Has anyone had their lungs xrayed (vaping)

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
Ontario, Canada
I read a story online about some guy that died and his lungs had oil from e cig on them.

www. journallive .co.uk/north-east-news/todays-news/2011/03/30/wardley-man-s-death-linked-to-using-e-cigarettes-61634-28426394/
[rebuild link by removing spaces]

Just wondering if anyone has had their lung x rayed after a few months or years of vaping.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 19, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Yes i did read the comments and they make good points and information. Just was wondering if anyone has had better or worse lungs after vaping. I would assume yes. But studies are still in the making as no one really knows the affects that some may have. I know i would like to get checked after a bit to see and ease my mind.


Ultra Member
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Dec 12, 2011
The OC
I read a story online about some guy that died and his lungs had oil from e cig on them.

Just wondering if anyone has had their lung x rayed after a few months or years of vaping.

If the implications of that story weren't so dangerously inflammatory.... It's pure ignorance would be funny... Sort of like an Onion "news" story.

Sent from the ether using the power of my mind... and the Tapatalk app.
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Senior Member
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Mar 15, 2013
chicago, il
After just over a week I noticed, I dont hack up brown tar chunks in the shower, or at least its getting less, I can smell better and I dont have to wash my hands every 10 minutes. Im still big on washing my hands but I hated the smell of smoke on them. Dunno about my lungs but I can tell everything about me is getting better.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2010
Not knowing his full history i would guess pleural effusion, either exudates or transudates. Sorry for his family though! Oil from e-liquid, doubtful!
I could see how that would be considered Oil... Innovative Research - Human Pleural Fluid

Transudate would be unlikely. The article stated lung infection, so I'd still go with a bacteria, although I'm completely clueless as to how an autopsy doesn't catch that.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Hi Deeo,
After I read some of the research on the sterilization properties of PG http://www.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,932876,00.html I asked my husband to try vaping. He quit smoking about 20 years ago and he had lung surgery about 15 years ago. The surgery removed 1 lobe of his left lung due to a hamartoma (a begnign growth, probably had since birth but blocking airways and causing him to have severe doubling over type cough attacks and recurrent pneumonia).
Even after this length of time, he still has quite bad cough attacks (scary really because he almost can't breathe). He has seen specialists and had all kinds of testing and inhalers for asthma and soon will go for an MRI.
I was at my wits end, so I made my own DIY (90% PG 10% VG and Tahitian Vanilla from RTS - no nic)and asked him to try it out. If he gets the flu, it's really bad for him. Dr. Robertson did a test with rats where he sprayed 1 cage with the flu and vaporized PG and another with just the flu. The rats from the PG cage all lived and the rats that didn't get the PG all died.

My husband had been vaping about a week or so, a bit almost every day in the evening and he has noticed a difference. I'm no scientist that's for sure but when he used to cough, he'd hack up alot of "crap", not brown crap, just clear crap..and alot of it. Sorry to be gross but he's not doing that as much anymore. I find high PG quite drying and I think that maybe this has something to do with it.
He'll be seeing his specialist soon so when/if he does have some sort of xray or test, I'll let the forum know.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
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In that story, they missed out the fact the guy was suffering from emphysema and CHD (congestive heart disease). People with emphysema are at risk of contracting pneumonia.

At the inquest, no evidence whatsoever was produced by a pathologist that the cell pathology indicated that the disease he died from was lipoid pneumonia as opposed to regular pneumonia. Only the pulmonologist's suggestion that the e-liquid was 'oily' was used as evidence for that.

The refill shown in a TV programme about it was Intellicig's Ecopure, and if you were to suggest that Ecopure could cause lipoid pneumonia then they would rightly sue the living daylights out of you. The pulmonary consultant is clearly a loony anti. Any consultant in his position would know that an emphysema patient is at heightened risk of contracting pneumonia, and must not inhale anything of any kind except medical nebulisers (which often contain PG).

It is possible that inhaling vapour based on glycerine can elevate risk for pneumonia (but obviously not lipoid pneumonia; glycerine has multiple medical licenses for inhalation) in an emphysema patient. This is the most important reason that I personally don't support the use of a glycerine-based refill for emphysema or COPD sufferers, a PG-based refill is intrinsically better suited to their requirements, assuming the choice is either use of an ecig or smoking. Snus is a far better choice for these patients.

I'd basically describe that pulmonologist as incompetent and clearly biased so much that facts aren't relevant to him; a situation that suggests he is not fit to continue in that position.


Full Member
Sep 16, 2010
Dr. Robertson did a test with rats where he sprayed 1 cage with the flu and vaporized PG and another with just the flu. The rats from the PG cage all lived and the rats that didn't get the PG all died.
This sounds really interesting. Did he ever publish a report? I'd be interested to read it, and also look into what controls were used. It's clear he used a lethal type influenza, but I'm wondering what conditions were present because certain viruses and chemicals confer an early immune response leading to survival.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
This sounds really interesting. Did he ever publish a report? I'd be interested to read it, and also look into what controls were used.
I just tried locating any published reports without any luck, but this should get you started...

Medicine: Air Germicide - TIME
…the researchers found that the propylene glycol itself was a potent germicide. One part of glycol in 2,000,000 parts of air would—within a few seconds—kill concentrations of air-suspended pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria numbering millions to the cubic foot.

Dr. Robertson placed groups of mice in a chamber and sprayed its air first with propylene glycol, then with influenza virus. All the mice lived. Then he sprayed the chamber with virus alone. All the mice died.

Medicine: Toward Victory - TIME
To prevent colds, Pediatrician Joseph Stokes Jr. and Dr. Tzvee N. Harris used propylene glycol vapor (TIME, Nov. 16, 1942) last winter to spray the air of six wards containing 105 children at the Children’s Seashore House in Atlantic City. While the wards were being sprayed, three children came down with colds. While the wards were unsprayed, 79 got colds.
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