Overdose symptoms

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2008
Hi, I am wondering if I should order the medium e-liquid. I am currently using the high and my symptoms are:

- Aching around the eyes, mostly in the morning, as if I had binged the night before and smoked a lot of cigarettes.
-I tend to sleep more and sometimes have a slight headache.
-I also am more thirsty and drink more water than usual.

I'm not sure if these symptoms are due to too much nicotine or just using an e-cig. But it all started since I began using the e-cig. Anybody else have similar experiences? Thanks


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2008
Arizona USA
Did you stop smoking regular ciggs all together and just use the e-cig? Are you dripping e-liquid or just using the high density cartridge that comes in the 5-pack?? I do not have any symptoms like that at all, but I've only been puffin here and there on my new ecig from njoy for close to a week, and it comes with different density's in the starter kit.. haven't really stuck with one density as of yet.. I'll most likely use mediums. Let us know if you figure out whats causing your symptoms and hope they go away soon.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2008
I've been dripping using the high density e-liquid from e-cig. I also have kept smoking real cigarettes. I have cut down from about 30 cigarettes a day to about 15 a day.I "e-smoke" the ret of the time. I think that it's very easy to keep on puffing because the e-cig is always "on" and available. So I think it's the high e-liquid that is too much. I will order the medium and see if it makes a difference. Once my Njoy arrives I hope to quit cigarettes altogether. I am a big smoker, but I think the high density is still too much. It is an adaptation to put it down or ".... out" like a real cigarette. Thanks


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
My bet is that it's the combination of real cigarettes and the extra nicotine from your new e-cig.

You're very much still a smoker at 15 cigs a day. Anything above 5 and you're hooked on tobacco smoke. I'm on day 284 without a cigarette and it's still the first thing I want when I wake up and a constant nag almost every minute of the day.

I overdose almost daily because I use far more than the e-cig. The biggest nic hit I've ever had comes from Wise 6mg snus. Those are little pouches you stick in your mouth. I use those sometimes with my e-cigar and the combination can almost knock me out. I reel and have to lie down. I'm trying to find the correct balance so I stop wanting real cigarettes so badly -- but I haven't found it yet.

I use only the 24mg high nicotine e-liquid from e-cig. I have the cigar and e-pipe (plus I smoke about 4 pipefuls of real tobacco each day). Mostly, I don't feel anything from the e-smoking. Yes, that bothers me. It isn't at all like real smoking, as you'll quickly learn. And the nicotine overdose does creep up on you. A cigarette delivers its dose and you put it out and move on. An e-cig just keeps on giving.

I started with "mediuim" nicotine and got nothing at all from it. Moved to high, then to extra high. As best I can figure from information we have, I'm getting about as much nicotine from each puff now as I would from one puff of a real cigarette. That's my hope. I can now time my e-smoking and avoid overdose.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2008
Arizona USA
Wow, tropicalbob... lol don't mean to laugh.. your comment of "I overdose almost daily because I use far more than the e-cig. The biggest nic hit I've ever had comes from Wise 6mg snus. Those are little pouches you stick in your mouth. I use those sometimes with my e-cigar and the combination can almost knock me out. I reel and have to lie down. I'm trying to find the correct balance so I stop wanting real cigarettes so badly -- but I haven't found it yet." cracks me up.

I usually smoke about 30-40 ciggs a day... but since this last week of receiving and using my first E-cig I'm down to about 10-15 ciggs a day, but like what accordeur wrote "I think that it's very easy to keep on puffing because the e-cig is always "on" and available." I myself cannot put it down. The E-cig to me is more soothing and less harsh, thinking I like it more.. but I'm not getting the full satisfaction so I tend to want and light up a real cigg eventually. I get this weird feeling of being out there in a daze afterwards staring into space.. probly overdosing LOL. Not sure if the E-cig is a blessing in disguise or a demon awakening. Only time will tell.... I do enjoy my Njoy at this time though.. I've also put in 5 orders for the smaller mini ciggs along with 300 refills from a company in china. Hope they're not knock offs, but after reading thru the forums its possible. Oh wells.. I'll find out soon enough when they arrive.

This forum is awesome.. I just kick back reading thru and puff away on my e-cig until I'm :mrgreen: Life is grand !!!!


New Member
Aug 11, 2008

I've been reading this forum for a while now and at the same time ordering and trying different devices (I do live in China, so I have access to many cheap products first hand and with next to zero cost for shipping). My last choice as been the Janty Kissboxe and so far I am very pleased with it. Lots of vapors, nice taste for their selection, USB addict mode, etc.

I'd like to share my experience so far, and this actually relates to symptoms and nicotine intake on a daily basis.

I am a 2 pack a day smoker, light cigarettes (i.e Malboro light or Mild Seven, Japanese Cigarettes at 0.8 mg). When I first started e-smoking, I think I was overdosing on a daily basis, mainly because I was blindly following the advice on the forum (silly me I know) about concept such as: 15 puffs = one cig, or all the others esoteric calculations. I almost gave up on e-smoking because of that, I was getting high pressure and sweaty hands, palpitation, etc.

My conclusion is that not a single juice is reacting the same way. I think that the percentage of PG and nicotine plays a big role into that. What I mean is that, a 16 MG with a high dosage of PG will drastically increase the percentage of Nicotine you inhale on each puff. And a lower recipee will make you feel like you are breathing air.

The one thing that I can clearly identify now is that we cannot e-smoke the same way as we normally smoke a cigarette. My latest finding puts me at about 3-4 puffs for the equivalent of a real ..., for a 16mg cart (Malboro flavour, Janty). If I go over this, I will OD, and this is constant, but does not last long. It clearly shows me that the intake is far beyond the normal one from a normal cigarette. it's more pure I guess, as stated on other posts. The nicotine intake is far more fast and direct in my opinion, and last longer, which seems to be supported in some of the with doctors studies.

Also, I saw a thread about DevilFish stating that he could smell his urine and a weird smell, I did notice it also. It's very clear. A strong PG and sweet smell, and I could notive it after only one full day of usage. I stopped smoking many times in my life and never noticed this, so it's not barely linked to an enhanced smelling senses because of stopping smoking. So I am a bit worried also about how the PG is being processed and if it had any impact on specific organs, such as the bladder, liver and the renal system. I think we are not at the end of our surprises on this side.

So anyways, right now I am trying to understant what is the right balance in the carts, I read about the 36 mg carts and I am curious to try them, to see if they live up to their expectations.

Btw, does somebody know if any of the e-cig makers are tyinking about creating official juices and carts with something else than PG ?


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
"does somebody know if any of the e-cig makers are tyinking about creating official juices and carts with something else than PG ?" Johnson Creek make eliquid without propylene glycol - Welcome to Johnson Creek. You might have trouble getting it shipped to China though.

I think that different people respond differently to nicotine. Some people need very high amounts to satisfy cravings and some need a low dose. I used to smoke strong roll-ups but when I switched to esmoking I had to dilute my juice to make it less potent. I remember trying to give up smoking years ago with nicotine gum which apparently isn't very strong. It gave me palpitations, I had to stop using it. Cigs never had that effect on me.

The jury is out on how much nic we actually absorb from esmoking, there are conflicting views. What is sure is that we are all different and all have to find our own comfort zone. It sounds like you don't need much nic, maybe your body is more efficient at absorbing it than some.

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