Pronouncing E-cig-related words on Forvo

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Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
A few months ago, looking for an online multi-language pronounciations web-site, I've found this excellent project, Forvo.

Now, I just submitted a few e-cig related terms for the English users to pronounce, so far only 14 terms the basic ones (e-cigarette, e-cig, vaping, vape, vaper, atomizer, atomiser, atty, mod, dipping, vaporizer, cartomizer, dripping, topping off).
I've grouped them all under the "electronic cigarette" Tag.

How does the site works: I want to know how to natives of a language pronounce a word, I can submit it (Add Word) and it stays in the "pending words" for that language. The next user passing by will get his/her mic and record the pronounciation of such word. It's easy.

So in this specific case, I would be very pleased to hear those words pronounced by native... native vapers! ;)

Let the whole world listen how to vape!

(if you have ideas on more e-cig-related words to add please suggest me, otherwise if you want to add your own directly on forvo please assign them the same "electronic cigarette" tag)
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