HEADS UP - NEWS - UPDATES! (When we know, you'll know!)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
HAWAII: (URGENT CALL TO ACTION!) HB 2457 would unreasonably BAN sale of #vaping products in FLAVORS other than tobacco. Scheduled for a HEARING TOMORROW, March 11th! Even if you don't plan to speak, please attend and use this CTA to SEND A MESSAGE!

HI - Stop a Flavor Ban (HB 2457)!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
TAKING ACTION: (WASHINGTON, DC) Save the date for the second SAVE THE vape RALLY on MAY 2, 2020! See the UVA website for more information!

United Vapers Alliance – Fighting for your right to vape!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 10, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

Call to Action in Hawaii! 2020 Washington DC Rally. FDA sends out warnings to companies. Leafly editor comments on CDC actions during lung injury outbreak.
HAWAII: (URGENT CALL TO ACTION!) HB 2457 would unreasonably BAN sale of #vaping products in FLAVORS other than tobacco. Scheduled for a HEARING TOMORROW, March 11th! Even if you don't plan to speak, please attend and use this CTA to SEND A MESSAGE!

HI - Stop a Flavor Ban (HB 2457)!
TAKING ACTION: (WASHINGTON, DC) Save the date for the second SAVE THE VAPE RALLY on MAY 2, 2020! See the UVA website for more information!

United Vapers Alliance – Fighting for your right to vape!


IN THE NEWS: Consumers certain to lose access to hundreds of products as FDA warns retailers, manufacturers to REMOVE unauthorized #vaping products from the market.

FDA Warns Retailers, Manufacturers to Remove Unauthorized E-Cigarette Products from Market
COMMENTARY: More and more people are finally starting to understand that our "trusted agencies" aren't exactly science-based, apolitical or unbiased...

"It was as if CDC officials wanted nicotine vaping to be the cause...."

The CDC’s coronavirus failure was predicted by its VAPI response
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 11, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

Research shows adults like flavors. Negative consequences of the Massachusetts flavor ban. Correcting reports of a "loophole." Wisconsin city passed baseless public vaping ban.
SCIENCE-BASED POLICY: We KNOW smoke causes health risks so it's undeniable that ENDING EXPOSURE DECREASES RISKS. Logically, SMOKE-FREE #vaping decreases health risks in adults who were smoking. Bans are NOT science-based & only perpetuate smoking risks!

Massachusetts Unknowingly Made E-Cigarettes More Dangerous – InsideSources
THE MORE YOU KNOW: Media and ANTZ claiming there's a "loophole" are misleading the public. Those products that came to market after August 8, 2016 are already considered illegal for sale by FDA. It's meaningless to ban flavors of already illegal products.

Teens have found a loophole in the e-cigarette flavor ban, report says
MASSACHUSETTS: Illegal Tobacco Task Force admits flavor ban will cause "increase in smuggling activity and black market sales," contradicting pre-ban denial by lawmakers and supporting there IS an ADULT demand for flavored #vaping products. #BansDontWork

Lack of storage curtails illegal tobacco seizures
RESEARCH: Study finds the longer adults vape, the more likely to lose taste for tobacco/menthol & switch to sweet flavors. About 10% said flavor bans could lead them to return to smoking = about 48,000 deaths annually that might have been averted.

It's Not Just Teens That Like E-cigarette Flavors
OSHKOSH, WI: (UPDATE) Without any scientific evidence of risk to bystanders or any actual necessity (businesses ALREADY have the right to prohibit vaping) city makes it illegal for other business owners - including vape shops - to allow SMOKE-FREE vaping.

Oshkosh Common council votes to ban vaping in the city, will not exempt vape shops
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 12, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

Call to Action for Illinois. Watch an interview with CASAA CEO Alex Clark. Which products require PMTA. Nicotine vs. smoke. Michigan city bans public vaping.
CASAA IN ACTION: Watch CASAA CEO Alex Clark (@Hello_Alex) discuss #vaping and #harmreduction with reporter David Nazar (@DavidNazarNews.) This is the first segment of a series, with future segments to come!

#QuitLying #PMTAreform #WeVapeWeVote

THE MORE YOU KNOW: FDA pre-market tobacco applications (PMTA) only apply to products introduced AFTER Feb. 2007. This means low risk, smoke-free #vaping products undergo a lengthy, uncertain & expensive approval process, while deadly combustibles require NO approval. #PMTAreform


ILLINOIS: (CALL TO ACTION!) Stop bans before they get started! NOW is a good time to contact lawmakers & let them know that flavored smoke-free products play a vital role in helping people quit smoking & that you are opposed to this extreme legislation!

IL - Stop a Flavor Ban Before it Gets Started!
HARM REDUCTION: The focus on nicotine was originally about ending SMOKE EXPOSURE. People may smoke for the nicotine, but it's the smoke exposure causing major health risks. Don't be distracted by debate over nicotine exposure when we SHOULD be focused on reducing smoke exposure!


EAST LANSING, MI: (UPDATE) Without any discussion, scientific evidence of risk to bystanders or any actual necessity (businesses ALREADY have the right to prohibit vaping) city makes it illegal for other business owners to allow SMOKE-FREE vaping.

East Lansing bans vaping, e-cigarettes in public, offices and city-owned spaces
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
FLORIDA: (UPDATED CALL TO ACTION!) SB 810 (Flavor Ban) is now in the hands of Gov. DeSantis for signature. We need everyone in FL to make contact w/the governor by email, phone & tweet, urging him to VETO!

Take Action - Send a Message - Make a Call!

FL - Stop a Flavor Ban (VETO SB 810)! (UPDATED)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 17, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

Urgent Call to Action in Florida! Mississippi and Washington see wins for harm reduction. Illinois city bans public vaping while Wisconsin city sends back to committee. ANTZ continue to conflate smoking risk with smoke-free and vaping.
MISSISSIPPI: Actually, it was a win for over 111,000 ADULT vapers & 505,000 ADULTS who still SMOKE in MS, by having far safer options that can remain more affordable than CIGARETTES. It's even a win for the 11,700 smoking youth, who likely would have continued smoking as adults.


FLORIDA: (UPDATED CALL TO ACTION!) SB 810 (Flavor Ban) is now in the hands of Gov. DeSantis for signature. We need everyone in FL to make contact w/the governor by email, phone & tweet, urging him to VETO!

Take Action - Send a Message - Make a Call!

FL - Stop a Flavor Ban (VETO SB 810)! (UPDATED)
WASHINGTON: (CALL TO ACTION ENDED) Huge win for #vaping advocates in WA! State session closed without enough support for SB 6254. CASAA will keep monitoring and alert members to any attempts to reduce access to low risk alternatives in the future!

WA – Stop a Vapor Tax and Unreasonable Product Standards! (ENDED) - CASAA
LOCKPORT, ILLINOIS: (UPDATE) City bans public #vaping in order to "denormalize the behavior." But why denormalize QUITTING smoking? BTW - there's ZERO scientific evidence that seeing adult strangers vaping to quit smoking causes youth to try vaping!

Lockport prohibits E-Cigarette use in public places
PORTAGE, WI: (UPDATE) City sends ordinance banning use and POSSESSION of vapor products on city-owned property and in other public spaces back to committee. Mayor cites "respiratory issues" (EVALI?) but ordinance doesn't address illicit THC products.

Portage Common Council reconsiders electronic smoking device ordinance
HARM REDUCTION: ANTZ continue to conflate "smoking" w/ "tobacco" & "nicotine," confusing public to falsely believe smoking has same risk as smoke-free or #vaping; making them less likely to switch to far safer alternatives if they can't or won't quit!

Kick Butts Day is now Take Down Tobacco Day
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
NEW YORK, NY: (UPDATED CALL TO ACTION) Even in the midst of a disease pandemic, New York lawmakers are still pushing a ban on safer alternatives to smoking. The budget bills are must-pass, but denying smoke-free resources to people who would otherwise be smoking - linked to nearly half a MILLION deaths EVERY YEAR - is unacceptable!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 23, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

Urgent, Updated Call to Action in New York! Vape retailers should be considered "essential." Vape junk science rears its ugly head in multiple ways with COVID-19.
NEW YORK, NY: (UPDATED CALL TO ACTION) Even in the midst of a disease pandemic, New York lawmakers are still pushing a ban on safer alternatives to smoking. The budget bills are must-pass, but denying smoke-free resources to people who would otherwise be smoking - linked to nearly half a MILLION deaths EVERY YEAR - is unacceptable!

NY - Stand Up To Vaping/Flavor Bans!
HARM REDUCTION POLICY: (OPINION, GUY BENTLEY) "States must scrap online e-cigarette bans during coronavirus pandemic..." (We'd also add: scrap the online bans for good and allow local vape shops to remain open if stores selling cigarettes remain open!)

States must scrap online e-cigarette bans during coronavirus pandemic
VAPE JUNK SCIENCE: NYSAFP calls for sales ban on all tobacco and flavored vaping products during pandemic period, citing a "recent study." However, study we saw only linked SMOKING. Smoke-free/vapor products not even mentioned, let alone "flavors."

NYSAFP calls for ban on the sale of all tobacco and vaping products during pandemic

Here is the study we believe NYSAFP is claiming supports banning smoke-free tobacco and flavored vapor products. We found no mention of smoke-free tobacco or vapor products.

COVID-19 and smoking: A systematic review of the evidence
MORE VAPE JUNK SCIENCE: "Theories" that #vaping increases negative outcomes of COVID-19, exhaled vapor contains coronavirus or even causes COVID-19 are just that - theories. In fact, so baseless they appear to be not much more than ANTZ wishful thinking.

Is There Actually a Link Between Vaping and COVID-19?
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 25, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

CASAA urges leaders not to pass laws limiting consumer access to low risk vapor products. Check out the new Vaping & COVID-19 web page. Lawmakers attack vaping while people stock up on cigarettes.
CASAA IN ACTION: CASAA sends letter to PA @GovernorTomWolf, urging him to exempt businesses supplying vital harm reduction products, such as #vaping supplies, from closing during the COVID-19 shutdown.

CASAA Urges PA Governor to Exempt Businesses Supplying Vital Harm Reduction Products - CASAA
THE MORE YOU KNOW: "Vaping & COVID-19 – Information for Vapers"

The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic provides fertile ground for spreading misinformation on vaping. Vapers must be equipped with solid information and data to counter argue!

Vaping & COVID-19 – Information for Vapers - CASAA
CASAA IN ACTION: (NEW YORK) Supporting our 15k+ members and hundreds of thousands of adults who still haven't quit smoking in the state of NY. There is NO scientific data supporting bans on flavored #vaping products. Vaping REDUCES smoking health risks!

CASAA Warns NY Senate Leadership Against Gov. Cuomo’s Draconian Flavor Ban - CASAA
BAD FOR PUBLIC HEALTH: While many lawmakers continue to close down - even destroy - businesses selling harm-reducing nicotine #vaping products, other stores remain open, selling "essentials" & cigarettes. Stressed out adults are reportedly "stocking up!"

Tobacco Demand Steady Amid COVID-19 Crisis

And here is on the scene evidence (backing up earlier CSP report) that cigarettes - at least in some areas - are flying off the rack during this crisis. Note that "proven" sin taxes are making people cross over to lower tax border states rather than quit!

Burning up the drive-throughs: Cigarette, tobacco sales high
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
BAD FOR PUBLIC HEALTH: (RHODE ISLAND UPDATE) In the midst of a worldwide pandemic that is reportedly made worse by smoking, RI DOH finalizes a #vaping flavor ban that will eliminate thousands of products helping vulnerable adults quit smoking. Brilliant.

RI's ban on flavored vape products becomes permanent


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 26, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

#EssentialToUs Call to Action for consumers nationwide. Rhode Island makes flavor ban permanent. Analysts predict smoking boom and vaping doom. Companies hope for PMTA extension due to outbreak delays.

PUBLIC HEALTH: (CALL TO ACTION!) Our health & well-being are at much greater risk when only the most deadly form of nicotine (cigarettes) is available locally. Let your governor know prudent, controlled access to our local #vape shops is #EssentialToUs!

#EssentialToUs - Keep Vape Shops Open!
In the midst of a worldwide pandemic that is reportedly made worse by smoking, RI DOH finalizes a #vaping flavor ban that will eliminate thousands of products helping vulnerable adults quit smoking. Brilliant.

RI's ban on flavored vape products becomes permanent
Analysts predict smoking "recession proof," while #vaping "could see declines during the outbreak" as public wrongly believes respiratory risks are the same. (And as vape shops closed while cigarettes still sold in exempted stores.)

Jefferies touts big tobacco as 'recession proof,' saying smokers aren't fazed by illness risks and the boredom of lockdowns will encourage more smoking
Tobacco and vapor product companies hope for extension from FDA for PMTA deadline due to delays from COVID-19 shutdowns.

Altria Asks FDA to Delay Regulatory Deadline Due to Coronavirus
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
March 30, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

New York Call to Action Update. "Non-essential" vape shops cautiously helping customers any way they can. New research shows vaping efficacy. FDA requests PMTA delay. Teen schools media on what they really think about vaping.

NEW YORK: (CALL TO ACTION UPDATE!) Legislature is expected to VOTE SOON on budget bill that includes BAN on flavored vapor products - even those currently allowed at FDA’s discretion - and favor vapor products sold by cigarette companies. Email/call NOW!

NY - Stand Up To Vaping/Flavor Bans!
TAKING ACTION: With open stores deemed "essential" selling more cigarettes, some vape shops deemed "non-essential" are cautiously doing whatever they can to help adult consumers get #vaping supplies to avoid relapsing back to smoking.


To fill ‘essential’ need, vape shops go curbside
IN THE NEWS: Due to the outbreak, FDA has requested a 120-day delay for PMTA deadline. While September is better than May, a delay doesn't stop the expense, uncertainty and complexity of the process from eliminating majority of products from the market.

FDA Asks Court to Delay PMTA Deadline for Vapor Products
RESEARCH: Adding even more scientific evidence to support #vaping, a study published online in JAMA finds vapor products doubled the success rate of counseling alone in smoking cessation & reduced smoking by >50% in those who don't completely quit.

Vaping Use Associated with Greater Short-Term Cessation than Counseling
THE MORE YOU KNOW: Teen counters ANTZ claims, saying "flavors aren’t the problem," worries anti-vaping efforts actually "makes them curious" & wants other teens to know that vaping is "really meant for people who are trying to quit cigarettes."

Letter: The story of an underage e-cig user
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
April 16, 2020
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

FDA admits no evidence connecting vaping with COVID-19. Montana flavor ban ends - but nightmare continues. So-called "experts" don't know jack. Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids propaganda campaign to shut down vapeshops. Take the vaping survey!

ANTI-VAPING POLICIES: Instead of addressing concerns publicly, FDA surreptitiously admits to a single news source (by email) that the ANTZ claim vaping "exposures increase the risk of COVID-19" is "not known.”


#QuitLying #EssentialToUs

FDA Shifts Its Covid-19 Stance on Vaping, Smoking Impact
When the "experts" don't even know that THC vapes are NOT "nicotine products modified by young people" and still think the lung injuries have anything to do with THC or nicotine, we have to question whether it's stupidity or an agenda.

Despite recent downturn, local health officials still concerned over vape use among teens
Governor's 120-day flavor ban is officially over, but consumers still denied local access to safer alternatives to smoking as #vape shops are deemed "non-essential." Meanwhile, deadly cigarettes can be purchased everywhere. #EssentialToUs

Montana's Temporary Vape Ban Has Expired
CTFK's propaganda campaign to shut down vape shops, while cigarettes are still being sold everywhere. Counter CTFK's campaign by joining
@CASAAmedia and doing their Call to Action to let your governors know vape businesses are #EssentialToUs!

CASAA Link: https://bit.ly/3em4MmO

Preliminary survey from harm reduction researchers in Barcelona and Milan looking for vapers' input to scientifically analyze the unsubstantiated ANTZ claim that vapers are more likely to become infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

eCigarettes, travel and COVID19
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
(via CASAA Twitter @CASAAMedia)

Jackson, Wyoming Call to Action. CASAA calls out media bias. Judge allows FDA PMTA extension. Smoking/vaping COVID-19 research. Bad policies & bad advice. Junk vape science.

JACKSON, WYOMING: (CALL TO ACTION!) City Council is moving forward with proposals to ban the sale of vapor and tobacco products in flavors other than "tobacco" AND to ban public use of vapor products,including OUTDOORS! TAKE ACTION!

WY - Jackson - Stop a Flavor Ban (May 4, 2020)
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: (FDA) PMTA #vaping product deadline has been POSTPONED until 9/9/20, giving 4 more months to sell products that were on market prior to 11/8/16. After 9/9, those products w/out PMTA must also be removed from the market.

#NoPMTA #VapingSavesLives

It’s Official! PMTA Submission Deadline Will Move to Sept. 9th - Vaping360
ANTI-VAPING POLICIES: Anti-vaping efforts may have made Coronavirus crisis worse, experts say...

Politicians and anti-vaping groups "conflating the risks of smoking and vaping is both bad science and discourages smokers from making the switch."

Anti-Vaping Efforts May Have Made Coronavirus Crisis Worse, Experts Say – InsideSources
RESEARCH: Anti-smoking bias caused the assumption of increased COVID-19 risks, but that isn't being supported by the actual data. If smoking doesn't increase COVID-19 risks, then low risk, smoke-free nicotine sources like vaping definitely don't.

CASAA IN ACTION: One group the reporter called out was CASAA — referring to the largest non-profit, consumer harm reduction advocacy group in the country as merely “a website,” & called truthful statements regarding the lack of evidence linking #vaping to COVID-19 a “spin."

CASAA CEO Responds to Biased Bloomberg Rag Decrying Bias, Slandering Advocates - CASAA
VAPE JUNK SCIENCE: Knowing full well that healing smoking damage can take years & w/out disclosing how recently subjects vaped, researchers claim vascular changes found in former-smoker vapers may mean smoking not a greater risk than #vaping. #QuitLying

BAD PUBLIC HEALTH POLICIES: Older smokers who had switched to e-cigarettes are turning back to traditional cigarettes because of negative news coverage and regulatory crackdowns on vaping.

Older Vapers Are Turning Back to Cigarettes, Marlboro Maker Says
QUIT OR DIE: Ohio doc still conflating illicit THC injuries with nicotine products & omits important CDC guidance (ie. don't go back to smoking.) Essentially, "keep doing what failed in the past, even if that means smoking instead of switching to vaping."

Ask a Doctor: Don’t trade cigs for vapes - The Lima News
RESEARCH: Dr. Farsalinos' new peer-reviewed paper now published, finds nicotine could help control the hyper-immune response of the coronavirus. However, the hypothesis still needs to be tested and confirmed.

Editorial: Nicotine and SARS-CoV-2: COVID-19 may be a disease of the nicotinic cholinergic system - ScienceDirect
If you’re on Facebook, please be sure to join your CASAA state group to help prevent anti-harm reduction laws like these from spreading through the state! Link: CASAA.org - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Join CASAA here: Join CASAA - CASAA
Find your state info here: Find My State Info - CASAA

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