Win a Slide Kit —— VLADDIN Slide Call for Review

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ECF Veteran

Long-time no see yea! How are you guys? Everything goes well?
For this time we are going to giveaway 3* Slide kit for review.
Slide, the world's first AIO pod system with sliding side panel and replaceable mesh coil.

Rules are simple:
1. Tag your three of your friends to join this contest;
2. Simply share a story about the positive impact vaping has had on your life
3. Promise you will create a thread to make a review on Slide after testing.

The contest is open to WORLDWIDE. So please don’t hesitate to join in. For fast delivery, we will ship the prize via DHL/UPS for FREE.
There are 3 winners will be picked up randomly from the comments below on 18th November.
Each winner will get a Slide with coils.

Winners Announcement:

:thumbs:Congratulations to
@Uranus On Fire

Please contact @Vladdinvapor_Alisa to claim the prize with shipping information.
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Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
May 11, 2016
Southern Louisiana USA
2. Simply share a story about the positive impact vaping has had on your life.

I started off with egos to try to cut back on my smoking and save money. Then 2 1/2 years ago I blacked out while driving and got in a car accident, totalling my car. I hot another car and kept driving. 5 weeks later I blacked out again and got in an accident. I didn't total the car this time but it scared me enough to get checked out. I went to a neurologist but they couldn't find anything wrong other than narcolepsy (which I already knew I had) but the blackouts weren't narcolepsy attacks.
The neurologist sent me to a cardiologist who ran tests. After I had an abnormal stress test he decided to do an angiogram. He found an eighty percent blockage to my heart and put in a stent. He also found a forty percent blockage but treated that with medicine.
Now I had to quit smoking. I bought a vape, tank and eliquid and started vaping in earnest. I dual used at first but then woke up one day and realized I hadn't smoked the day before. I haven't smoked since.
I have no doubt that vaping saved my life. I haven't had a blackout since I quit smoking by vaping. If I hadn't quit the blockage would have gotten worse. Instead since I started vaping the blockage has gotten better and my last stress test was normal! Vaping has definitely been a life changing activity.

Georgia Boy

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 28, 2019
Atlanta Georgia
2. I smoked for over 45 years tried everything, every cessation device with no luck. Eventually I tuned to vaping as a last resort, it took me less around a week or 10 days to quit cigarettes completely never touched another one. My last physical I was told my lung capacity had risen by 33% and my blood pressure has dropped significantly. My Doctor obviously knows I vape and I continue to provide him the true facts on vaping flavored eliquid and vaping in general.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 3, 2010
Orlando, Florida
#2 I quit a 35 year smoking habit when I switched to vaping. Like many, I tried every other smoking cessations product, medication or self-help remedy available on the market, to no avail. When I switched to vaping, I thought, "This was too easy." And I waited for the other foot to drop. It isn't until you are really tested, when life happens and all of the sudden nothing is going the way it is supposed to, and you make it through them without ever reaching for that cigarette, that the little light bulb goes off. That's how it's been for me.

I used to be so scared of even little stresses let alone bigger challenges. I used to be so scared of all of those triggers but I know without a doubt now, that what I crave is the vape and not the cigarette. I can't count the changes in my outlook and in the way I feel physically. I'm not coughing. The dark circles are clearing up from under my eyes. My skin and hair are healthier and my beautiful dog gets to see and experience the world because I can walk her without having to stop to catch my breath.
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