Supplier And Customer Way To Fight

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As many of you know, has taken a stand against e-cigarettes in order to promote their own agenda. Consequently, after my recent PayPal account limitations, I am taking a more proactive stance against what essentially amounts to tyranny.

This was a letter I sent to I urge suppliers and customers alike to FILL their inbox with testimonials and other pre-e-cig correspondence. Their email address is Also if you are aware of other email addresses of any other proponents of restricting e-cigs, please post them in this thread:
Letter to ASH:

To whom it may concern:

It is grossly disturbing that you are touting electronic cigarettes to be unhealthy. After 15 years of being a slave to traditional cigarettes, I found electronic cigarettes during a trip overseas. I have been smoke free for 11 months now thanks to e-cigs.

As a result of my switch to e-cigs, my mother has told me how nice it is that I don't cough all the time anymore. My lungs feel much better and I have more energy. Hundreds of others have also realized these health benefits. Non smokers are enjoying healthier lives as well, and a group of pediatricians in the Columbus Ohio area have switched many smokers over to e-cigs and have personally told me that the children of these reformed smokers are already experiencing less frequent occurances of upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, and ear infections. Are you willing to even dismiss the health of children to promote your agenda? These children are no longer exposed to 2nd or 3rd hand smoke. Can you deny this? I think you are quite irresponsible if you actually believe distilled water vapor is more harmful than burning tobacco smoke.

Additionally, my formula, contains no tobacco specific nitrosamines. I have the testing to prove it. I am also willing to forward these lab reports to you. We also have no diethylene glycol. My product is made with 100% pharmaceutical grade ingredients with ingredients that are either FDA approved or generally recognized as safe.

I would kindly ask that you do your research before making claims about e-cigarettes. That FDA report was extremely misleading and I urge you to go my website to review the findings Liberty Stix.

Finally, I am going to continue to fill your inbox with testimonials of former smokers who have switched to e-cigs. I refuse to allow you and your group to continue slandering electronic cigarettes without having full knowledge of the people's health you will endanger if your goals to exterminate e-cigs is realized. You will have at least some moral culpability in this matter, espescially if these people are forced back to traditional burning tobacco cigarettes.

Thanks and have a smoke free day. We were ALL well on our way there until your group became involved.

Additionally, I have started going through my testimonials folder to get permission from my customers to forward on their positive emails of gratitude for themselves and/or from their family members.

Anti e-cig proponents are making life difficult for many of us, so I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to at least do what we can to fill their inboxes and make their lives a little more difficult as well.
Thanks. I also urge anyone to post any other anti e-cig email addresses in this thread. With the difficulties my company is having, I am not laying anyone off anytime soon. We are spending "down time" forwarding emails and testimonials to any anti-e-cig groups and/or outspoken people who are anti e-cigs.

I'm at home, but tomorrow I plan to gather some of the email addresses I have of these so called medical authorities who are influencing the current legal climate for e-cigs.

They will be posted. Now it's time to give them some headaches.
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