2. S

    Scooch signing On

    Wow, in less then 20 minutes already have 2 pages worth of posts i think i'm going to like it here. :D
  3. S

    Correct me if im wrong

    Yep definitely agree with you about that :D
  4. S

    Scooch signing On

    Yeah I hear you my mother has been a smoker now for over 30 years, just about a pack a day, its very worrying to me to know the damage that has been done to her lungs. The one thing i did notice however is that she did seem very interested in my e-cig and how quickly I "jumped ship" as it were...
  5. S

    Scooch signing On

    Well I'm just hoping to find myself in a position to start playing basketball again, i've missed it but becoming winded after one shot tends to discourage me.
  6. S

    Scooch signing On

    Ty, I was actually out and about last night and decided to see if anything (physically) had changed a week later, i discovered that my sprinting ability has actually come waaaaay up it was definitely nice to see that after 7 years of walking winding me it was very nice to be able to sprint.
  7. S

    Scooch signing On

    Hello E-cig forum, My name is Scooch, and I have joined the wonderful world of vaping, having done so for just a little over a week now. My wife rainkeltoia won my e-cig starter kit from a contest started on this forum, and presented it to me as a B-day gift. Initially I was skeptical about...