FDA New CDC ad falsely attributes lung disease to vaping,CDC to hold press conference today

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
CDC is holding a press conference today to unveil a new ad that falsely insinuates vaping caused a woman's lung disease.

Below are CDC's media advisory sent on Tuesday (announcing today's press conference), my 4/10/14 ECF posting predicting this would occur when CDC began soliciting sick vapers for ads, and Tripp Mickle's article in today's Wall St. Journal (which violated the CDC embargo, but will draw even more news media to the press conference).

This is being posted in the FDA thread because the CDC ad(s) are lobbying for FDA's proposed deeming regulation (that would ban >99% of all vapor products).


Mar 24, 2015 10:23:34 AM, cdc@service.govdelivery.com wrote:
Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Contact: CDC Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

CDC launches powerful new ads in “Tips From Former Smokers” campaign

WHAT: CDC will host a media briefing to reveal its next installment of the successful Tips From Former Smokers campaign, featuring former smokers who suffer from smoking-related illnesses, including vision loss and colorectal cancer. Ads also highlight the benefits of quitting for loved ones and the importance of quitting cigarettes completely, not just cutting down. The Tips national tobacco education campaign first launched in March 2012 and has since helped prompt millions of smokers to try to quit.

WHO: CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H.
Tim McAfee, M.D., M.P.H., senior medical officer, CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health

Tips From Former Smokers campaign ad participants

WHEN: Thursday, March 26, 2015, at 12:35 p.m. (ET)
Content embargoed until 12:01 a.m. ET, March 26, 2015

WHERE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Tom Harkin Global Communications Center (Building 19), Press Room
1600 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30329

Reporters who wish to attend the media briefing in person should RSVP no later than 9:00 a.m. (ET), Thursday, March 26. Please contact CDC’s press office at media@cdc.gov or 404-639-3286 to RSVP. Reporters who RSVP will be guaranteed access.

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Date: Thursday, March 26, 2015
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A transcript of this media availability will be available following the briefing at CDC’s web site: Moved: CDC Media Relations - Home.

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“I can already see a future TV ad sponsored by CDC (and paid for by US taxpayers) featuring someone who used e-cigs (while still smoking) and who was later diagnosed with a disease to falsely insinuate that vaping caused the disease.” Bill Godshall 4/10/14

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The Wall Street Journal
U.S. Ad Campaign to Challenge Value of E-Cigarettes in Quitting Smoking
Officials say they are taking aim at vaping because the majority of users aren’t giving up smoking
Updated March 26, 2015 12:16 a.m. ET
U.S. Ad Campaign to Challenge Value of E-Cigarettes in Quitting Smoking - WSJ

The U.S. government for the first time is taking aim at electronic cigarettes in an advertising campaign, challenging their use as a tool to quit smoking.
Print and radio ads starting Monday target e-cigarette users who continue to smoke traditional cigarettes. They depict an e-cigarette user named Kristy alongside a caption that reads: “I started using e-cigarettes but kept smoking. Right up until my lung collapsed.”
The ads are part of the “Tips From Former Smokers” campaign launched in 2012 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to highlight the dangers of tobacco. Other ads in this year’s $50 million, 20-week campaign, which includes television spots, continue to focus on traditional cigarettes.
The antismoking campaign has been expanded to include e-cigarettes because the majority of users aren’t giving up smoking, said Tim McAfee, senior medical officer at the CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health. “Our core message is cutting down is not sufficient,” he added.
The CDC pointed to a 2014 study in peer-reviewed Nicotine & Tobacco Research estimating that three of four people who use e-cigarettes continue to smoke traditional cigarettes. E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that heat nicotine-laced liquid into vapor.
California’s state government launched a more direct, $7 million media campaign against e-cigarettes last Friday. The TV, digital and outdoor ads deride e-cigarettes as “brought to you by the people who brought you lung cancer” and come two months after state health officials declared e-cigarettes a health risk.
E-cigarette backers dismissed efforts to malign “vaping,” saying the ads will discourage people from giving up smoking or encourage them to do their own research into e-cigarettes.
“The anti-side has been spewing crap like this constantly, but we continue to grow,” said Jason Healy, president and founder of Blu, a large e-cigarette brand owned by Lorillard Inc., maker of Newport smokes. “People know the truth about e-cigarettes,” he added.
The ad campaigns are the latest in a series of hurdles for the largely unregulated and fast-growing e-cigarette industry. E-cigarettes, which first hit the market about eight years ago, have swelled into a $2.5 billion industry at retail in the U.S. and are projected to surpass $3.5 billion this year, according to Wells Fargo.
Last April, the Food and Drug Administration issued preliminary rules that would prohibit sales to minors and require e-cigarette makers to submit products for approval. It expects to publish a final rule in June. States have proposed more than 60 bills this year aimed at reining in the industry.
E-cigarettes are widely viewed as far less harmful than traditional cigarettes, which release more than 60 carcinogens through combustion. But many questions remain about the long-term health impact of e-cigarettes, and recent studies found the devices can release the carcinogen formaldehyde.
Their effectiveness as a smoking cessation tool is also debated. A 2013 study in the Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal, determined e-cigarettes were “modestly effective at helping smokers quit” in the same way as nicotine patches.
Dr. McAfee at the CDC said that if e-cigarette makers want to promote their products as smoking-cessation tools, they should apply to be classified as nicotine-replacement-therapy devices like patches, gums and lozenges. Such a classification typically requires years of clinical trials.
“There are hundreds of manufacturers and not a single one has chosen to go down this pathway,” said Dr. McAfee.
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
The first reporter's question called CDC on their ad demonizing e-cigs, and McAfee's response basically acknowledged the ad misrepresented the health risks of e-cigs. Then McAfee and Frieden refused to answer a follow-up question from the same reporter.

That episode could help turn the tide against CDC's trashing e-cigs, as other reporters should pick up on McAfee's pathetic response regarding the e-cig ad.

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
The article by BloombergBusiness (owned by former NYC mayor and vaping prohibitionist Michael Bloomberg) falsely framed the vaping issue as Big Tobacco vs the CDC, health groups and baby doctors
The CDC's Anti-Smoking Ads Now Include E-Cigarettes - Bloomberg Business

To defend e-cigs, the reporter interviewed folks from Reynolds and Altria, and said Lorillard didn't return his calls.

To defend CDC, the article quoted Big Pharma shills at CTFK and ALA, and cited an anti e-cig ad study published in Big Pharma funded Pediatrics (but never mentioned that any of them were funded by Big Pharma to lie about e-cigs).

Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Today's CDC press release announcing the anti e-cig ad
Powerful new “Tips From Former Smokers” ads focus on living with vision loss and colorectal cancer | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

CDC ad with Kristy demonizing e-cigs

CDC: Kristy’s Story
Kristy's Story | Real Stories | Tips From Former Smokers | CDC

Although the CDC released more than a dozen new ads today, only one of the ads cited e-cigs.
But of course, that is the one ad CDC gave to news reporters prior to today's press conference, was featured at today's CDC press conference, and was cited in today's CDC press release.

CDC's press advisory said
A transcript of this media availability will be available following the briefing at CDC’s web site: Moved: CDC Media Relations - Home.
But It hasn't been posted yet.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014
I've wondered out loud where are the reports of doctors treating illnesses caused by using e-cigs. I'm interested in whatever might come up. Avoiding harm is rational. Given the lack of reports may be researchers need to follow some people who vape but never smoked. That might be a hard group to assemble since there don't seem to be many.

Alexander Mundy

Ribbon Twister
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 1, 2013
Springfield, MO
OMG, how does this -> "By age 33, Kristy, a mother from Tennessee, had already been a heavy smoker for 20 years. She was determined to quit smoking to protect her family and get rid of her deep smoker's cough. Kristy decided to try electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes).

Although she cut back on regular cigarettes, Kristy did not quit smoking regular cigarettes completely, which is the best way to protect your health. "I tried e-cigarettes, but I just ended up using both the electronic kind and my regular brand," she said. Eventually, Kristy quit e-cigarettes and went back to just smoking cigarettes. A few months later Kristy's right lung collapsed."

Turn into this ->


"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

Adolf Hitler

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nomore stinkies

Gee, Who did that?
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
ACSH: The CDC in cahoots with the CA “health” dept ramps up its anti-e-cig propaganda
The CDC in cahoots with the CA

The article shows the CDC;s ad offering $2,500 to sick vapers to star in a CDC ad at
that was discussed on ECF at the time.

Will they pay $2500 for a "better off" vaper?
This is my health story. I was diagnosed with COPD ten years before I quit. When I quit 15 months ago I repeated my PFT 3 months after I quit and it actually improved and was taken off my rescue inhaler. Along with the PFT, I did a 6 minute walk test and my 02 stayed at 96. On my previous walk test I walked 3 minutes and my 02 dropped to 89 and they put me on supplemental oxygen. I am on Spiriva once a day. The sad part about COPD is that all long term smokers will eventually have some form of COPD. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema and maybe asthma. I have chronic bronchitis and extrinsic asthma. I was diagnosed early because I work in the medical field and knew my symptoms were due to smoking. I have seen this disease ravage people. Yet I couldn't quit. Then came the new and improved tanks etc.

My COPD is here to stay but vaping hasn't made it worse as proof by my tests. Due for another in a few months.

When I first started I used PG/VG mix from not so reputable companies and I had an exacerbation 2 months into vaping. I read a lot of articles regarding the PG/VG mixes and I switched to 100% VG and haven't had an exacerbation in over a year. I can't remember when I felt this good. I now use an American company who is accredited by AESMA.

Some people are medically naïve regarding their health. I guarantee she had a pre-existing condition or a sensitivity to VG or PG. This incident shouldn't be the poster child for anti-vaping propaganda. There are a lot of things that can irritate our lungs and COPD doesn't occur overnight. I am so sick of this. Thanks for keeping us informed.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
Your story, Nomore Stinkies, should be sent to the head of CDC! Signed, return receipt requested because we want to be sure he got it. Over a yr. ago, met a young woman at a Knoxville vape meet who also had had a collapsed lung. Was not this woman. The woman I met went on vaping and felt far better for it. :)

Because of your medical background and where you work, how have your associates received your experience with vaping? I ask because my oldest dau. is also a nurse in Fairbanks, AK. Her response to my vaping when I surprised her with it on one visit was estatic. After we danced around a bit at 5:30 a.m. before she set off for work, she asked me all about it. Took the info off to the hospital with her and shared. Apparently vaping is not well received there, but they do hand out inhalers. :facepalm:


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Doctors are educated individuals. They know better. The goal is to eradicate anything that produces sidestream components. I vote for bans on public use of popcorn in microwaves. I don't know what's in it (does that sound familiar?).

So, how do we get government to accept the many studies on the contents of ecig vapor? The unbiased testing I've read about says that it's no worse than going outside an breathing the air in most any city.

"We don't know what's in it" is just an excuse to ignore the test results.
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