City ordinance ban looming in Chicago

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Daisey Moonshine

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ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2014
Chicago, Il
A new editorial in the Chicago Tribune:

Editorial: The buzz about e-cigarettes -

Cigarettes are awful for your health. That's undisputed. But the debate over the electronic alternative known as e-cigarettes is just lighting up. Mayor Rahm Emanuel supports a ban on the use of e-cigarettes wherever smoking is prohibited, but the City Council has shown little enthusiasm for that.

Chicago's proposed ordinance, introduced by Ald. Will Burns, 4th, and Ald. Edward Burke, 14th, is promoted as an initiative to protect children, but it would have a much wider impact. E-cigarettes would be banned from all smoke-free environments, and stores would be required to sell them behind the counter. That ordinance has been stalled, but an ordinance that would prohibit the sale of menthol-flavored tobacco products within 500 feet of Chicago schools has been approved by two council committees.

The new state law and the city ordinance that won favor in committee focus on restricting this nicotine-delivery device to kids. And that, for now, seems like the right approach. Illinois and other states had good cause to ban tobacco smoking in public places — second-hand smoke poses a known health risk. E-cigs may be a nuisance to people who see others using them, but we're not talking about second-hand smoke.

The absence of a broad government ban doesn't mean that people puffing e-cigs will start to show up everywhere. Many businesses and agencies have set their own bans. You can't smoke e-cigarettes at the United Center, on CTA buses or trains or in Starbucks stores. Nearly all major U.S. airlines prohibit e-cigarettes on their planes. It's our sense that most e-cig users think twice about where they puff away because of public repulsion toward smoking.

There's likely to be a renewed push in Chicago, and perhaps in the Illinois legislature, for a broad ban on e-cigarette use in public. Let's learn more; there's no reason to rush. Keep the focus on the prohibition of sale to minors.

Eric A. Blair

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Apr 29, 2011
Democratic Peoples Republic of NJ
It was -21° with the windchill in Chicago today. Here in the Democratic People's Republic of New Jersey where big Pharma already passed a vaping ban/No MSA tobacco funded group left behind act 4 years ago During the lame-duck administration before Christie took office it was a balmy 3°. Thank God for global warming.

I saw a lot of smokers outside bundled up in the freezing cold outside the office building with scarves and hats and jackets puffing away. The funny thing is I didn't see anybody outside using an electronic cigarette while walking to my car. :)

This is only anecdotal evidence so we need further studies to prove that users of nicotine vaporizers are just more disciplined or just averse to cold.

Give me a couple of million dollars of federal grant money funded by the NIH and I will do a study.
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Emails to all 50 aldermen sent.

Folks, please email these people! We managed to beat back the last introduction of this ordinance in part with a blizzard of emails. Hopefully, we can do it again.

Here's the list of emails for the Chicago aldermen:

Daisey Moonshine

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2014
Chicago, Il
Surprise opposition derails Emanuel

Surprise opposition derails Emanuel’s e-cigarette ban
BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter December 9, 2013

Stalled e-cigarette ban would protect kids, Emanuel says
Updated: January 11, 2014

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan to ban e-cigarettes wherever smoking is prohibited — and snuff out the sale to minors — ran into a dark cloud of opposition Monday, forcing the mayor to settle for the weaker of two ordinances designed to curb teen smoking.

The City Council’s Finance and Health committees agreed to ban the sale of menthol and flavored tobacco products within 500 feet of Chicago schools — five times the existing radius.

But a surprise outpouring of opposition derailed the mayor’s plan to regulate electronic cigarettes as “tobacco products” subject to Chicago’s smoking ban.

That would have moved them behind the counter of retail stores, banned the sale to minors, prohibited adults from smoking e-cigarettes in virtually all of indoor Chicago and empowered the city to license e-cigarette dealers.

Aldermen from across the city questioned whether the vapors from e-cigarettes are any more dangerous to bystanders than a humidifier, a cup of tea or a pot full of boiling water used to cook pasta.

They further argued that the ban would discourage smokers from using e-cigarettes to kick the habit.

“We’re punishing a group of people for trying not to smoke. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t on one day say, ‘We’re going to tax the heck out of cigarettes,’ then the next day [say], ‘For those of you who can’t afford it and decide you want to smoke vapor, we’re going to decide you can’t do that, either,’” said Ald. Leslie Hairston (5th).

She added, “There is no proof that water vapor in the air does anything. If that is the case, humidifiers are gone. And boiling water is gone in restaurants.”

Downtown Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) took a puff of an e-cigarette during Monday’s meeting, then acknowledged that he recently purchased e-cigarettes to try to kick the smoking habit.

“Where this kind of crosses the line for me is where we start talking about including the device as if it is a tobacco product. Many smokers are actually using these devices or devices like them as part of their cessation program,” he said.

Ald. “Proco” Joe Moreno (1st) argued that there is “no evidence that nicotine being vaporized is damaging” to other people in the room.

“We’re trying to protect a set of people [who] don’t need protection. I don’t see why we need to protect people from something I can [create] when I make my tea in the morning. I have no problem with my 10-year-old daughter being in the kitchen when that happens,” Moreno said.

Ald. Ray Suarez (31st) pointed to the 50-cents-a-pack increase in Chicago’s cigarette tax tied to Emanuel’s 2014 budget.

“We’re raising peoples’ cost of buying a pack of cigarettes, but they’re trying to quit. They’re going to go to vaping and we’re going to limit that, too. At what point do we stop regulating peoples’ lives and making the excuse of safety when we have no documentation to prove this is even a safety hazard and we have no way of enforcing it?” Suarez said.

Dr. Phillip Gardiner, a University of California expert on nicotine dependence, argued that e-cigarettes not only have the “potential to undo decades of de-normalization of smoking.” They’re a “new source of volatile organic compounds, nicotine and heavy metals” with “27 specific chemicals registered as harmful by the Food and Drug Administration.”

“Is there secondhand vaping? Yes, there’s secondhand vaping. No, it’s not just water vaper. It’s all of these different chemicals. Yes, they’re in lesser concentrations. But they’re pollutants none the same,” Gardiner said.

Last month, Emanuel joined forces with Aldermen Will Burns (4th) and Edward Burke (14th) on a pair of ordinances designed to cut off access to gateway products used to entice teens into smoking.

Like the cigarette tax hike, the ordinances were tailor-made to break, what Health Commissioner Dr. Bechara Choucair has called the “plateau” in the decline of adolescent smoking.

It was Burns who proposed holding off on the e-cigarette ban that had generated the most controversy.

Still, Burns said he remains a “strong supporter” of both ordinances, “given my own family’s history with tobacco use. My father died of a massive coronary at the age of 59 as a consequence of being a lifelong smoker.”


Ultra Member
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May 24, 2013
Elgin, IL, USA
I hate to say it, but I'm not totally sure on this subject, even though it's my state:
But, wasn't there legislation last year, enacted on the first of this year, banning the sales of e-cigarettes to minors statewide?

If that is the case, then isn't adding the ban of sales to minors on this current Chicago-specific legislation just a way to get support from the ignorant public/politicians while lumping in the hot-button issues like the indoor bans?

Rahm: Hey, let's pass this legislation. It bans the sale of e-cigarettes to minors! Who could be against that?! Oh, and it also has all this other stuff that makes no sense and will outrage a lot of people. But hey! Children can't buy them!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 6, 2012
Arizona USA
I agree with Bill Godshall. The thread title is misleading. Per Miriam Webster.. loom:: to be close to happening : to be about to happen. While there may be an ordinance looming, that doesn't mean and ecig ban is. It is, however, important for all of use to know what's going on in the vaping world.
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Daisey Moonshine

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2014
Chicago, Il
If you read the CASAA blog JustJulie has posted today, it would explain.

City Hall does not want to bring it to attention because opposition would possibly defeat the ordinance:

It has been reported that an ordinance regulating e-cigarettes in the City of Chicago will be introduced in a joint committee on MONDAY, January 13th, 2014.

We are still trying to confirm details, but it appears that the City of Chicago is once again deliberately failing to provide advance notice in an effort to eliminate opposition to the ordinance. (See December 2013 CTA where they tried the same thing last month and see this article where opposition from vapers defeated the measure.)

While we do not yet have any details of the proposed ordinance, we have information that an e-cigarette ordinance has been added to the agenda for the Monday, January 13th, 2014 meeting of the Joint Committee on Finance and Committee on Health and Environmental Protection. The Joint Committee will meet in the City Council Chamber at 11:30 AM at City Hall (121 N LaSalle St. in Chicago) .


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May 24, 2013
Elgin, IL, USA
Ummm, they debated an ordinance today. Waiting with bated breath to hear an update from someone who was there. Saw a couple phone pics on Windy City Vaper's facebook page from the presentation by the Public Health Department and looked like all the bad things we have ever heard were packed into it.

I saw those on FB as well. Constantly checking to see the outcome.


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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA
Chicago would ban e-cigarettes wherever smoking is prohibited, move them behind the counter and snuff out sales to minors, under a mayoral plan advanced Monday despite persistent aldermanic opposition.


After a heated debate that dragged on for hours and included pleas from self-described “vapers,” the City Council’s Health and Finance Committees voted 15-to-5 to regulate e-cigarettes as “tobacco products” subject to Chicago’s smoking ban.

That will move them behind the counter of retail stores, ban the sale to minors, prohibit adults from smoking e-cigarettes in virtually all of indoor Chicago — and within 15 feet of building entrances — and empower the city to license e-cigarette dealers.

City panel agrees to ban e-cigarettes where smoking is prohibited - Chicago Sun-Times


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Dec 17, 2013
The Fortesque Mansion, UK
Chicago Sun Times said:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel got his way one month after a surprise City Council uprising forced him to settle for the weaker of two ordinances designed to curb teen smoking.

He has framed it as a good vs. evil battle pitting Big Tobacco and its big money lobbyists against public health advocates determined to prevent young people from using electronic cigarettes as the gateway to a lifetime addiction.

Reminds me of Sebt's comments to Clive Bates:

Sebt said:
The righteousness and messianic hyperbole of Tobacco Control’s (failed) appeal to all the people of the world to stop smoking, and the insidious, unprecedently infinite evil of the Big Tobacco/Nicotine/Addictium Mind Control that opposes it, are mutually supporting and explanatory.

The end result is that there are no people in this picture. Empathy and humility are not appropriate where there are no people involved. Anti-smoking campaigning has degenerated into a squabble between Tobacco Control and an imagined “Big Tobacco” for the seat at the controls of the Mind Control Machine. The targets of the Machine are not people but pawns: empty vessels, with no autonomy, to be filled with the “right” messages, like golems awaiting a text.

Disgraceful - there's no thought to people in Rahm's crusade - just blind, and I'm sorry - fascist ideology.
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