DIY Flavorshack / VapersPlace Contest Winner

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I am surprised and honored to have my Lava Flow recipe selected as the winner in the VapersPlace/DIY Flavorshack Contest.

Thank you, Dawn, not only for sponsoring this contest, but for giving me my first introduction into DIY Mixing a little over 3 months ago. You’ve been one of my unacknowledged mentors and inspirations right from the start, even though you couldn’t possibly have been aware of it.

From the very first time I tried some of your liquids, I knew that as I began to explore the possibilities of DIY mixing, I wanted to someday have a small portion of the talent that you have with ejuice creation. Thanks for being so good at what you do, and for showing us a standard of excellence that all DIY’ers can strive to attain someday.

I’d also like to thank locutus-borg, not only for arranging this contest, but for also being an inspiration and advisor in many of my DIY endeavors as well.

And to all those who participated, or just watched from the sidelines, keep up your efforts, learn as much as you can, ask questions, experiment, and above all, be creative and fearless in your endeavors!

Dawn says the new flavor will be available on her website next Monday (Sept 6) so be sure to check out this new flavor offering and let her know how much we all appreciate her sponsorship in this contest!
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