Hoping somone can help authenticate a black hawk panzer

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Boujee vaper

New Member
Nov 23, 2017
Hey so I work at a shop in Canada and I guy recently came in, a customer who dosent reall know to much about vaping came in with a small box of mech mods.. he told me that he had a friend that gave him all these old mech mods and his friend told him there where alot of expensive mechs in there but he got out of vaping years ago so if he can use them use them. He also told me his friend has money and tends to get into stuff buy alot of expensive things then never touch it again.. haha we all have a friend or 2 like that. But to the point so I ended up being really surprised with what he had he had a bunch of old nemesis mech mods some in the 1200 - 4000 range a couple rj mechs a vishious ant tank and a friken black hawk panzer!!! So I got the black hawk off him Evan tho it's kinda a ....ty mech terrible voltage drop I have wanted one of these since I got into vaping.. now I'm pretty sure its authentic but from what I've been reading it might not be. First of the threads are upon some of the smoothest threads I have ever felt on a mech and that says something considering it has been sitting in a box for 2 years. Now where I worry is the contacts every where says authentic have copper contacts and mine seem to be brass. I know it's very hard to authenticate one of these but any help is appreciated btw it's serial # 459 so deff in authentic production range
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