Butterfly's ejuice - Other issue : ryan80

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Full Member
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Nov 21, 2013
Company name
Butterfly's ejuice
Date of your initial complaint to the supplier.
15 January 2014​
How did you contact the supplier
Website ticket system​
Ticket number (if you were issued one)
General nature of complaint
Briefly describe your problem or issue
I initially contacted them approximately a month after I received my juice order through their website ticket system. I wanted to contact them because all the juice I ordered from them tasted like plastic/chemically. I noticed this taste when the juice first arrived to me, but gave them the benefit of the doubt, figuring it needed to be steeped. After steeping for a month and checking them at random times all but one of the juices still had that taste. At no point did they ever respond to me. I waited another week and submitted them another ticket. After the second ticket, I did get a response saying they never received my first ticket. So I explained to them what the problem was again. I asked them if there was anything that could be done, such as a different steeping method, exchange or return. They didn't offer to even help with a suggested steeping method. Their only response was to give me a discount on a future order and say they had never heard that about their juice. Their customer service is unresponsive and when they do respond it is very lacking.​
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