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    Done with NLV!

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    Bit the bullet, ditched the Lavatube!

    i only waited 2 or 3 months from wehn i started to when i bought provari. but i thought the same exact thing once i did buy it. now i have 2 mini's and 1 standard :)
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    so who got the z atty from provape?

    its a long video but, should cure any confusion.
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    so who got the z atty from provape?

    ^ not much to be confused about. its a tank like many other tanks except, much like the is well-built for durability,design and performance, hence the price. if you are new to tanks, you probably dont want to spend that kind of money yet. this item requires experience rebuilding...
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    Mini Owners...would you buy a 18650 extension for the Mini if they became available?

    silly question imo. if the battery life isnt enough for you, buy a standard. the 18650 ext cap on a mini would disqualify it from being a "mini". i used the v1 with 18650 for a year before i bought mini. and was concerned about the big difference in battery life but, 18350 lasts me about a...
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    i finally broke it - kinda'

    i have already given it a bath. Cecilia from ProVape sent me private message with that information, just cause she saw my post here. Pretty good customer service you say? Top notch i say.
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    i finally broke it - kinda'

    hahaha for reals
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    i finally broke it - kinda'

    well it turns out the fine people at ProVape are able to repair it by replacing the circuit board and window for like $75. there is even hope the circuit board can be salvaged by cleaning it. in that case i can get window replaced for $10. ProVape just plain rocks. my new one will arrive...
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    i finally broke it - kinda'

    i have dropped my provari many times. i have the 1st version, and ive dropped it a dozen times easy,..some scuffs on it but it never failed to function. just dropped my mini today,...hit the asphalt, on display shattered, new screwtank broke apart, and just happened to spill the juice...
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    Smok Titan Tank - /thumbsup

    A.K.A - screw amazed at how well this works. i have fiddled with many contraptions in the past, just to get them to work as described.....this one just kicks ... right out of the box. modifying the coil/wick may produce a slight improvement, but i really dont see where it would need...
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    Arctic Mint or Tundra? Help me decide

    have you tried Bounty Hunter? nothing menthol about it but, you can get 30ml for like $10. it is my #1 favorite and tons of people say the same. so its only available sometimes, due to overwhelming popularity. after going down expensive roads searching for my favorite juice...i wish i had...
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    Soooo worth the wait! i f'd up and didnt order before i had run out. and its been 3 weeks since i ordered my mini-jug. so ive been without my BH for like 35 days :( ended up trying AVE bobas bounty in the meantime, thats pretty good. but i still prefer BH, glad i finally have some again.
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    Favorite Chocolate Juice

    the problem with chocolate flavor is....genuine real edible chocolate itself has so many variations. the Chocolate juice that is disliked by someone,...could be the most perfect for another. for me....i dislike the dry, kind of bakery chocolate ones. best one (for me) ive found is PinkSpot...
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    Arctic Mint or Tundra? Help me decide

    those 2 juices are very similar, tundra has more mint than "icy". but both of those juices will have both the minty, and icy characteristics. i preffered the tundra, at the time i had both. but on a side note,..i stopped using JC altogether. after a couple weeks, i couldnt get rid of the certain...
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    So I work the front end in a convenience/drugstore...

    there is a lot of truth to this. i wont be buying/using any thing that resembles a cigarette. but when i first started...the fact that when in my hand it sort-of felt like a cig had felt for nearly 20+years. i believe that helped me accept the e-cig as a suitable substitute. ive come a long way...
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    When do you crave?

    im still kind of shocked by it but, i havent craved a cigarette (cant we just call them cigarettes? the term analog makes me think of electronics) in ages....its nearly 1 full year since i put the NewPort's down. i have had a cigarette or two throughout the past year, but mostly for nostalgia's...
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    Can anyone recommend a great Vanilla Juice?

    CPN Vanilla Cream costs a bit more than most but, well worth it.
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    Musicians check in here. If you play, tell us about it!

    IlIIIlllIlII - YouTube some vids i uploaded, just jammin at home.
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    am i blind or?

    i did the whole verification process. but i cant seem to find where the trade forum is. can someone point me in right direction?
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    According to USPS...

    just think...if the evil grinch Romney wins in november...usps will be gutted and then we will all have something to complain about.