Janty Yentl KISS box Extended 1 Month Review

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ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
I know what you must be thinking, "Kissbox yentl, that **** is like a year old now!" and you're right. Since i first started e-smoking i have fancied getting a Janty Yentl. Something about this device really caught my eye and i've always really wanted one in spite of luke-warm reviews.

I figured, since this is my first device from janty and i never got a solid review of the KISS box yentl (it seems most people were so enthralled with their kissbox classic they overlooked the yentl quite a bit) that i'd do an extended review of it for anyone interested in a mini of this type.

So, seeing they were only about 50 bucks on jantyusa, i figured i'd pick one up.

The website is easy to use. I asked a question to jeff prior to ordering and i received a pretty quick and accurate response. Jeff seems like a really cool guy and gave a good first impression.
With 12US shipping and 6US paypal fees, and after i ordered another 2 bottles of juice and a few cartridges, my order total came up to about 98 dollars. I can understand the 12US shipping, but the 6US paypal fees (even with the extra carts jeff gives) are somewhat exhorbitant. Jeff made up for this though.

I ordered my Yentl on monday of this week. I think i should note that it is christmas week right now, christmas was on thursday and is possibly the biggest shipping holiday of the year in the United States.
So i ordered on monday before christmas, and received my unit saturday after christmas. In my opinion this is due to jeffs superior shipping practices and dedication to his business. Another few points for jeff, absolutely outstanding.

In my delivery i received an extra battery and an extra atomizer, courtesy of jeff. He sent me cigar cartridges instead of heavy shag, but everything else was spot on AND i received what basically amounts to an extra machine.

Here is what came in the box for the yentl:
2 Pressure switch batteries
1 manual battery
1 charger
2 yentl atomizers
5 carts

So, all told, i got my 100 dollars worth. Thanks again, Jeff.

The Janty KISS box Yentl is about the same size as a 901, slightly thicker. The battery has the look of really nice consumer electronics, they are all matte black and feel solid. The yentl weighs slightly less than a 901, and it does not have the "mouthpiece tip" on the cartridge like a 901 cartridge.
I have noticed that the foam inside janty cartridges is different and more robust than generic carts. There were several times i heard the atomizer bubbling and thought for sure the cartridge fiber to be damaged, but then looked inside and was surprised to find that it looks like new.

About me:
I have been e-smoking for about a month now, and have used the njoy NPRO device, and several different DSE-901 models. I have an external battery for my dse-901 that i use almost all the time, so i am used to pretty good performance from the 901, thick intense vapor.

Device Performance
I'm extremely happy to say that the Yentl outperforms the DSE901, even with an external battery, by a mile. You do get what you pay for and i will probably purchase a second yentl set from jeff. I am not sure if they plan to discontinue the yentl after this batch or not but let me say that this device gives the smoothest and most voluminous smoke i've gotta from a device.
I have only two issues with the yentl:
One is cartridge design. This type of cartridge will get liquid in your mouth if you don't use a syringe to fill it. Also jeff sent me orange cartridges instead of black, something i hope i can clear up when ordering extra carts for the yentl. I only want black ones.
The second, and this may only be an issue with one battery (not much of an issue because the battery still works really well) is that i can't seem to reach the cutoff on the battery. What i mean is, the battery won't stay all the way activated long enough to give me the cutoff, it flickers just a little and won't stay completely on, but still gives off huge plumes of delicious, smooth vapor anyways.

The throat hit on this device i would give a 4/5. You still get just as much nicotine but the smoke is not harsh or hot like on the new 901's. It's thick vapor, quite flavorful, but the throat hit is not nearly as harsh. I actually like this about the yentl, but a lot of people might not.

So anyways, as you can see this is an extended review. In the future i will be reviewing jeffs replacement services and any technical issues or performance dips i might have with the device. It's always been my opinion that a review that you do the first day you have a device isn't a completely review, and you really need a 1 week, 2 week, 3 week, and one month checkup, so that's what i'm going to do.
I would give this device leaford ratings, but honestly i don't feel i am experienced enough, with enough different e-cigs, to give leaford ratings.

As it stands i like this device better than the dse-901. I have yet to see if it's more reliable, but time will tell.

Thanks for reading, i will be updating this thread in a few days and let everyone know about battery life, charge times, and if the atomizer clogs. I'm still currently burning the primer off one of the atomizers.

Also i'll comment on the janty flavors i bought, ry4 and coffee.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Just finished charging the manual battery for 16 hours. It's broken. The switch doesn't work. Charging the white automatic.

edit: sent a service request to jeff and received a response within four hours. A new manual battery is, apparently, on the way asap (tomorrow i guess). Will update with further developments.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Ok, so this is day 2 or 3 of the 1 month yentl review.
I've now got my 2 remaining pressure switch batteries charged and in rotation and i'm using the yentl as my daily smoker.

The problem i had where i could not reach the cutoff (slight battery flicker instead) has dissipated on the white battery. It just needed to be broken in a little better.

Now that the thing works as intended, it's absolutely awesome! I love this device and if it continues to work i intend to buy another set. The smoke is just delicious and more consistent than a 901. The pressure switch is VERY SENSITIVE. I was talking to a girl at a club and loud music was playing, a minute later she goes "What's that glowing in your pocket!" and i immediately felt something extremely HOT on my thigh and jumped. The switch on my battery had engaged inside my pocket because of the pressure change caused by loud, bassy music!

Real sly, i reached in my pocket and unscrewed the atomizer from the battery, and replied, "I'm just really happy to see you."

Anyways, a couple other things i'd like to comment on:
-The atomizer on the yentl is perfect for dripping because it actually sticks out of the machine. This also makes it so you never get juice on your fingers when replacing your cartridge (something that happens EVERY SINGLE TIME on my 901).
-Janty juice is really good, but suspiciously similar to a certain other US distributors juices. And by suspiciously similar i mean obviously identical.
-Jeff is a great guy and i won't hesitate to buy from him. He does honor his guarantee (so far).
-I am, overall, very happy with the purchase. I'm sad that my manual battery did not work, but i would say out of 5 happiness points, i am 4.5 points worth of happy with the device right now.

Smokes great. Hope it lasts.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Well Ezandria, from what i understand, if you have the money then it's usually a good investment. Even if it doesn't work straight out of the box, jeff at jantyusa.com will be glad to send out replacement parts for up to 6 months. Actually right now it says on jantyusa that jeff will be on vacation until jan 4, but i e-mailed him about a broken part and he's already replied.

The big choice you have to make at this point is to buy a KISS box now, or wait for the Janty Dura. The Janty Dura will have several really interesting features. I am wary about the Yentl still, because i'm worried about how dependable the device will be. It smokes great, i just wonder about longevity/if i should keep a backup device warm.

You might consider the kissbox classic, or if you want a mini the intellicig evolution is, apparently, a nice piece of kit. I can recommend the Yentl if you have another device and the money to spare, because the Yentl smokes great. The vapor is a different consistency than any e-cig i've tasted and i think this is why people are so quick to forgive Janty for sending out a faulty product sometimes; because when you get a good product it's really good. Just be prepared to send it back if you have to. They want to sell you a good e-cig and get a good review and repeat business, not sell you a crappy e-cig and have you talk smack and never buy anything from them again.

Bottom line; it's worth the money imo.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
The black pressure switch battery has now lasted well over 5 hours on it's way to six. I've been dripping a lot over the last several hours.
Dripping is particularly nice on the Yentl because of the way the atomizer is constructed. Two drops is about ideal, you can actually watch it sink into the steel wool on the atomizer like it would on a cartridge.
I don't like carts on the yentl, it makes the draw harder and there's not as much cracklin'. I like the cracklin' of the atomizer. That means it's working.

I'm trying to get this coffee juice to grow on me but i was expecting a creamy coffee and it's more like a sweet black coffee. It's good but i'm not sure i want to smoke all of it.

At this point the only thing i could want more is a usb battery or external battery pack, then it would be just perfect. Really digging the vapor for the time being, though.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Really strange behavior:
I have two suck batteries that work, one white and one black
I have two atomizers, atomizers 1 and 2, i know them apart because atomizer 2 has a harder draw. Seems like some juice might be stuck in it. I thought it was dead but i've now smoked out some of the juice stuck inside and it crackles like atomizer 1 does.

Atomizer 1 works perfectly with the white battery. With the black battery the end lights up, but no smoke comes out and the atomizer doesn't crackle.

Atomizer two works with both batteries, but when i have the white battery on i want to use atomizer one because it has a lighter draw. Both atomizers shoot out loads of pristine vapor and honestly the draw on atomizer 2 isn't even as hard as a 901.

It works but... i've never experienced this kind of thing with electronics before. Computers do this kind of weird stuff sometimes but i didn't think an e-cig would. I'm starting to think that some of the parts are machined incorrectly by just a fraction of an inch, and that makes them malfunction in this weird way and it's not a problem with wiring/soldering or the microchip/switch or even a buildup of juice somewhere in the atomizer or battery as most would assume.

I'll say this though, when i'm smoking it, it's worth changing atomizers. Smokes better than an analog cig.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2008
London, UK
I've had a KB Yentl since June and I agree with your assessment. I don't use it an awful lot because of the battery life and cart size, but it's a really great smoke and Janty's flavours are superb in it.

It's too expensive to be a road model (requires eight batteries and four chargers in my world) but it's never disappointed me.


EDIT: Just remembered I had a couple of problems with ats and batts at the start. Warranty exchanges sorted that out.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Actually, i am only smoking it so hard to break in the batteries that work and figure out what's right/wrong with it. After another week or two, once i've got parts sorted for the yentl i am going to buy a penstyle with usb passthrough and a battery pack and that will probably become my main device.
I kind of look at it like, well when i want to look cool at a bar (like i'm smoking a really neato cigarette), i'll smoke the yentl. Otherwise i'll smoke the pen style.

I'd get a kissbox classic if i could afford it, but i'll probably end up buying a 4 hole generic.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Beating a dead horse:

It still works and it still shoots out awesome clouds of vapor. A little bit of inconsistency with charging the batteries but, overall, very pleased with this being my MAIN e-cig that i smoke ALL the time.
I've got an intellicig evo on order and i am looking forward to comparing the two. My guess is the EVO will be more dependable/have better batteries, but the Yentl produces better vapor.
I also have an 801 penstyle w/ usb passthrough on the way (my grandma bought it for me, just told me yesterday). I'll compare all three and a dse901 when i get them!

I wish i had a video camera.
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