Bad tasting juice to stop vaping


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
Hi there, I’m a smoker who switched to vaping trying to stop smoking, but now that I have to stop vaping, I’m looking for the most basic solution:

is there juices that purposely taste terrible? I’m looking for that as I won’t take pleasure hitting the vape and eventually it can help me stop.

That's an unanswerable question if ever there was one. Nobody but you has your exact taste buds. Find something that you probably wouldn't like, and start there.


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ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2023
Hi there, I’m a smoker who switched to vaping trying to stop smoking, but now that I have to stop vaping, I’m looking for the most basic solution:

is there juices that purposely taste terrible? I’m looking for that as I won’t take pleasure hitting the vape and eventually it can help me stop.
They won’t help if your nic level is still high. Vaping was originally created to STOP smoking but it evolved. The way it used to work is one would vape to stop smoking cigarettes as it would stop the damage caused by cigarettes, and because the nic level in e-cigs was variable you could wean yourself off it a lot more easily as slowly or as quickly as you liked. I’ve seen 3 weeks, I’ve seen multiple years. I’ve seen not at all. It’s different for everyone. Most often the number is around 2.5 years. The original methodology was to buy a bottle of zero and a bottle of your standard Nic level in the same flavor and mix them thus lowering your Nic level gradually. Som people have been able to do it just by buying bottles with lower and lower Nic levels in steps. This improves quitting percentage over cold turkey, but not to 100%. You may need something more gradual, but this is very possible with the mixing system. As far as horrible flavors go, how about no flavor at all? It has the advantage of being really inexpensive. Unflavored is just bases. PG, VG, and Nic base. You just use less and less Nic base. It would also be helpful to know what you vape. Hardware especially. If you’re already at zero it’s cheapest of all. Just get a jug of Kosher food grade Vegtable Glycerine from Amazon and vape that. (Notice I capitalized the V and the G. It’s one of the bases. Zero is just PG, VG, and flavoring. You’re just skipping the flavoring and a whole pile of money) A gallon will cost what a 30ml bottle does. It’s that big a price difference. 99% of people who vape zero nic unflavored eventually just stop. You can even throw som polypropylene glycol in there for extra bite if you want. It’s cheap too. You can get it at most resteraunt supply stores. I get my VG from either Amazon (because shipping is handy) or a farm supply store because VG is also used as a laxitive for cattle as well as a standard food additive (you can also get it at those resteraunt supply stores but it’s pricier there for the same stuff)
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ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2023
This could be an issue if your Nov level is zero, but first it has to get there. Remember cigarettes are already pretty awful.
I do remember a DIY crab flavor as being unusually bad. It’s pretty rare that pre-mixes are sold BECAUSE they’re awful. I personally hate anything with green pepper. My favorite flavor name ever was “your mom”. Purile humor is a weakness of mine. I actually kept the empty bottles for the label.
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Apr 15, 2023
lol. Basically anything that isn’t some sort of candy or cocktail or dessert. The more food like it is the poorer it translates. There’s this stuff called “bubba’s pig sap” that I actually really like, but it’s got a bacon flavor and there is a certain undercurrent of burnt rubber. Some people hate it. It’s still tastier than cigarettes though :/ Even for people who hate the stuff. For the truly worst juice you’ve got to DIY. There are some recipies for really horrifying stuff.. I don’t think this will work though. Just get down to zero, go unflavored, and then even if you never quit there’s no health issues as long as you keep your wick relatively clean and use an RDA or RDTA (something that isn’t plastic and doesn’t have a glass wick). Organic cotton balls are da bomb. Or that synthetic cellulose they have in Europe for wound care.


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Apr 15, 2023
There used to be a roast beef flavor and also blue cheese. Don't know who made them or if they still do but I would bet the blue cheese vape would be the most nastiest flavor ever.
Ironically it’s not. Unless of course you hate blue cheese. As a child I did, as it was astoundingly strong, but as an adult I don’t. I actually like it. The stuff tastes kind of like kraft blue cheese dressing (which causes me not to buy it) None of the “food” flavors are great though. My memory is the Winn of one “worst juice” test was a crab boil flavor or something like that. Long ago and far away.
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Apr 15, 2023
How about Hangsen Hot Dog?
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Feb 1, 2024
Just lower your nicotine slowly to zero. In very small steps. I did this, and one day, vaping didn't make sense anymore. I once did this not to quit, but just see what would happen and it was really easy. It felt strange for me, smoked for so long. In the last month, where I was vaping zero nic, It felt like I didn't need it anymore. As I said, I didnt't want to quit, so I added a little bit of nic again.


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Feb 2, 2024
Crab juice or roast chicken. No, probably best to choose a flavour you like and reduce the nic content until you reach zero. As you vape the 0% find another hobby that distracts you - running, coffee, musical instrument etc.
I haven't done it myself yet, because I enjoy vaping too much. On holiday recently I had to vape some vile liquids because it was all that was available, watermelon to name one. I could have stopped but was looking forward to getting back to my favourites. That's the point, you have to want to quit, and then hopefully you can.

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