Drum PG maceration, forgotten over one year :)

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Nov 27, 2018
Hey guys and galls, had to share this with someone so here I am. I already introduced myself in the new memebers area, I hope this isn't against the rules.

Anyways, last year in July, I've topped the 30ml bottle full of Drum tobacco (it was one of mine favorite ryo's), in the second one some Vollaren, and in the third some Macbarren original...
Poured pg over them and left them in my garage... went on summer holiday, forgot about them, when I returned, for some reason my wife throw them in garbage, all but drum bottle. After two months I took it and filtered it through coffee filter and left it again.

When I was smoking, I had this thing with ryo and I didn't smoked a regular cigarette since 2000. Mostly smoked Drum, Macbarren halfzware, Samson, Van nel, Old Holborn... And many of the Balkan native varieties. After a while I've planted 250 plants in my backyard, Golden Virginia, Samsoun, Burley, and Adonis... It was a success and my wife and me had a tobacco reserve for one whole year, maybe more... And then we started vaping :) The tobacco went into barrels until today.

Present day
So, today I've found my bottle, one year and several months after... Very dark liquid. Maybe 15ml. It smelled very strong, not on Drum but it was in there somewhere, that scent... Took a large syringe, stuffed it with a lot of compressed cotton (didn't have anything better than that) and filtered the liquid three times until It was much brighter, almost yellow. And I've mixed it right away, at 15% (big mistake), 7.5mg/ml max VG.

The finished liquid, again, smelled not so great. Drum scent was there but in the distance.

Then, 1 ohm, siren v2, ss316l, 32mm, 12 wats... SHOCK!

People, maybe you know this, maybe others got the same results but the first inhale and exhale was EXACT SAME SMELL from the Drum pouch when you open it and stuff your nose in it. I was blown away. Really. It was something that I was always searching for when I was smoking, to have the exact smell of the non lit tobacco but when smoking. And I never had it. This one blown me away. I rushed down to my shed, opened the barrels of my tobaccos from 2012 , grabbed PG bottles, only two jars (it's winter here and it's pickling veggies season, and I was short on jars) and labels and instantly made Virginia and Burley.. And tomorrow I'm gone for some more jars :)

I've read a lot about the various processes of extracting flavor from this and that and after I inhaled my first "forgotten" NET, I had an eye opener regarding flavor of the tobacco. I'm putting aside "health" issues and not filtrating it properly etc, but I just had to share this with someone cause over time I've bumped into many people wanting to replicate that "smokey" plum/oak/fire/smoke scent from Drum and similar tobaccos. I just hope I could get the same "pouch opened" scent from Old Holborn and my own tobaccos :)

Btw, my Siren was holding Heisenberg in, I washed it, replaced the coil and all new setup but the flavor was still there, over the Drum flavor. And even with that setback, the Drum was fantastic. Now, for the bad part, 15% was waaaaay to much. I was leading myself with other people's NET percentage for mixing and this one can easily go 4 to 5%. Cause after five hours of vaping (I'm not a heavy vaper, 5 ml per day top) the flavor is even stronger and overwhelming to a point that I cannot vape it anymore. Will have to cut it in half. Here is the color of the diluted concentrate (vape ready).

In tank

In bottle


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2013
Sallisaw, Oklahoma USA
Congratulations and welcome to the world of DIY NET! :) Your initial reaction mirrors my own six years ago, NETs have been my all day vape ever since. There are hundreds of different tobaccos on the market and when extracted each provides a different flavor and experience. DIY NET -can- become a serious hobby if you're not really careful. ;)

I don't know what other flavors/juice you like but you can always mix some of your extract with other flavors/juice to add a genuine tobacco element, the only limit is your imagination. :thumb: Have fun and enjoy!
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Full Member
Nov 27, 2018
Thanks for the write up. Yeah, I'm really thrilled with this. After tons of various flavors and mixes, something simple as this can blast you away into something you couldn't get even with the proper tobacco :) I'm still trying to figure out all the "methods" of extraction and which is the fastest, the best flavor, the least "bad stuff" but at this point (not encouraging anyone, just expressing my own thoughts) I'm in the "measure tobacco/pour pg/forget/next jar" kinda mood. Several days ago I was nervous because I had/have six atties with different custom mixes, and none of those strikes me to the point of satisfaction. And its not a nic thing. Just, kinda low on overall pleasure. But this, today, this is truly revealing. Lol, several days ago, I had to pour gasoline into my car from a canister but with a hose and a free fall, so I had to suck it, excuse the language, to start pouring, and as I did that, a good chunk of gasoline flowed into my mouth, those who did that know the taste... speaking of bad things in organism. Again, I know there is much more in knowledge regarding net's but sometimes I just need a calm head and clear mind. And todays Drum concentrate gave that to me.
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Nov 27, 2018
Just a follow up, I've started the ethanol extraction yesterday and the day before, five batches, Wolarsen master blend, Stanwell Melange, Macbaren Original choice, Drum, and my own home grown mix. The first one I've started two days ago, homegrown, (I have tons of it so I can experiment without the "guilt" feeling if something goes wrong :) is my own mix of virginia and burley air cured, five years old... I had a small batch that didn't cured very well, it was drafty, chlorophyll spots etc... It has a distinctive hay/straw/yuck flavor when smoked. And almost no nicotine, it was a rainy season, very little sun, low on sugars etc. And I remember that flavor very well. I used to experiment with those leaves and fermentation to try and make a cigar tobacco, and did that very successfully. And will do it again, so I can macerate it. Anyways, accidentally I used that batch two days ago, hot bath, 70c 24 hours, freeze it till this morning, very, very little residue on the filter (coffee), almost nothing. Squeezed it several time through a syringe and cotton, again, dismissing the health/coil issue for these first several batches. Evaporated 200 ml to about 30ml and dropped a few drops directly on magma dripper... Man, the disgusting hay/straw/yuck flavor is there, molecule for molecule (in absence of better analogy), exact copy of the lit cig of that batch of the tobacco. I'm still smiling :) But the best part is that the there is kinda a specific roasted/nutty taste to it. It actually tastes better than it did in analogs. Gonna mix a bit with nic and vg to check the usable percentage in a mix, but this is really awesome. And ethanol is pretty cheap here, 4 euros per liter, so it's gonna be a blast of winter for me :) Only need to ventilate my house a bit more, it smells like a liquer store in here when entered from outside :) Anyways, will try and keep posting here just if anyone is interested in reading. I'm a flavor chaser and I remember every single flavor I used to smoke. I wasn't a heavy smoker so maybe that counts on me being able to taste every single nuance in this first batch. Every single awful nuance in this batch that make me so happy cause it's showing me that this kind of maceration is extracting the exact flavor. Or in my case the exact disgusting flavor this tobacco has :)
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Full Member
Nov 27, 2018
5% net at max vg, 5%dw, and 5mg/ml nicotine and it's totally acceptable knowing that it need to steep/age a bit, as is with most of tobacco flavors. I used to let store bought diy liquids steep around a month and vape them then. This is fresh so I presume after a month it will be much more potent. It's a mild cigarette taste, the hay/straw is gone :) Ok, Magma, being a good flavor dripper, stuffs everything in your face but I'm a happy camper at 5% flavor. Awesome. This is ridiculous in a good way :) Just need to work on my patience skills.

Left net, right vape ready liquid, made 5ml only

0.98 ss coil after one ml of liquid. Looking almost as new.
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