Another Menthol Question

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ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
I took Scubabatdan's recommendation and dissolved the menthol crystals in Everclear - worked like a charm! So now i have a followup question.

My brother claims that the menthol "doesn't taste like menthol" - whatever that means. :rolleyes: I've been mixing it VG-heavy and wonder if that might have any effect on how menthol "feels?"

A second part of this question is whether pre-mixed menthol is any different than the crystals. We've ordered some PA menthol to give that a try, just wonder if it's likely to be any different.

I probably don't even know the right questions to ask here, so if any of you know what I'm talking about I'd sure appreciate getting educated. Thanks for any ideas.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2010
Central Florida
Here's a quote from my Mother who smokes methols:

"Geez, Nikki, every menthol cigarette has it's own taste. Just like the regulars. Would you smoke your sister's cigarettes?" (My answer was obviously no, yuk!)

Followed by this about the PA's menthol:

"It taste like your aunt's cigarette's"

Just to let you know about the PA's. My mom said it indeed tasted like menthol, but to her it tasted like my aunt's Salem Lights, lol. YMMV, that was just her opinion, but she liked the mix I made. I also mixed it with a tiny bit of tobacco absolute. Like 1 drop for the 3ml batch I made.

To answer your questions:

The only different between mixing your own and premixed would be strength. Premixed, they just mixed them the same way you did. And I only use VG. I have heard it's a bit more of a sweet base, but I can hardly tell after I dump a bunch of flavor in it.

I use VG for the thickness, PG is just too thin for me.


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Feb 23, 2010
Central Florida
*facepalm* I'm still sleeping, missed the word "feels" thought it was taste, lol

VG seems to produce more vapor. Adding PG seems to give a bit of TH.

I'm using something that runs about 4.7-4.8v and a LR atty on my 3.7v so I'm not worried about TH. And when I was using just a 3.7, menthol seemed to up the th factor with vg, as does cinnamon. Gives that lung burn. Other juices tho, did not "feel" like I was smoking with the VG, kinda gave a heavy, yet fluffy cloud feeling. Maybe that's what he's talking about, lol.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2010
Central Florida
Great info here, I am still working my husbands menthol challenges.

Whole reason why I started dabbling in menthol. I wasn't a menthol smoker so the exact taste is elusive to me. But I have three vapers in my family who are menthol smokers and were struggling with vaping.

My mom's solution was a lr atty to increase the throat hit to make the menthol more realistic, I also added a drop of PA's peanut butter to change the undertone of it, my dad's was to mix menthol with watermelon.

My aunt (the one with the Salem Lights) is still struggling, but she admits to not being commited to changing to vaping.


Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2009
Dothan, AL
One thing I have noticed is not all menthol crystals "Taste" the same. I have been using the ones from herbal accent, the only reason I continue to use them is I have gotten the best reviews from menthol smokers when I use them. I have not tried PA's menthol crustals, I have tried Lindas menthol liquid and I can mix it stronger with everclear than what I recieved from her. I do need to order her crystals and then test them on my menthol buddies to see which they perfer. I mix by the liter so consistancy in taste is critical. Changing brands of flavoring is not good when someone gets used to a certain flavor. But I have to say out of all of the menthol mixes I make the most popular is my Marb Menthol. I usually run at 5% menthol to the mix, that seems to be the most accepted level. 2.5% is to weak, and 7.5% is to strong, they said it reminded them of a newport.
I do not vape menthol so I am going by what they tell me.


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ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2010
Central Florida
That's what I figured the difference in mixing your own and getting a premixed bottle was - strength. Seeing as I'm in FL and you can only get everclear in a 151 proof, I decided not to order the crystals, I was afraid it wouldn't mix right. To me the PA's menthol is taste bud splitting, but I imagine someone who smoked menthol would have a different opinion that I.

It's been trial and lots of error trying to find a menthol to please the family members of mine that prefer it. I am definitely going to take your advice and recipes and mix something better for them.

I've been eyeing seedman's for a while now, guess now is as good as any time to try it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
This is all good stuff, thanks folks!

Scubabatdan, you say 5% menthol and this brings up an interesting point: how strong is the menthol? I ask this because I have (I think) a very powerful/strong concentrate of menthol. I used just five or six drops of everclear in a small bottle - hobby paint mixing bottle, I don't know its volume. But the small amt of EC really soaked up a lot of menthol - filled the bottle with liquid menthol. Very potent; maybe too potent. How much menthol do you dissolve in how much EC?


Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Jul 14, 2009
Dothan, AL
This is all good stuff, thanks folks!

Scubabatdan, you say 5% menthol and this brings up an interesting point: how strong is the menthol? I ask this because I have (I think) a very powerful/strong concentrate of menthol. I used just five or six drops of everclear in a small bottle - hobby paint mixing bottle, I don't know its volume. But the small amt of EC really soaked up a lot of menthol - filled the bottle with liquid menthol. Very potent; maybe too potent. How much menthol do you dissolve in how much EC?

I crush the Menthol crystals into a powder and then fill up the bottle I am going to make it in with the menthol powder. I then drip EC into the bottle until it saturates the menthol crystals and fills the bottle. This way I get the same concentration everytime no matter the size of the bottle.

The bottle size you are describing sounds like a dram bottle or 3.69ml, so if you take 3.69 * 20 (drops) = 73.8(drops) Now 5/73.8 = .067 or 6.7% menthol % IF 20 drops = 1ml for your dropper and you added 5 drops of menthol to 3.69ml.

Hope this helps.
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