Tis the Season for good recipes

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2010
Twister Alley
Whether you like soups or stews in the fall and winter weather. Or great holiday recipes you want to share here.
I am always looking for great soups or stews. But do not limit yourself to that. Share some of you favorite recipes.
Here is my first one... I always tweak here and there for what I have in the house. Or I need to make low fat. But this is great

Lovane*s Mulligatawny Soup
(large batch feeds 12,cut in half for small one)

Boil 4 large chicken breasts or 5 thighs:p:p:p:p
4 cups carrots.sliced or diced
4 cups celery with leaves,sliced with leaves
In water just to cover.

Saute in lg skillet:
1 stick butter
3 cups onions diced
2 Tbsp garlic
2 Tbsp or to taste curry powder
4 cups diced mackintosh or roma apples,cored & cubed

(after sauted soft)
Mix in:
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 c flour

Save liquid from chicken and vegetable when cooked and almost soft.
Dice or shred chicken.
Add 4 cans of chicken broth to pot with all ingredients.
Add 1 or more cups of cream(I used half and half)

You may need more curry powder to taste.I love curry so I add more.
You can also add more canned chicken broth.
You also may add rice or small pastas.

This soup was first served to me while in Canada.
By Mudder`s good friend Lovane.


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Jan 27, 2010
North Carolina
Easy Chicken Pot Pie

You will need:
3 large chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of potato soup
1 can mixed veggies (drain)
2 roll out pie crusts (in refrigerated section at store)

Preheat oven to 360 degrees

Boil the chicken breasts for 25 to 30 minutes (25 works for me) then dice/cut into smallish pieces.

In a largeish mixing bowl, mix the 3 canned items and the diced chicken.

Put one pie crust in a 9 inch round baking dish (I use glass, I suppose you could use a metal one as well)

Add your mixture.

Put the other pie crust on top, pinch the two crust edges together, cut a couple slits in the top pie crust for venting.

Bake for 30 to 45 minutes...check the top crust, you'll know when it's done. (my oven takes almost 45 minutes, my neighbors takes 30...just watch it. :) )


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Jan 27, 2010
North Carolina
B I was thinking of that pot pie recipe of yours the other night. Thank you so much

Sure thing Tucky. :) I forgot "add salt/pepper to your personal taste" I don't add it to mine, I just add what I want to my own as does Beth. I don't like pepper AT ALL, so that's why. They have a seasoned cream of chicken soup that's great in it and I don't need any salt when I use that one. :)


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Mar 17, 2012
Boston,MA USA

Thankyou for the recipe I was looking for a new one to try,That would not be loaded with salt..My son has kidney disease and when it flares up we have to limit salt and yours allowed me to leave it outbut still have lots of flavor, I just got done cooking it and am waiting for he hubby to get home from work so we can try it, Of course I tried it while cooking and I really like it...Yummmy....


PV Master
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Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
Ummm we are going to Try this..roses cooking methods are kind dump, taste in go so...

Loaded potato soup

Cheddar cheese
Bacon and grease (OR predone bacon bits and like coconut oil works too)
hot sauce
chicken broth
salt pepper

Start by browning your bacon in the oven. When all crispy, dump the grease into pot. Set bacon aside for later...try to save it from kids spouse and dogs!
Turn stove on low...grab whisk...add like a half a cup of flour to the grease. Want all the flour wet with grease...so find the right balance. It should thicken up real quick, dont leave it and keep whisking...once it does that add a dash of milk...thicken....more milk...thicken...more milk....ect. Until you have a basically...sausage gravy (-sausage)
Then double the liquid with chicken broth

Cube up a bunch of potatoes! and throw them in there! I usually do like two and half good sized ones per person...with plans of left overs.
Then you can add everything else basically.....minced garlic, onions, corn, broccoli, ham...more or less lot of stuff works here.
I season with plenty of salt, pepper, red pepper and a dash of hot sauce. rosemary is good too.
On very very low heat cook until the potatoes are tender....will take about two hours. Stir pretty often, dont want the bottom to burn.

Add a handful or so of cheddar cheese, and some chives...stir in.

Then serve up topped with the cut up bacon, more cheese n chives (hubby likes dash of sour cream on top too)


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Jun 7, 2012
Wren’s Absolutely Fabulous Braised Short Ribs

This is one of my favorite meals, anytime of the year. It is just so bloody good it leaves you begging for more. It seems like a lot of steps and ingredients, but once you do it once you could do it in your sleep. I like to buy lots of short ribs when they are on sale because they freeze so well and are perfectly fine for a dish like this.

-About 2-3lbs Short/Spare Ribs, really depends on how many your serving, you could go up to 4 or 5lbs with the same amount of other ingredients easily.

-3 cups nice red wine, I prefer a Chianti for this, and you can get a good one for about 10-12 dollars in the store

-2-3 sprigs fresh thyme or 1 tsp ground thyme

-1.5 bay leaf

-2 large yellow onions

-3-4 cloves garlic (or more if you like it right garlicky, I use about 7-8.)

-1 shallot

-2 carrot

-2 celery stalks

-3-4 cups beef stock (one of the large containers of stock should be enough, if you don’t make your own.)

-salt and pepper to taste



1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees, plug in your crock pot and set it to a low setting

2. Slice meat off the bones of the spare ribs. Toss the bones in a few Tbs flower, a bit of salt and pepper and roast in a ban in a 400 degree oven. Move the bones around a few times until they’re nice and browned, about 15 minutes. You don’t want them to burn!

3. While waiting for the bones to brown cut up your onion, celery, shallot and carrot into large chunks. You can either smash the garlic and pull it out later, or if you really like garlic slice it.

4. Season rib meat with salt and pepper.

5. In a large pan heat a few Tbs of oil (I use olive) until shimmering. In batches brown the rib meat until it has some nice color.

6. By this time your bones will likely be roasted. Add them to the warmed crock pot (don’t forget the tasty roasting juices!) and then add the browned rib meat.

7. In the same pan you browned the meat in add the veggies (don’t forget the garlic, and make sure it doesn’t burn!), using the juices and fat to brown them over medium heat. When the onions are golden sprinkle over 3 Tbs of flour and the ground or fresh thyme. Cook for another 3-4 minutes.

8. Add the wine and increase the heat until the mixture boils. Boil it, stirring for about 5 minutes.

9. Add the wine and veg mixture to the meat and bones in your crock pot. Also add the bay leaves now.

10. Leave it alone! For about 7-8 hours on low, 4-5 hours on high. If you have one of those fancy new crock pots watch to make sure it doesn’t scorch, those new crock pots are terrible.

11. When the meat is falling apart it is done! I like to strain the whole thing into a large pot using a chinois or colander, if you don’t have one. Separate the meat from the veggies and bones and set aside. Discard the bones, sodden veggies, thyme sprigs and bay leaves. Make sure you get the bay leaves, they can make someone choke, I’ve seen it happen!

12. .Skim the fat off of the lovely sauce that is left in the large pot and then boil the hell out of it until it reduces by about a ½ and is lovely, shiny and thick. Alternatively you could just scoop it outta the pot and eat it like that…I’ve done it before.

Serve this over rice, with a nice spoonful of the insane sauce. It is also incredibly good served over a nice parmesan risotto, or buttered noodles.

As Julia says, Bon Appetite!!
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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2010
Twister Alley
Another easy to die for soup...

1 lb ground Italian sausage
1½ tsp crushed red peppers
1 large diced white onion
4 tbsp bacon pieces
2 tsp garlic puree
10 cups water
5 cubes of chicken bouillon
1 cup heavy cream
1 lb sliced russet potatoes, or about 3 large potatoes
¼ of a bunch of kale,, I add fresh spinach instead

Sautee Italian sausage and crushed red pepper in pot. Drain excess fat, refrigerate while you prepare other ingredients. In the same pan, sautee bacon, onions and garlic for approxiamtly 15 mins. or until the onions are soft. Mix together the chicken bouillon and water, then add it to the onions, bacon and garlic. Cook until boilin Add potatoes and cook until soft, about half an hour. Add heavy cream and cook until thoughouly heated. Stir in the sausage. Add kale just before serving. Delicious!
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