Eleaf Istick 60W / Protank2 / 2.5Ohm Coils / Nicotine Level?

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New Member
Apr 4, 2016
Hi Forum,

I have been vaping using the EVod kit for a while and then stopped unfortunately (due to lack of good liquids) and smoked analogs again for like a year.

Recently I had the idea to try again and this time I ordered an Eleaf Istick 60W kit with the Melo2.

With the Evod I used 18mg nicotine level liquids because I used to smoke 1-2 packages a day. I still have a lot of liquids left from back then.

However, now with the sub-ohm mod, I ordered 6mg liquids and it works perfectly with the Melo2 or a Kanger Subtank Mini. So much more vapor and flavour than before!

I have set it to ~15 watts on the Subtank Mini with a 0.5 ohm coil and to ~30 watts on the Melo2 with a 0.3 ohm coil.

I tried the Protank2 on the Istick with 2.5 ohm coils and it works. I had set it to 10-11 watts.

However, what nicotine level would I smoke in that configuration? Can I use the 18mg e-liquids I still have? Or would I use the same 6mg liquid that works so well when sub-ohming? Or would something in between like 12mg be the perfect level? Do the ohms of the coil decide which nicotine level I would need?

I hope I posted this in the right section of the forum.



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Apr 5, 2013
Generally, your body will tell you if the strength you're vaping is sufficient or too much. Sub ohm atomizers vaporize e-liquids more effeciently, so you'll most likely find that a lower nicotine content e-liquid will suffice.

What you can do to cut the nicotine strength down is order some of the same flavors that you already have, but in a 0 nicotine strength. Then mix the two together to arrive at the target strength that works for you.
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