• Question
Yet another noob asking about nicotine strength

...and sorry for that. I just can't afford to buy a bunch of different to do the trial and error thing.

Smoked for 47 years now. Marlboro Red or Player's, the last 8 years have been 100% tobacco native smokes (no additives).
About 1.5-2 packs/day. I'm an endurance runner (yeah, I'm a freak) and am finally starting to have issues with it due to smoking. I want to quit for good but do not want the severe withdrawals that I have gotten in the past. (headache, shaky, sweating, nauseous, irritable - my DT's mimic severe hypoglycemia) And no, they don't go away - they are like labour pains, they come faster and harder and last longer - even 3 months later.

I have a SMOK nord2, 40W and 0.4 ohm, and use Mocha-flavoured VG juice in a 4.5 ml pod. It was recommended to start at 6 mg/ml and I am finding it nowhere near satisfying. I am down to about 6 cigs a day (waking, bedtime, after eating) but still craving more. I vape a full pod and a bit per day. I can chain vape working at the computer and even still, every couple hours have to fight off having a cig. I don't get lightheaded or nauseous, and I don't get a buzz from the cig. And even with the cigs, I want 2 or 3 not just one.

I must say though that I am a very, very shallow inhaler. I can't do more than 0.5 secs MTL - which gives no taste, no feel and no vapour. Even my DTL is less than a 2 second draw. I get a badly burned throat at any more than that. I have to keep the heat setting down well below 30 (usually 27 in the morning and about 22 evening). Lower means even less satisfying.

So throat hit means nothing to me, I don't want one. All I'm interested in is the motion and a nicotine replacement that I can feel, then I can incrementally drop it later. I have been reading a lot on here and seem to find that 12 or 18 mg would probably be a better place to start. Would that be safe to assume?

I would love any and all comments, suggestions and ideas. Sorry for the book but it saves the "yeah, but..." clarifications later.

  • Question
dab pen damaging singing voice?

hi, i'm 18 years old and have been smoking from a pen since around February of this year. im a singer and my voice is extremely important to me. lately i have been smoking daily (with one day breaks sporadically), and i've noticed my voice is more raspy and less clear. i've been phlemmy and i find myself (maybe, it may be someone else in my choir because i genuinely cannot tell if it is me or not) sliding out of tune occasionally.

are there any other singers here who can help me? will my voice recover if i stop smoking? i am genuinely horrified and everything is hitting me at once. i cannot lose my voice. advice is needed, please!

  • Question
Attracting subscribers to YouTube channel

Привет всем, я заинтересован в создании собственного канала на YouTube о растениях и садоводстве. Я хочу помочь людям научиться привлекать подписчиков на канал? Был ли у кого-нибудь подобный опыт?

  • Question
Help dirty film on windows in truck!!!

Hello everyone! Amanda here been vaping for 10 years now give or take a year or so, i have a question... cleaned out my truck today and there is a nasty thick film on my windows main one being the windshield, and tips to on how to get it all off? This stuff is gross!!! Thanks for ur time...
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  • Question
Concerns about cleanliness of new tank

Hi guys.

As the title states, I am slightly concered about the cleanliness of my new tank. Just picked up a voopoo drag E60. As I opened the box and picked up the device, I noticed it had a slightly sweet smell(Almost a fruity eliquid smell)on it and was wondering what that might be. It wasn't a discounted display one either and the box was completely sealed, so just wondering what the smell could have been. Just want to be absolutely sure that I'm not harming myself by inhaling machine oil or some nasty factory chemicals. I've given the tank a decent rinse in piping hot water, but still unsure whether I should use it or not..


EDIT: Sucks but had to empty the tank - now worried I'm vaping soap haha

  • Question
Vaporesso Luxe pro battery

Good morning all, first time post from Me today so bare with Me. I have just received a Vaporesso Luxe X Pro and I am wondering if I am charging it all wrong. I put the device on its initial charge until it hit 100%, I then began to vape the device with the 0.4 pod installed @ the recommended 30 watts. The battery was down to 30% before I even hit 100 puffs. Is this normal, only I was under the impression that the battery would last Me a full day, some reviewers actually stating upto two days. Do I need to keep the device on charge after it's hit 100%? Feeling like I might have been mugged off by online reviewers. TIA.

  • Question
Any mods out there with a wattage lock?

My old Geekvape Aegis Legend is finally dead with a "Battery Low Protection" error that refuses to go away.

The Aegis Legend 2 I replaced it with is OK, I guess, but it does not allow me to lock the wattage, which means if it gets accidentally pressed I instantly fry my wicks, which is extremely irritating. I can lock the whole device, which includes the fire button, but I use it constantly so this is not really a viable option for me.

Does anybody know if there are any box mod options out there with a wattage lock like the old-school mods had?
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  • Question
Half liters or whole liters of 100mg/ml Nic base

So I’m down to my second to last half litre of Nic base. I’ll need to get some more. Iirc quality varies quite a bit last time I looked and the stuff is probably going to sit in the freezer for a while, so quality matters some. I do not get along with salts well at all, so I’m looking for unprotonated. Any suggestions on what is decent yet reasonably priced?
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  • Question
WTA juice

Is anyone still selling WTA juice online? I started with Aroma, then they disappeared. So sad. I then found Mother's Milk. Happily purchased for many years. Went to replenish today and they are gone. I am assuming the FDA nailed them. Is there anywhere I can get it. It was the only way I could stop smoking and haven't had a cigarette in 12 years. Thank you in advance.
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  • Question
Reliable Venders on line?

Are there any reliable vape device merchants still in business? In the past three months, I have made four orders for kamgerTecj Connector Base for T3s and a GeekVape Mod. So far my credit card was charged twice for items I did not receive, one item I cancelled after two months (credit card charged), after I sent multiple messages asking what the delay was, and never got ANY answer! And I am still waiting to hear back from another merchant on a 6 week delay on that order.

Any recommendations of a RELIABLE vender?
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  • Question
Success Story and a question

Hi all,

I rarely vape anymore, basically a tank of juice and battery charge will last me a couple months.

Is it safe to vape juice (0mg nic.) that has been in my tank for two months?

[long story]
I'm in my 10th year of quitting cigarettes, thanks to Vaping.

After quitting, I vaped for a few zeros, gradually reducing the nicotine, until i got to 0mg, and then I stopped. I didn't deliberately make an effort to quit vaping, as I lost my addiction to nicotine, I just kinda forgot about it.

A couple of months ago, I decided to pick up some juice and have the occasional vape.

I packed up all my old gear, brought it to the vape shop.

The person behind the counters was fascinated by the "antiques". Needless to say replacement coils and tanks were no long an option.

So I picked up a VooPoo Drag S kit, and 60ml of 0 nicotine menthol, and started enjoying the occasional vape.

The problem is, I vape so rarely, a tank and a full charge will last me 2 months.

How long can juice, in the tank last and be safe to vape?


  • Question
OBS cube x charing issue

Howdy everyone, I'm at a bit of a loss; I have a OBS cube X vape that I've bought some years ago that won't charge or turn on when the battery is in. The vape has been stored away since maybe September 2023.

This battery is quite new, I bought it in the summer of 2023 but I haven't used to vape all that much since then so by all logic the battery should be fine.

The weird thing is that the vape turns on when I take the battery out and have the device itself plugged in (I read here that that's something I should try)

So how do I proceed? What could be the problem, should I just buy a new battery? I'm confident that the battery is the correct one because when I bought the new one I took the whole device to the vape shop and asked for a new one that the guy in the store made sure worked.

Thanks in advance!

  • Question
Single mod battery

Hey, did someone ever vape in a single mod battery device with a 21,700 and a 18,650 battery as well and incase some of you do or did can you fill any different?
I always use 21,700 battery on my 100w single mod and never did understand just like Mike from element vape on you tube way to make 2 devices one for 21,700 and and option to use 18,650 as well.
And one device with 18,650 built-in like the voopoo xt and Mt what is the common sense to buy a mod that after the battery is dead you can't use it anymore?
I'm thinking to purchase the lost vape centaurus 100m and its comes with a 18,650 thet is not built-in but I wonder will it effect the vaping experience?
Thank you and happy vaping day to all.

  • Question
Re: my old account

I found my old password. It ironically is the only place that exists that has that still has that particular pic. I can’t even seem to search it anymore. Is there any way the two accounts can be merged without too much trouble? Failing that is there any way I can recover the pic? (yes, it’s kinda stupid)
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