Biansi imist minor problem

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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
United Kingdom
I have an Imist and which I bought 2 months ago and the atty is still going strong, its has a burnt tinge to it but it works fine. The problem is that the vape is very cool/cold and I prefer warmer vapes, I don't mind it being airy but its like drawing in air with a throat it, is there any way that I can make it warmer? I have 1 ego and 1 riva battery, I also have a nicolite and the vape from that is very warm which I love but the cartridges are expensive. I've also had an ego w/eliq (absolutely terrible) and Boge's (constant annoyance topping it up and burnt hits) but they both gave me a warm vape consistently.

I can't really replace it as I've already spent £20 on the thing itself, a new spare atomizer, 4 cartridges and 5 wicks, so I can't really switch as it would mean money wasted. I have a smoktech dual coil mega 1.5ohm cartomizer but I'm not sure if that'll give me a warm vape. Don't get me wrong, the imist is great kit and does the job, but it isn't warm so it doesn't give me that analog feel.

Is there anything I can do? maybe get a variable voltage battery or something, block the air holes on it?

One more question, what e-liquids in the nicolite, and where can I get a replacement charger to it, the device is not a 510 but it is similar and boges do work in them but I can't screw it in.



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
United Kingdom
Hi Jay99,

I would say it's time to move on to something that will satisfy you more. The VV mods are the way to go. I could go on and on about what *I* think is best, but you have been doing this almost as long as I have. I think you know what the best move is. Happy vaping, mann.

I have been vaping for 6 months now but I've tried not to stray to modifications or mixing as my spending does tend to spiral out of control and moneys pretty tight, I recently got into building computers and I have a super powerful computer and I don't even play a lot! I've taught myself not to get technical with anything anymore.

will getting a variable voltage battery (such as the ego twist/vv) help with increasing the temp of the vape?


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2010
I have a I-mist 2 and use it on a VV tube (apollo). It is a 2.0 ohm version. I find it nice over 4.2-4.6 depending on the diy liquid I put in the tank. It works better than the vivi nova on flavor. Oh, I am waiting to buy a joye ego mega driptip to use for dripping with the I-mist.

I could not use this if I had to vape lower than 4.0.


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Jun 6, 2012
I have been vaping for 6 months now but I've tried not to stray to modifications or mixing as my spending does tend to spiral out of control and moneys pretty tight, I recently got into building computers and I have a super powerful computer and I don't even play a lot! I've taught myself not to get technical with anything anymore.

will getting a variable voltage battery (such as the ego twist/vv) help with increasing the temp of the vape?

You bet. Even though the Twist is variable, it's still a little underpowered battery-wise and really won't last as long as you might want to vape during the day. The big battery mods are the way to go with VV. The key to a warm vape is how far away the atomizer is from your mouth, and how many watts your device is capable of pushing through the coil. Most regulated VVs cap off at around 2.5 to 3.5 amps so the wattage won't blow the coil by mistake. Kind of a safety feature, but takes away from experimenting. Think of the wattage like a light bulb, the more wattage, the brighter it gets. So does the coil which means a hotter vape. There is a fine line though between running a coil warmer and shortening its life, so care needs to be taken when experimenting. The other variable that comes into play is the juice you're using. Thinner juices vaporize quicker than thicker juices which could cause the coil to become dry quicker and cause burning flavor. Trying to find a happy medium is really the art of vaping. So is trying to do it under a budget. Good luck, mann.

As a side note, with what you currently have as far as batteries, I would say don't use anything dual coil. Even though they are usually rated as low ohms, they really aren't, and can really do harm to your battery life. Stick with the single coils if you plan on using your current battery devices.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
United Kingdom
You bet. Even though the Twist is variable, it's still a little underpowered battery-wise and really won't last as long as you might want to vape during the day. The big battery mods are the way to go with VV. The key to a warm vape is how far away the atomizer is from your mouth, and how many watts your device is capable of pushing through the coil. Most regulated VVs cap off at around 2.5 to 3.5 amps so the wattage won't blow the coil by mistake. Kind of a safety feature, but takes away from experimenting. Think of the wattage like a light bulb, the more wattage, the brighter it gets. So does the coil which means a hotter vape. There is a fine line though between running a coil warmer and shortening its life, so care needs to be taken when experimenting. The other variable that comes into play is the juice you're using. Thinner juices vaporize quicker than thicker juices which could cause the coil to become dry quicker and cause burning flavor. Trying to find a happy medium is really the art of vaping. So is trying to do it under a budget. Good luck, mann.

As a side note, with what you currently have as far as batteries, I would say don't use anything dual coil. Even though they are usually rated as low ohms, they really aren't, and can really do harm to your battery life. Stick with the single coils if you plan on using your current battery devices.

I have a dual coil smoktech mega cartomizer rated at 1.5ohms, I really want to wait before using it as I have to find he right liquid and the taste sticks with cartomizers compared to my tank imist which I can change flavour.

Will my smoktech give me a warm vape? Is it suitable for an ego battery?

I really want an ego type battery as it has the perfect size/battery life ratio, I don't like the look of those screwdrivers and I don't want to spend a lot as I do have a spending issue. when using a higher voltage, does it consume higher amounts of battery life?

The atomiser for the imist is far away from the mouthpiece and I'm running it at 3.7v (I think thats the voltage for an ego) and it gives me an ice cold vape, will I really notice a difference when increasing the voltage?
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