Adding menthol to flavors

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2010
It took me awhile to figure out the best way to get an AC + menthol and a Kretek + menthol juice without having to buy two ounces of menthol. I ended up ordering doublers of both and will mix the Kretek with my daily cigar juice and the AC with some plain menthol I have.

Two questions:

I love menthol with Big Red juice and assume AC with menthol must be even more wonderful. I'm thinkin' of adding 1/2 oz to the 2 oz doubler.

How much menthol do you mix with AC for a Fire n Ice kinda blend?

Kretek gets so (so, so) much better with steeping. I mixed this wonderful, mellow, steeped Kretek with my daily vape juice (cigar+menthol). I'd guesstimate the amount of cigar/menthol is 1/3.

How much menthol do most of you mix with Kretek?

Thanks! :vapor:


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Dec 16, 2010
Rural America
i just bought a 4oz doubler that is 1/2 banana creme, and 1/2 menthol, i am adding 1oz banana cream pie nicotine juice, i'll let you know how "icy" it is. i don't want to hijack this thread, but i would love feedback too, let me know if "my-bad"!

p.s. did you guys know "my-bad" is actually in the spell-check here? that's very scary!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2010
Ah, good idea, Mojave. That's one way to get it. It took me awhile to get my head around the doubler concept and this is the very first time I've purchased them. And, menthol is flavorless so I get what you're going for with the banana. Good luck!

It looks like words connected to each other with a hyphen skate by the spell check monster. Badass is doomed but bad-... gets a free pass. :laugh:


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Dec 16, 2010
Rural America
Ah, good idea, Mojave. That's one way to get it. It took me awhile to get my head around the doubler concept and this is the very first time I've purchased them. And, menthol is flavorless so I get what you're going for with the banana. Good luck!

It looks like words connected to each other with a hyphen skate by the spell check monster. Badass is doomed but bad-... gets a free pass. :laugh:

wow! you get it? that means i'm not crazy! yay!

well markimar, menthol is unflavored (it should be, some juice-makers don't understand this) like sew said, its just menthol crystals, think of taking a banana creme and putting it in the freezer, and vaping it. it's really just a frozen banana. the menthol just adds kick and punch. it lets you know theres a cloud of vape inside you. think outside of the box!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2010
wow! you get it? that means i'm not crazy! yay!

well markimar, menthol is unflavored (it should be, some juice-makers don't understand this) like sew said, its just menthol crystals, think of taking a banana creme and putting it in the freezer, and vaping it. it's really just a frozen banana. the menthol just adds kick and punch. it lets you know theres a cloud of vape inside you. think outside of the box!

I've seen some flavor combos around and about that made me wonder what their mad mixer was smoking but, yeah, I totally get what you're going for. There's some ...stuff (sorry!) you can get for that effect...I just don't know what its called. It adds a cooling sensation without a flavor. I know somebody around here has to know what it is.


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Dec 16, 2010
Rural America
other vendors sell concentrated menthol and label it "arctic freeze" and stuff like that, i've been using that stuff for awhile, the problem with that is, i have to add it to whatever im vaping, its not consistent, it's a hassle, and it's the first juice i run out of, always.

so i'm very excited i can order just one juice and one doubler and be set until i need to re-order. also, to have just one juice vendor on my visa statement.
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