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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
I don't know about the rest of you vapers, but I have decided to stop using Ebay because of their refusal to allow the sale of e-cigarettes/juice. While I realize they have the right to refuse, I also have the right to refuse to do business with a corporation that selectively passes judgement on one specific product. If you've ever poked around on Ebay, it could hardly be said they are discriminating in their tastes. Some of the sleaziest, tackiest crap I've ever seen in my life is hawked on their site (like the Virgin Mary on toast, gimme a break).

Maybe we should take a stand and let them know just how many vapers there are, how many customers they stand to lose based on this premature judgement of a product based on preliminary info from the FDA (brought to you by the same folks who have approved some of the most dubious substances known to modern man). While I love Ebay as much as the next guy, I am not going to succumb to the temptation to pick up something for "a song" because they have created an awful situation with our sellers via Paypal.

Adios, Ebay and adios, Paypal.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Western NJ
Your actions are admirable and your intentions would manifest themselves if we had a true free market economy. Unfortunately ebay has achieved a monopoly. Not that there's anything wrong with that, they had a successful business model and completely dominated the field.

Actually, I think eBay has gotten pretty terrible.

Its because Ebay bought them that its effectively the only good way to buy on ebay.

So..... let me make a few recommendations:


All listed are known-good places to meet your auction needs.

As an aside, ShopGoodwill is, in face, a Goodwill (the nonprofit) site. Auctions are items donated to Goodwill, and does go to support their efforts.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
Ebay isn't what it use to be, if you know what I mean.
It use to be like this big garage sell and now it's all businesses.
I now compare it to Walmart because you have to be careful what you are paying because there is a lot of times, I can get it cheaper somewhere else.
In fact, I couldn't tell you the last time I bought something from Ebay. I think maybe it was a year ago so it won't hurt me give it up.
In fact, for those who don't want to give it up on permanant basis, just pick a starting date (one where we got time to get the word out) and from then on, for about six months, boycott Ebay.
This could be the first mission of the ECO.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 27, 2009
ebay is definatly not what it used to be. I used to make a little extra on the side selling this and that, but its impossible now with the fees.. between ebay and paypal your paying 20% or something.. I have no idea how people make money on it.. the time is just not worth the few dollars you make after they charge you this fee and that fee.. I still buy from there, i can get a lot of name brand clothes, ect much cheaper.. but we have wondered if some things we have purchased were possible.. not aquired by legal means because sometimes the prices will be too good.. I cant quit using it though.. i need my cheap perfumes, affordable yet name brand clothing.. my husband needs to keep expanding his record collection.. ect. ect..
My Ebay account was closed because of a purchase my daughter made. At the time she did not know that the seller was a scammer and she got ripped off, or should I say I got ripped off being the one having to pay for it. The next day I receive a message from ebay saying that my account is closed due to investigation. What investigation? I got ripped off and now I cannot use ebay... what a crock!!! The next day PayPal send me a message saying that my account is closed due to investigation also. This is not the first time I have had problems with either one, it been on going for about two years. I would also would like to mention that Paypal would not refund the money lost because they cannot get in touch with the seller. So much for Paypal protection... It's all about the money and how much they can keep. So now they have roughly 250.00 of mine that they are holding ransom untill their "investigation" is over, in the mean time it sitting there collecting interest in their account.
So I'm done with both of them and I'll gladly spend my money elsewhere.
Your actions are admirable and your intentions would manifest themselves if we had a true free market economy. Unfortunately ebay has achieved a monopoly. Not that there's anything wrong with that, they had a successful business model and completely dominated the field.

Exactly! Even if a few hundred of us follow through with cancelling our accounts it's a drop in the bucket to Ebay & Paypal. Like when Bank of America decided to issue credit cards to Illegal Aliens they realized a few thousand customers would stop doing business with them .. they accepted the trade off. WE have to go to the source of the bad publicity. (Anybody got a few million extra $$$'s to throw at the FDA?) WE need a grass roots effort to educate the public on the true value of our product. E-cig isn't even at an infancy stage yet, it's more Embryonic. WE used to be able to enthusiastically describe our unique vapor stick to an inquisitive public and gain satisfaction in demonstrating to a “what is THAT” question. Since July 22, 2009, the FDA “do not use” statement WE face the mis-educated public with “Oh, I’ve heard about those things … they’re not good for you”. Check my Now WE get tough .. damnit post on Campaigning heading.
Yeah, I buy alot of pro audio gear from ebay. There are still deals, but they are fewer in between these days.

Since the early days of Ebay I've bought much audio/musician related gear, and sold a lot of items having little problem. With such a depressed economy everybody is liquidating and listing stuff but nobody has the $$$ to purchase. The major downside is when a specific item floods the catagory and there is NO demand it drops the value of ALL the listings of that unit. When you list, weather it sells of not you still pay the listing fee.
Still Ebay is the leader in it's field and a boycot probably won't phase them a bit. Buy IT Now, my $.02
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