New In Town... Simply saying hola... and looking for good tasting e juice

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Sep 27, 2018
"Hello, everybody"
"Hello, DanDanDan!"
"Well I just joined the forum (first forum ever by the way). I've been vaping for a few months, and, I'm getting beyond frustrated with e juices that taste nothing like its stated flavor profile. Beginning to wonder if there is some sort of mass delusion or sleight of hand at play in good ol' Los Angeles. I like candy flavors. I've spent upwards of $120 on trying to find a cotton candy flavor that actually had even a hint of sweetness in the flavor. Nothing. I've finally gave up a now use "Bubble Purp," as my ADV. I have no problem putting companies on blast. I will likely get into DIY soon. But, I gotta think that if in a pinch there are some companies out there making juice that actually tastes good?"
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Sep 12, 2010
The delusion sadly is in the nature of juice. The issue is ejuice needs to use oil free generally artificial flavoring. There appear to be two camps as to whether “natural” flavorings have any benefit what so ever other than costing a great deal more. The science backed one is that there is zero real difference between a natural flavor and an artificial one chemically.
That said the issue is artificial flavors. You can’t put a real strawberry in vape juice. Artificial flavors taste different to different people. I personally don’t pay a lot of attention to flavor profiles as they are at best general. Vape what you like, and don’t expect miracles from flavorings.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
I've been vaping for a few months,
Welcome and glad you joined.
Congratulations, you have just scratch the surface of the positives of vaping. Hang in there, there are many flavors out there with your name on them, with a little experience, you will find them.
Some B&M Vape shops will let you taste some of their juices (small fee). Could call around before you visit.
I will likely get into DIY soon.
Might like to read:
Need help in DIY my eliquid


Super Member
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Jun 25, 2018
Hello and welcome to ecf.

Juice flavours is a very subjective topic. Horses for courses. It took me awhile to find the flavours that I love. I tried so many, thank god I found some that really appeals to me. Sure it costed me a bit of $$$ from trying so many flavours. But that's the nature of the beast I guess... Good luck on your quest, and welcome to the hobby.


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I probably can't offer much helpful advice. I've been vaping for nearly 7 years and I am always on the lookout for good tasting flavor from e-juice. It's a challenge.

A lot of factors go into tasting flavor. Having only been vaping for a few months, your taste buds are probably still in a healing phase from years of smoking. (Ever heard of vapers tongue?) I suggest that you exhale some of your vapor through your nose, because our sense of smell contributes heavily to our sense of taste.

Different juice attachments (clearomizers, RDA's, RDA's) and different coils make vapor a little bit differently. You'll probably find that a flavor tastes great in one tank and not so great in another type of tank.

Different wattage settings can have a huge effect on taste. Fruit flavors are generally best at lower wattages, while tobacco, desert or coffee flavors may be better at higher wattages. Some folks prefer a cooler vape, others a warmer vape.

And then there is the "taste is subjective" issue. What one person likes, another person doesn't. That's why "flavor reviews" are pretty much useless.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2015
The perfect vape juice, like the unicorn and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, to me just doesn't exist. I diy my juice(experiment) to find what I like, flavor profiles just give me hints. I do like mixing and trying different flavors, some are good, some not so good. Part of the fun is trying different recipes.
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Full Member
Sep 27, 2018
The delusion sadly is in the nature of juice. The issue is ejuice needs to use oil free generally artificial flavoring. There appear to be two camps as to whether “natural” flavorings have any benefit what so ever other than costing a great deal more. The science backed one is that there is zero real difference between a natural flavor and an artificial one chemically.
That said the issue is artificial flavors. You can’t put a real strawberry in vape juice. Artificial flavors taste different to different people. I personally don’t pay a lot of attention to flavor profiles as they are at best general. Vape what you like, and don’t expect miracles from flavorings.

Thank you for offering your insights. It's good information to know. Are you mainly a DIY? What was a store-bought e juices that you remember fondly?
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ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
I DIY but I also buy one-shot concentrates (for more DIY) of the things I know I like.
A lot of 'good' liquid' is not that good to start with, it depends how cynical the people who sell it are. I occasionally venture onto websites where juices are reviewed by real vapers (as opposed to fake reviews by self-promoting brands, the ones that usually sell re-branded hardware and liquid) and have often got some good leads that way.
Also, I can smell the BS from 3,500 miles away when the usual suspects are cited as 'the best liquid' because nobody vapes that stuff... it's for newbies who are impressed by formulations made in area 51 by green aliens. Of course, some of the biggest names in vaping (that I wouldn't go near with a large stick) are happy to buy in juice from China and give the impression it's made in Wisconsin by the best chemical chefs in the world, who are suspiciously all relocated from Miami Lakes and flunked college.


Anyway... talking of good juice... I need to sell my kidney on ebay and order from Juul. :D


14 years and counting
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  • Jan 1, 2010
    Welcome. DIY is much cheaper, especially for people like me who are very picky about flavors. I have bought hundreds of bottles of pre made and only liked about 10 of them. I did eventually find one that I never get tired of. Most of my orders of pre made are from Vapewild as they are reasonably priced, have great CS and always put several freebies in the order. That way I can try different ones without spending money.


    Full Member
    Sep 27, 2018
    I DIY but I also buy one-shot concentrates (for more DIY) of the things I know I like.
    A lot of 'good' liquid' is not that good to start with, it depends how cynical the people who sell it are. I occasionally venture onto websites where juices are reviewed by real vapers (as opposed to fake reviews by self-promoting brands, the ones that usually sell re-branded hardware and liquid) and have often got some good leads that way.
    Also, I can smell the BS from 3,500 miles away when the usual suspects are cited as 'the best liquid' because nobody vapes that stuff... it's for newbies who are impressed by formulations made in area 51 by green aliens. Of course, some of the biggest names in vaping (that I wouldn't go near with a large stick) are happy to buy in juice from China and give the impression it's made in Wisconsin by the best chemical chefs in the world, who are suspiciously all relocated from Miami Lakes and flunked college.


    Anyway... talking of good juice... I need to sell my kidney on ebay and order from Juul. :D

    I like your response. I learned the hard... in my opinion most y__tube reviewers have no idea what it means to lend support and recommend a product. A person's word should mean something.
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