FDA Urgent Action Alert: Contact US Senate Commerce Committee before Wednesday at 2:30PM

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Gato del Jugo

ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2013
US o' A
The Democrats have also had a candy desk since at least 1985. A rolltop desk located on the front wall, belonging to the United States Senate Democratic Conference Secretary, is also filled with sweets. This tradition began "sometime later" than the better known candy desk, and Hershey Kisses were the most popular candy from this desk during the 1980s, "followed by small caramels." Candy for this desk is paid for through a "candy fund" to which senators who would like to partake of the desk's contents contribute. Jay Rockefeller then takes this money and purchases the candy. This tradition is not widely known; in fact, it is so little-known that the Historian of the United States Senate does not know much about it.

Wonder who's going to get the candy once he retires? Boxer? Durbin?

But Democrats also maintain a candy stash on their own side, and compared to the Republicans, they’ve had a relatively stable sugar supply. Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) told HOH that he has been stocking a desk on the Democratic side — in a little-known tradition that even the Senate Historian’s office doesn’t know much about — with sugary goodies for the past 24 years.

A Rockefeller spokeswoman confirmed that her boss has enjoyed keeping fellow Democrats (and Republicans sometimes, too) on a sugar high for more than two decades. Rockefeller, we hear, has quite a sweet tooth himself and began buying candy for a desk in the Democrat’s side of the chamber so that he could always have a few of his beloved sweets nearby.

Heard on the Hill: The Candy Men Can : Roll Call News

Gato del Jugo

ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2013
US o' A
Sugar addiction...

Flavored, caffeinated beverages marketed to kids, meant to hook them -- for life -- causing obesity & diabetes, and having a detrimental affect on a developing child's brain (What Sugar and Caffeine Really Do to Your Anxious Child’s Brain)...

Pepsi spokesman Jay "Sweet Tooth" Rockefeller...

rockefeller pepsi.jpg




Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
I've been out of DC for more years than a lot of you have been alive, so I don't know if this still holds true, but back in the day, members of Congress were able to edit their statements before they appeared in the Congressional Record (the "daily" of all congressional activity).

If this is still the case, I won't be at all surprised if Rockefeller's "worse than pornography" statement is edited out of the official transcript.
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VapeFight.com Founder
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May 21, 2013
Las Vegas, NV

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
I've been out of DC for more years than a lot of you have been alive, so I don't know if this still holds true, but back in the day, members of Congress were able to edit their statements before they appeared in the Congressional Record (the "daily" of all congressional activity).

If this is still the case, I won't be at all surprised if Rockefeller's "worse than pronography" statement is edited out of the official transcript.

Both Houses have rules that allow the "unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks" esp. for 'non-parliamentary' comments, etc. but if there is an objection, the wording still holds and goes into the Congressional Record.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
Both Houses have rules that allow the "unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks" esp. for 'non-parliamentary' comments, etc. but if there is an objection, the wording still holds and goes into the Congressional Record.

Thanks for the update. It's such a stupid, inflammatory comment I'll be surprised if anyone objects to it's being edited out. Now I'm wondering how they'll handle it on the archived video...

Or maybe Rockefeller's so arrogant (possibly proud of it) he'll let it stand. Stay tuned....


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
This Jay Rockefeller guy seems to like candy flavors.
Given that he must only be 12 years old I don't understand how he got elected to Congress.

I think he exists in some alternate dimension, where time is all messed up. Sometimes he's a little kid raiding the Senators' Candy Desk, and other times he's an adult well into senility. Even, I suppose, sometimes he's a rational adult...

Cue fantasy: Staffers buzzing his receptionist as he arrives in the office every morning. "What mode's the Senator in today?"


Vaping Master
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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii

nomore stinkies

Gee, Who did that?
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
I sent many emails to .... Durbin of Illinois. I received one scripted note about the "children". He certainly did not read any of the articles I sent him. 43 years as a politician of Illinois maybe be a bit too long! This guy is not going to budge. I asked four of my neighborhood kids (18-20 year olds) why they vaped. Their reply " Cigarettes were too expensive". They were smokers before they vaped. At least now they may have a chance. Thank You BIll.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 4, 2010
Received my form email from Feinstein this morning. In essence, "yep, they're great for quitting, but they're attractive to minors. The FDA will be regulating them off the market anyway, so therefore, hand me over all your money then go die. With the eCigs off the market, kids won't be detoured from the more addictive and deadly cigarettes which makes noisy freedom of choice people like you a dime a dozen, now go back to smoking, die and leave me alone. Oh, but don't forget to donate to my campaign fund first."
(Paraprazed & ad libbed).

Ps. Here's the factual reply.
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Received my form email from Feinstein this morning. In essence, "yep, they're great for quitting, but they're attractive to minors. The FDA will be regulating them off the market anyway, so therefore, hand me over all your money then go die. With the eCigs off the market, kids won't be detoured from the more addictive and deadly cigarettes which makes noisy freedom of choice people like you a dime a dozen, now go back to smoking, die and leave me alone. Oh, but don't forget to donate to my campaign fund first."
(Paraprazed & ad libbed).

Ps. Here's the factual reply.
View attachment 357906
Yeah, that's the one I got too.

Some may notice that I never post the comments that I make to various parties.
And sometimes that's because I want people to make their own comments, and sometimes it's because I don't want you to see them.

I believe in attacking from all angles, and I feel like aggressive attacks are in short supply.
So I often go for the throat with my comments, and I'm sure many here would not feel comfortable with some of the comments I've made.

But I will NEVER hesitate to call them murderers.
At least as long as no one else is doing it.

Because someone has to.

My comments are often meant as a slap in the face, and hopefully a wake up call.
But if they are too far gone to wake up, then I want them to know that some of us KNOW what is really going on.

And that some of us are ready to fight fire with fire if they push us too far.

nomore stinkies

Gee, Who did that?
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
.... is at it again. Another reply. He would rather have us SMOKE cigarettes. All he is worried about is the tax revenue. You would think they would be happy knowing that 21% of adults have tried e-cigs. Significant QC issues. What is he reading?? ARGGGG
Thank you for contacting me regarding electronic cigarettes. I appreciate hearing from you.
In April 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) outlined its proposal to regulate electronic cigarettes as tobacco products. Consistent with current tobacco regulation, electronic cigarette manufacturers would be required to register product and ingredient listings and only assert marketing claims of reduced risk if they are scientifically confirmed by the FDA. Additionally, minimum age and identification restrictions would be placed on the sale of these products.
Recent FDA studies have found significant quality control issues with electronic cigarettes such as the presence of carcinogens and toxic chemicals, variations in the doses of nicotine in each inhalation, and the presence of nicotine in products claiming to be nicotine-free. Despite the lack of evaluation on the effects of these products, their popularity and user base continue to grow, especially amongst teenagers.
According to a study released by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 21 percent of adults who smoked traditional cigarettes had also tried electronic cigarettes in 2011, a number that doubled since the previous year. From 2011 to 2012 the total number of middle school and high school aged children that had tried electronic cigarettes also doubled.
I will keep your views in mind as I work with my colleagues and the FDA to ensure the safe and responsible advailability of electronic cigarettes.
Thank you again for contacting me. Please feel free to stay in touch.
Richard J. Durbin
United States Senator

I sent many emails to .... Durbin of Illinois. I received one scripted note about the "children". He certainly did not read any of the articles I sent him. 43 years as a politician of Illinois maybe be a bit too long! This guy is not going to budge. I asked four of my neighborhood kids (18-20 year olds) why they vaped. Their reply " Cigarettes were too expensive". They were smokers before they vaped. At least now they may have a chance. Thank You BIll.
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