Newbie ?

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New Member
Dec 5, 2009
Hi folks!

Just came across the forum a few days ago and have spent WAAAY too much time on here trying to get up to speed on ecigs! Great forum and just wanted to say that the contributors did a fabulous job with details, videos the whole lot! Thanks, really appreciate it.

Lookin' to take the plunge, but honestly every site I've gone to has been "Out" of what I wanted! (Arrrg!)

Anyway, since you folks have been around the subject far longer than I, thought I'd ask your advise as a recommendation as to starter kit and store (if you can...not sure of the rules and don't want to step on anyone's toes.)

I smoke cigars...thin ones, but I inhale. 3-4 drags, then put it down. Could be every 1/2 hour, every 5 hours, depending what I'm doing.

I was thinking of ecigar, or possibly 901.

From what I've read, manual is usually better than automatic.

Thinking about 18 (mg ?) as nic strength. (I'd like to taper off and EVENTUALLY quit but "real world" right now, that's what I thought would be the place to start.)

I'd REALLY prefer w/o ppg, but that seems to be shooting for the stars with everything else taken into account.

I realize the entire litany of disclaimers, mileage may vary, etc. I undersand that and that's fine. Just looking to get as close to target as possible to start and go from there.

Also, as I mentioned, went to some of the sites commonly mentioned here trying to get ecigar kit and no luck...out of stock. Not such what the inventory cycle is so not sure how to deal with that. Just like to order to get it going. Any ideas/suggestions along these lines would be much appreciated as well.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Not everyone who tries our practice is smitten with e-smoking. If you could give it a try before sinking serious money into it, wouldn't that be nice? Well you can, by ordering a disposable.

I love e-cigars. My initial purchase in January 2008 was an e-pipe, followed two months later by an e-cigar. Today, Janty, Gamucci and others offer disposable e-cigars that should last you a week or more at your rate of use, and cost $15-$20.

If you love the experience, move on to units with rechargeable batteries and replaceable atomizers and cartridges. Good luck on transitioning to vaping.
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