A little help please? Smoking and Vaping

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Full Member
Apr 4, 2013
United States
So here is the thing. I smoked for a year and a half. I want to quit before it gets really bad. but the nicotine gets to me when i stop for a day or more. I want to start "vaping". I saw that some of them had Zero nicotine. Thats what i want. I want the feeling of smoking but without the harm as a real cigarette. I just want to vape it for the flavors. Is vaping a good idea and if i get the zero nicotine one will my risk chances be really low? cause all i am doing is breathing in flavored vapor which is just heated water right?


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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
Welcome , but it's not heated water . E-liquid is made of either PG (propylene glycol ) or VG ( vegetable glycerin ) or a combo , of both of these . And then flavor and any % of nicotine added . I don't recommend trying to stop smoking , without getting at least a little nicotine . I started with 24 mg . nic juice , then lowered to 12 mg , then 6 , and finally to 0 . But that took alittle over a year , to do . Depending on how much you smoke , will tell you what strength juice to start with . I was smoking two packs a day , and 24 mg. was plenty for me . Quickly lowered to 12 mg , where I stayed for awhile , then lowered to 6 , and as I only vape DIY juices these days . I had made some juice , and forgot to add the 6 % nic. juice , when the bottle was almost gone , I realized , I forgot to add the nic. But I didn't even notice , so from then , on , I no longer use nicotine . I still enjoy the habit , and the hand to mouth thing . Really like the huge plumes of vapor . So , good luck . Your way ahead of the game for wanting to stop at an early age . It's alot harder , after smoking for 40 years .

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
I am looking for sweet, like drink flavors and fruits. Preferably something tropical or sweet. But i just was wondering if it was safe like hookah. like if i was to just smoke it for the taste without the nicotine would that be ok?

You have been misinformed if someone told you hookah is safe, maybe slightly safer than cigarettes as far as PPM per inhale go.

Vaping (even 0 nic) is not without health risk, it is 'safer' than inhaling the toxins in burning tobacco.

Inhaling anything but air comes with health risks, no way around it.


Super Member
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Mar 5, 2013
Honolulu, Hawaii
It's actually more than the nicotine that keeps you hooked on cigarettes. There are MANY chemical compounds that are addicting in cigarettes which are really too many to list here. Your withdrawal will be from more than nicotine so it may be a little harder than you anticipate.

Agreed! All the years I've smoked I never felt nicotine was the major addictive ingredient. Cigarettes have 599 additives, and of those 62 (or something like that) are carcinogens. What makes it worse is that when you light up, 4000 chemicals are produced. Nicotine... I don't think it's the nicotine I was addicted to!
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