Smoking everywhere on my trip to las vegas !

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2008
Hi all as some of you may know I was in vegas for 2 weeks and just got back few hours ago.

I really wanted to test really where I can use my e cig and your all gonna be amazed at the outcome

I smoked my DES901B everywhere ! you name it on the Virgin Atlantic plane (just held the vapour in for a bit longer and exhaled downwards on the 10 hour flight all the way there and back !) nobody had a clue they just must have thought I had a pen in my mouth ! the vapour just dissapeard almost instantly as there a lot of air moving around inside a airplane .Had my ecig 3 batts spare atomiser and pack of 10 cartridges with me all the time through UK and US customs scanners without a single question or trouble !!

Vaped discretly in over 30 major restarants in Vegas ,and the casinos (where you can smoke)the response was of total amazement ! I must have been asked where can I get one by at least 50 people ! If I had taken 50 starter sets I would have sold all of them !

also smoked in every single shopping mall in over 300 stores and nobody butted a eyelid except the Manager in Nike Town at Caesars Palace who wanted to buy it off me !!

What can I say in all a fantastic trip and my trusted DSE worked a dream all the way and not a single person said or objected in anyway.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2008
Absolutley nowhere !!! i Searched and looked everywhere ! half the people didnt have a clue thats why I wish Id taken 20 sets would have sold all of them !

Its so weird coz there is so many users like yourself In the US and this forum I actually expected to see more people with them and them available in shop than here in the UK

guess its as the saying says

"What does not happen in Vegas takes ages to comes to Vegas " LOL



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
As I've said before, I've never met anyone in the US who even knew what an e-cig is. It is invisible here. ALL of the emphasis from Big Tobacco is on getting smokers to move to snus and dissolvable tobacco bits. Not one word has been uttered about e-cigs by the major news media. Story in the Wall Street Journal this week, posted in the Law section, addressed only the move to smokeless products, without even noting that e-cigs exist. A local TV station might air one report -- and that's it. No surprise you didn't see them being sold. They're still almost exclusively an Internet order for US residents.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
I just got back from vegas too. Used it everywhere and on the plane. I did see one guy with a black Njoy at a Pia Gow table, we both smiled and laughed when we saw each other vaping. I have sold quite a few kits since returning from folks asking for my card while I was there. Vegas is definately ready for the e-Cig.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008
I just got back from vegas too. Used it everywhere and on the plane. I did see one guy with a black Njoy at a Pia Gow table, we both smiled and laughed when we saw each other vaping. I have sold quite a few kits since returning from folks asking for my card while I was there. Vegas is definately ready for the e-Cig.

Hope ya had a GREAT time, and even won some $$$$.

I believe the whole smoking world NEEDS these things.
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