Did you ever think you would quit?

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May 31, 2010
I'm just curious. I'd like to know how many people here actually planned to quit smoking before they started vaping? I never planned to quit. Even when my wife made us both buy Chantix I figured "Hey, if this can get me down to just a few a day, It'll be worth it." I lasted 6 days. Then I cellebrated my victory with a cigarette. :rolleyes: Before I knew it, I was up to a pack and a half a day again.

I remember the first time my wife suggested that we quit smoking. It felt like all of the blood in my body turned into ice water and I started shaking just at the thought of it! Now I haven't quit yet, but I'm down to less than half a pack a day, which for me is absolutely amazing. Anybody surprised at how easy it was to quit/cut down significantly? Just curious.


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May 7, 2010
Oswego, New York
I started vaping part-time last November, cut the analogs down to 4-6 a day, by mid January it was a couple a week and then decided to just take the analogs out of the picture altogether. Never intended to quit, but definitely was looking for a way to sooth my needs and the pleasure I take in smoking. Although I had to get rid of all tobacco flavors to get to this point, I've not had an analog since the end of January and have absolutely no desire to even try and light one. Very happy I made the decision to try an ecig, best alternative to any other smoking aid/quit product to date, imo. Best of luck


optimistic cynic
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Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
I wasn't planning to quit either. Thought maybe I should start thinking about quitting, since I was getting indications that maybe not all was well with my lungs....

When a co-worker showed his to me I thought that e-cigs were probably a scam, but figured best case I might smoke a little less, worst case i could sell my stuff to him. I never expected that they'd actually work.

The irony is that I haven't smoked a cig for more than 6 months, but he couldn't tolerate the TH of nicotine concentrations higher than 12 mg, and that wasn't enough to beat the cravings. He's stopped vaping for now.


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Jun 25, 2010
Easton, PA
No. I thought eventually I would be a very old lady smokin' a cig with squinty eyes :>

Today was the first day I did the weekly grocery shopping in a few weeks(had knee surgery so couldn't get out for awhile). So as we were checking out near the courtesy desk, my husband says "Hey, doesn't it feel great that you won't be buying a carton of cigarettes today like you would normally be doing?" It was funny because I was thinking it to myself just before he said it. And yes, it did feel great. More than great.

El Dee

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Apr 1, 2010
I grew up on a tobacco farm and smoked 2-3 packs a day for 35 years. Since the day the 510 arrived 5 months ago I've burned 1 analog. I've got all the nice mods now and play around with attys and voltages. Now I'm making plans to quit vaping. I'll polish up my best mod and keep it should I need a crutch. My attitude toward analogs is much different than it was 5 months ago. There is a certain feeling of freedom when you pass them in the grocery store. Feels good not having $90 bucks added to the grocery bill for 2 cartons as well. My health is much improved and it gets better each day. No freakin way will I ever smoke another nasty ... cigarette. Cutting all my juice to 12mg now to wean myself off the nicotine. Thanks to everyone here and my suppliers as well. Without you quitting would not have been possible:vapor: PEACE


Vaping Master
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Mar 2, 2010
Florida USA
Nope I never thought I would quit. I got an ecig and it just happened really by accident.
just realized one day that I had not smoked for 3 days!
I smoked 2 pks a day for over 40 yrs!
This forum is priceless for all of us too. It gets you so involved that you end up just doing it , in my case I didnt even notice cigs were gone LOL


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Dec 6, 2009
I never planned on quitting either, just bought BLU to play with and wham oh!, I smoked 3 pks for 45 yrs, I quit the day I got my BLU then started researching and found this forum where I found the 510 to be what I would try for a stronger TH. Now I have a Riva but mainly use a 510 with LR atty's unless I need more battery.

I bought 1 pk. after about 2 weeks at $6.00 and decided they would never get another dime of my money.

Good Luck andd Congrads to everyone!


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May 19, 2010
Detroit, Michigan, United States
As a matter of fact... NO! (This is a very good question.) No, I was an avid smoker. I enjoyed it. My friend saw a disposable one at a smoke shop and asked me if I wanted one. (We were going to a bar that weekend and Michigan passed, no smoking in all bars and restaurants.) It was all downhill from there. (Especially after finding this forum and starting with an 808.) My friends can't believe I've quit and I think they are waiting for me to pack it in. I don't think I can go back at this point. The advantages are too great. (And it taste much better.) The only ones that would force me to go back to smoking would be the government. If this get to where it affects some corporate pocket book, we will be all illegal vapers, snusers, stonewall pill poppers. (Had to throw in the smokeless tobacco comment because of the ridiculous Pact Act.)
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