used to vape pods. Switched to rebuildables.

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Dec 14, 2013
my wallet is hurting with all the juice im running through...
Learn to make it yourself and vape for pennies per day.

Given the PMTA deadline next May, you need to do this in any case if you intend to keep vaping at all.


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Apr 25, 2014
toledo ohio
Yes, you’ll use more juice with RBAs, but you won’t spend so much on wire as you did on pods. Should balance out. But I agree with @Rossum, diy will save you $$$ and you likely won’t be able to get juice you like very soon anyway. IMHO since I can taste the flavors so much better with RBAs, I’d rather have control over them.


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Sep 4, 2011
How are you wasting juice? Leaking or just end up throwing some out?

Not wasting. Just vaping a lot more since rda's hit harder. But sometimes I do end up wasting juice when my rdta leaks or doesnt hit properly. So I have to take it apart, throw out the juice, and rebuild. I love my zeus x whenever it works.

I think I had beginners luck on my first build where it was just wicking super perfectly and I was getting the best vape Ive ever had. After that build started getting nasty, I had to build a new one, and its never been the same :(


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Feb 7, 2019
zeus x rdta

drop dead rda and profile rda

I don’t have a Zeus X so I can’t offer any first hand advice on build/wicking. Have you checked out any wicking tutorials? Wendy Vapes is typically spot on with her suggestions, Vaping Bogan and Legion Vapes are a couple others I usually check out first as well. I really enjoy the Drop Dead and have 3 of them.

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Jan 31, 2019
well, i use both, pods and RTA mtl,
Pods are amazingly sized units, and some could be mtl and dtl, amazing move there!
i like a lot my tesla tpod and frenzy one! continuously switching between them since both are so leak proof! nice flavor,

for more salt nic rush, well MTL RTa with 1.0ohm coil or close by, amazingly tasteful, salts lasts a while in this device, could be running temp control or power mode as well!

how is your step to rebuildables? what are you using, please expand!

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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
Not wasting. Just vaping a lot more since rda's hit harder. But sometimes I do end up wasting juice when my rdta leaks or doesnt hit properly. So I have to take it apart, throw out the juice, and rebuild. I love my zeus x whenever it works.

I think I had beginners luck on my first build where it was just wicking super perfectly and I was getting the best vape Ive ever had. After that build started getting nasty, I had to build a new one, and its never been the same :(

Happened to me when I first started rebuilding Pro Tank coils. My first one was perfect. After that I made a dozen crappy coils and it was months before I could get it right consistently.


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Apr 24, 2019
California, US
Why toss the juice? Save it in a container (and other juices you might toss) Sometimes the mix is interesting. Currently, I am trying to get an older RTA (UD Bellus) to stop leaking. Mostly I have used MTL tanks with drop in coils and low watts, but really enjoyed vaping dual coils at higher watts (but forgot to use lower nic juice... won't do that again) I also have a RDTA but no coils... very excited to try it. Wicking and juice VG/PG ratios are tricky. I think I didn't use enough wicking and too thin juice. If your coils are smaller ID (inside diameter) it might seem to make sense for other reasons, but you will end up with a thinner wick that might not block the juice holes enough (hey, I'm totally new to rebuidables too... still learning) It's very confusing when some say more wick, less wick, longer tails, shorter tails, mine doesn't leak, mine leaks and I've tried everything... different wicking materials, ect. Hey, it wouldn't be fun (and challenging) if it was super easy ;)


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  • Feb 13, 2013
    Denver, CO
    Rebuilding consistently just takes time. I leaked liberally non stop 24 7 at first. It was cool.

    Course, I sucked at rebuildables but was GOOD at DIY elilquid right out of the gate, so yeah, that made it less painful.


    I agree for me DIY liquid was a breeze compared to building.
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