Halo Mystic---New flavor

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Dec 10, 2010
Birmingham AL
Today, I got Halo Mystic. It is a new menthol flavor from Halo. Here is the description on the website:

Mystic offers a refreshing menthol blend with a delightfully light sweetness and mixed mint undertones. With no underlying tobacco taste and a robust menthol effect, Mystic is a great choice for those seeking a crisp-clean menthol flavor.

My bottle is 6mg, and I am vaping it at 3.7v on an atty.

The description is spot-on. Mystic is a blend of menthols. I am picking up peppermint, a tad of wintergreen and definite spearmint. It has plenty of flavor without being too strong. I can still taste the nice flavor after I exhale. And my nose feels cool. It has a stronger flavor than Trupure, but I think it is a bit less than Menthol Ice. But it is truly a delicious blend. As all of Halo's juices, there is plenty of vapor and a great throat hit.

Flavor 4.5
TH 5
Vapor 5

This is a great new flavor from Halo, and if you like menthols, I highly recommend Mystic. Halo has put out an impressive line of new flavors this summer. Mystic is a nice addition to the best menthol juices that any vendor puts out.

:thumbs: Halo and :toast: folks!!


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Sep 26, 2009
Midwest , USA
After trying the Mystic for a bit I have to agree with your review. It's spot on. It's difficult to detect if it's a peppermint or spearmint flavor coming through but it's definatley a good vape and the mint/menthol doesn't smack you as hard as the Kringle's Curse.

One thing I would advise is not using this as a stealth vape. My experience is the vape on exhale smells awefully similar to an analog. This really a concern for me but my wife actually accused me of smoking an analog in our house. If you're not trying to be discreet about your vape and you like menthol this stuff is awesome.


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Dec 10, 2010
Birmingham AL
Yesterday & today, I have been vaping Mystic some more after giving it some steeping time.
It is a delicious vape. It will be apart of my line-up. I like it as much as Menthol Ice as a change-up from my Truepure.

And you're right; it does remind me of a cigarette. I had not thought about it, because it has been so long, but it really does. Today, I have been mixing it with a little Turkish---Nice mix.


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Aug 5, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
Spot on review. Menthol not overpowering, just a clean, smooth, rich, delicious minty vape right out of the bottle. Definitively a must try for anyone with a sweet tooth for a well-balanced blend of minty menthol. I added 1-2 drops of menthol drop to give it a stronger menthol kick and it's like vaping a piece of heaven. Yes! It's THAT good! Having Halo Mystic as one of the ejuices when I first started vaping back in August really helped me ease the transition from analogues to ecigs. Awesome stuff, Halo! Mystic ROCKS! :toast:
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