XP hangs after bad virus definitions are sent to MSE 4-15

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They call me 'Tibs"
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Feb 23, 2010
On the off-chance that there are more poor souls around like me who have struggled to log on to XP after Microsoft sent bad definitions/updates to Microsoft Security Essentials on 4-15 and are still pulling their hair out I thought I'd start this thread.
Yesterday I finally realized what's at the root of the problem and how to fix it.
While I did not get any error messages as explained in the above link my laptop refused to budge past the log on screen. Microsoft did patch with another update the following day but that did not reach all those computers hanging at the welcome screen or displaying the dreaded blue or black screens.
Even booting up in safe mode with networking was no help since MSE cannot be uninstalled in safe mode or updated. I found the fix on the MS website and followed instructions.
I hope this will help somebody still at a loss why they can't load xp - I know I was pulling my hair out for the past few days :laugh:


ECF Guru
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Aug 11, 2010
Left Side of Florida
I'm keeping my fingers crossed still using XP Pro. So far no problems using Norton360. I heard somewhere that some peeps were worrying that MS may be intentionally infecting files to push sales. Can't imagine that, but it sure works for the conspiracy theorists....lol.
Changing to a new OS is not something I'm looking forward to, but gonna have to. Win7??? Linux??


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Apr 5, 2013
Windows 7 is everything that Vista should have been (although I never had a single issue with Vista, either).

If you are going to update to Windows 7, get a copy now as it will become increasingly difficult to get your hands on a copy as time goes on.

Cutting the line to Microsoft and going strictly Linux is not for the faint of heart and generally not recommended unless you really desire to go down that road. I'd recommend a dual boot system first so you have the best of both worlds. Then you can decide down the road what to stick with. Even though 95% of my time is spent in Linux, I still keep Winderz around for when I want to play some games or need to troubleshoot an issue for someone.


ECF Guru
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Aug 11, 2010
Left Side of Florida
Windows 7 is everything that Vista should have been (although I never had a single issue with Vista, either).

If you are going to update to Windows 7, get a copy now as it will become increasingly difficult to get your hands on a copy as time goes on.

Cutting the line to Microsoft and going strictly Linux is not for the faint of heart and generally not recommended unless you really desire to go down that road. I'd recommend a dual boot system first so you have the best of both worlds. Then you can decide down the road what to stick with. Even though 95% of my time is spent in Linux, I still keep Winderz around for when I want to play some games or need to troubleshoot an issue for someone.
Good and appreciated advice about getting a copy of Win7 now.
I fiddled with Ubuntu years ago and again recently and was rather pleased with what I saw. The first time I felt like I was back in the DOS days....lol. Recently, things seem more seamless and more "Windowsesque". I have been considering a dual boot box to give a ver of Linux a try but am still thinking about whether I want to go to the trouble of learning a completely new OS. Dang, am I lazy or what..lol
Thanks for your help, retired......


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2013
I had been dual booting xp and ubuntu (linux) for several years. I knew the day would come when xp would no longer be supported and was plotting my escape from windows before that happened. Had no desire to buy multiple licenses for vista/win7/win8 etc.
In march of 2013, I pulled the plug on windows and installed ubuntu as the OS on all of the desktops (three) in the house. The only crisis has been:
itunes not surviving the transition,
no longer having the ability to fax (winmodems don't play in ubuntu),
manually updating banking information (download and import).
To my way of thinkin' the switch from windows to linux was a no brainer. I was gonna have to replace a majority of my windows programs, and some computer hardware as well.

OBTW, ubuntu will run on a 'live' cd so you can test drive without installing it.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 11, 2010
Left Side of Florida
I had been dual booting xp and ubuntu (linux) for several years. I knew the day would come when xp would no longer be supported and was plotting my escape from windows before that happened. Had no desire to buy multiple licenses for vista/win7/win8 etc.
In march of 2013, I pulled the plug on windows and installed ubuntu as the OS on all of the desktops (three) in the house. The only crisis has been:
itunes not surviving the transition,
no longer having the ability to fax (winmodems don't play in ubuntu),
manually updating banking information (download and import).
To my way of thinkin' the switch from windows to linux was a no brainer. I was gonna have to replace a majority of my windows programs, and some computer hardware as well.

OBTW, ubuntu will run on a 'live' cd so you can test drive without installing it.
I've been hesitant to go with Linux 100% due to the issues you mention about software. BTW....Is there a solution for MIRC?
I'm no coder and I really like paying bills online.... that's probably the biggest reason for not changing.
Best get looking for Win7 and pick a copy up. I'm going to keep XP running as long as I can hold out. I don't know what worse right now.... dealing with Norton360 or XP being "extinct"......
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ECF Guru
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Aug 11, 2010
Left Side of Florida
+1 for 7. I hung on to XP for a long time myself, but would have to say I prefer Windows 7 to anything else. Skip Vista all together and so far I can't say I'm crazy about 8.

Yeppers.... I changed my other boxes to 7 kicking and screaming all the way and now I can at least tolerate it. Isn't it odd how we get so attached to something like an OS? I suppose if someone offered to give me 8 I'd take it, but I'll most likely go and purchase, as retired and ImThatGuy said, a copy of 7 for around $100.


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Keep an eye on Newegg for deals on Windows 7. Can often find a sale where you can snag a copy for under a hundred bucks. :)

OEM CDs of Windows should be around $100 or even under. So, still very affordable.

Check w/Tiger Direct also....they too run sales on Win7 from time to time.

Yeppers.... I changed my other boxes to 7 kicking and screaming all the way and now I can at least tolerate it. Isn't it odd how we get so attached to something like an OS? I suppose if someone offered to give me 8 I'd take it, but I'll most likely go and purchase, as retired and ImThatGuy said, a copy of 7 for around $100.

I know what you mean. I hung on to XP for awhile, but when rebuilding my desktop a couple of years ago decided to go ahead and just do it. Glad I did - Win7 has been great.

Now if I could just get my mom to get away from AOL! (speaking of kicking and screaming... :facepalm: )
Windows 7 is everything that Vista should have been (although I never had a single issue with Vista, either).

If you are going to update to Windows 7, get a copy now as it will become increasingly difficult to get your hands on a copy as time goes on.

Cutting the line to Microsoft and going strictly Linux is not for the faint of heart and generally not recommended unless you really desire to go down that road. I'd recommend a dual boot system first so you have the best of both worlds. Then you can decide down the road what to stick with. Even though 95% of my time is spent in Linux, I still keep Winderz around for when I want to play some games or need to troubleshoot an issue for someone.

Im going to disagree with switching to Linux is not for the faint of heart.

I switched my Luddite stepdad to Linux Mint and other then a few hardware issues with old Dell hardware he is doing very well with it. One of my moms laptops now has Linux Mint on it with great results as well.

Ive been using Linux over the last 4+ years and found it very intuitive, both Ubuntu and Mint.

For Windows users, upgrade from XP NOW, but Im kinda paranoid. I have had great luck with Avast and Malware Bytes Free.
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