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  1. Skennard

    Happy 2012

    I know right?
  2. Skennard

    I'm confused on battery voltage & VV

    A variable voltage/wattage device uses a booster circuit to give the higher out put voltage/wattage. Its along the same principal as a transformer it can either step up the voltage or step it down.
  3. Skennard

    mc Provari Box Mod

  4. Skennard

    Am I the only one?

    Yep I keep to similar flavors. But I just vape through the previous flavor
  5. Skennard

    is my coil burnt?

    how long have you used that carto? I've noticed if I try to chain vape my tank I will start to get dry hits so I either have to reprime the cart or let my tank rest. try your tank on a different mod reprime the cart and see if the taste persists.
  6. Skennard

    Happy 2012

    If a meet can be scheduled I'll take off work if I have too just so I can make sure to be there.
  7. Skennard

    STR8V8PING "STR8TEK VV" Bottomfeeder mod

    Looks frickin sweet! Love the carbon fiber. Awesome mod!
  8. Skennard

    It's on again - Another Great Wood Box Mod contest

    Very nice looking! Please count me in.
  9. Skennard

    Cartos/attys for the Lava tube

    Using a LR atty/carto on a lava tube you won't be able to use the full range of voltage. It has a auto sensing feature so with LR and dual coils will cause the lava tube to drop the voltage. No matter what it reads it will not provide more than a bit over 3 volts. You might want to try 2.5 to 3...
  10. Skennard

    in market for a new mod

    I don't think you can go wrong with either of those. I love my silver bullet simple to use and matched with a LR carto makes for a very good vape for me. I have thought about a box mod. If i were to go that route I would maybe consider the VV box mod. It would offer flexibility of trying a wider...
  11. Skennard

    Are Taste Totally Subjective?

    I get what your trying to say however lets get to the root of your question that being "is taste totally subjective?" You used excrement as a base qualifier by stating that if 1000 people ate it all would say it was disgusting. Now I have no doubt that that statement is true. Why? Simple People...
  12. Skennard

    Anyone else tried juice from these companies?

    I think part of the problem I had with boba's was that I found that I aperantly can not do pure vg juice. My body doesn't like it. when I switched back to a blend of PG/VG my mouth and throat got better.
  13. Skennard

    Im new... and ive got questions!

    The 510 starter kit is a solid pv imo. I still break out my 510 batts every now and then. I tried the EGO tank system and it was alright. It didn't take me very long to go back to cartos.
  14. Skennard

    Can these work with JoyE 510?

    The 306 connection will fit the 510 connection and would work. 3ohm is only about half an ohm over what is considered standard @ 2-2.5ohm. The only effect I could think of is that it may not be a very satisfying vape. I'm sure others will have further insight.
  15. Skennard

    Question about Pinkspot

    I know everyone tastes things differently, and because a lot of these juice vendors hand mix flavor will vary batch to batch. Personally I love the Pink Spot juices I've tried and will order more. On the other hand there is a seemingly VERY popular juice out there named after a certain bounty...
  16. Skennard

    Anyone order from Pinkspots?

    I would highly recommend a sampler from Pink Spot. I really enjoyed there juices in the sampler I ordered. Plan on ordering again real soon.
  17. Skennard

    Anyone else tried juice from these companies?

    Parmaviolet was the worst for me as far as a flower taste. It just goes to show you that no two people are the same when it comes to the pallet. I appreciate your input.
  18. Skennard

    Anyone else tried juice from these companies?

    Pink Spot and Janes were my fave. To me they just had a really clean fruit flavors not too sweet. Hope you enjoy.
  19. Skennard

    Anyone else tried juice from these companies?

    Thanks for the recommendations. I've heard good things about Rawr plan on trying them out. Tried Boba's bounty and (not to start a huge thing) it was not for me. Good news to all the Boba fans.
  20. Skennard

    Has my atomiser just packed it in?

    I would say that it did indeed bite the dust. As far as usability you might try dripping a couple drops into the atty and then use an empty tank as a mouth piece. could work till you get a replacement unless you have one already.