HEADS UP - NEWS - UPDATES! (When we know, you'll know!)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Lawyers file a BASELESS, money-grabbing lawsuit against the maker of ZYN nicotine pouches -- apparently without even knowing what the product is:

“Now comes along Zyn the CHEWING GUM...targeting towards kids...," Managing Attorney Martin Schmidt said.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Ms. Brewer states "Unless we help people try more, and support them in their quitting, we're going to have a high adult use rate. It's not gonna miraculously go down," yet she wants to ban the MOST EFFECTIVE quit smoking products ever known?

See the CASAA Call to Action to stop the insanity!

S. 18 would ban the sale of any flavored tobacco or nicotine product regardless of FDA authorization or having received a modified risk order! Surveys show that ADULTS PREFER non-tobacco #vaping FLAVORS.

TAKE ACTION NOW: https://casaa.org/call-to-action/vermont-stop-a-flavor-ban/


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
CASAA Weekly News Updates

Public Health shows ignorance of #vaping culture. A partial win in Florida. Court upholds lifetime ban. Oncologist spreads EVALI disinformation. Lawsuit targets non-existent #ZYN “gum." Calls to Action & more!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Note how they obfuscate the North Carolina student #vaping prevalence by only stating a number rather than giving a percentage for perspective? They did this with overall tobacco use by pointing out that it’s “1 in 8” and “about 3 students in every classroom,” but not for vaping.

Maybe admitting high school vaping (ie. taking even just 1 puff in the past month) in North Carolina – which is actually below the national average at just 9.6% – doesn't sound so scary?



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
It's U-Haul’s right to DISCRIMINATE against nicotine consumers, but the policy is completely UNFOUNDED. Nicotine may be "addictive," but so is alcohol, caffeine & sugar. There's also NO EVIDENCE that SMOKE-FREE nicotine is more harmful than anything else we consume!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
There's so much to unpack with the outlandish claims, history revision and misinformation in this op-ed by Dr. Joanna Cohen (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,) so buckle in!
1) You wouldn't trust a thief to sell you an alarm system, so we can't trust the tobacco industry to sell harm reduction.*

*By this logic, we can't trust the auto industry to sell environmentally-friendly cars.

2) Big Tobacco is "co-opting" harm reduction with a "dangerous narrative" that nicotine vapor products are "the be-all, end-all of smoking cessation."*

*Categorically false. No US tobacco company has ever claimed their vapor products are for smoking cessation.

3) "Legitimate" tobacco harm reduction is Tobacco Control policies, such as advertising restrictions, taxes and public use bans.*

*Who is REALLY "co-opting harm reduction" here? Traditional Tobacco Control policies have goals of PREVENTION and ABSTINENCE, not harm reduction!

4) Tobacco Control policies have been "so successful that they’ve left tobacco giants scrambling to retain customers."*

*Smoking cessation rates had slowed down considerably before vaping came into the picture. It was the independent vape industry that got the tobacco industry scrambling!

5) "No company in the U.S. has sought out FDA authorization to market these products as approved cessation devices."*

*Because these products are NOT intended to treat nicotine addiction. They are HARM REDUCTION - safer alternatives for people who cannot or will not quit.

6) Tobacco industry is "lobbying against every evidence-based tobacco control measure introduced."*

*The "evidence" shows the policies do little to nothing to reduce harm. Youth were still starting to smoke and adults weren't quitting. Your policies just punished them for it.

7) "Tobacco companies are co-opting genuine concerns about over-policing in the Black community" regarding menthol.*

*Tobacco Control policies have already caused over-policing in black communities. Just ask Eric Garner's mother. She is genuinely concerned about a menthol ban.

8) Tobacco industry "allies baselessly" position e-cigarettes & HnB products as the only viable harm reduction method for people who want to quit. They discount existing FDA-approved cessation methods entirely."*

*Not "baseless." Numerous studies have shown vaping IS more effective than FDA-approved cessation methods, which fail 93% of the time!

9) "E-cigarettes are newer to the market, there is not yet this same breadth and depth of evidence."*

*So just ignore how all of that evidence from cigarette research shows us that what caused the harm is NOT found in e-cigs AND that e-cigs have been sold for 20 years now?

10) "E-cigarette liquids contain toxins such as formaldehyde, a known carcinogen."*

*False. E-liquids do NOT "contain" formaldehyde. It can be CREATED in high levels but only when e-cigs are tested under very UNREALISTIC CONDITIONS that would taste horrible to a consumer.

11) "Evidence shows that e-cigarette use is associated with an increased risk of lung injury, cardiovascular damage, poisoning..."*

*This is speculation. No medical case of lung injury, cardiovascular damage or poisoning has been causally linked to just vaping nicotine.

12) "They are potentially cultivating a whole new generation of consumers, including children and young people enticed by appealing flavors..."*

*Who would have likely started SMOKING if e-cigs weren't available -- and surveys show ADULTS overwhelmingly prefer those flavors.

This article is shockingly bad but it's not surprising. As Dr. Cohen says, "this playbook isn’t new" for Tobacco Control, either — especially coming from those associated with institutions and organizations funded by the rabidly anti-vaping Bloomberg Philanthropies.

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
The National Alliance for Hispanic Health calls for a total flavor ban, citing an alleged "increase in youth nicotine addiction" and calling it a “flavored tobacco epidemic plaguing Hispanic youth.”

However, the 2023 National Youth Tobacco Survey data shows:
- Overall tobacco/nicotine use by Hispanic/Latino youth DECLINED from 22% in 2019 to 11.7%
- Smoking DECLINED from 8.8% to 3.9%
- Vaping DECLINED from 18.7% to 8.5%

Note that their press release chooses to highlight the NYTS middle school data, because it's higher among Hispanic students than the average, but the more relevant HIGH SCHOOL data that shows Hispanic use is 9.7% -- lower than both the 10% average and white students at 11.3%.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
When researchers disingenuously open with "NICOTINE USE is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide," it's a red flag for possible bias.

Even the CDC says those preventable deaths are associated with CIGARETTE SMOKING, not SMOKE-FREE nicotine products.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
These situations would have been avoidable had lawmakers just considered:

Why do people sell these products?
Because they can make money.

Why can they make money?
Because people want the products.

Why don't people buy it legally?
Because lawmakers either banned them or made them unaffordable.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
"Vapes, heated tobacco, snus, and nicotine pouches (including Zyn) all have the potential to significantly reduce harm from smoking by competing with traditional cigarettes. Yet it is anti-smoking organizations that are fighting hard to eradicate them."
~ Martin Cullip



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Tobacco Harm Reduction advocate Bengt Wiberg on "The Swedish Experience." Snus use in Sweden is around 20% and has the lowest prevalence of daily cigarette use and the lowest rate of tobacco-related mortality in the EU!

Watch the full episode at: Snus and Other Smoke-free Alternatives with Bengt Wiberg



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
New study:

"This study contributes to our understanding of e-cigarettes, but it does not show that e-cigarettes cause cancer...and studies have so far shown that e-cigarettes are far less harmful than smoking and can help people quit."
~ Dr. Ian Walker



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
TODAY at 4:30 PM ET/3:30 PM CT!

Some see disposable vapor products as important tools for harm reduction and saving lives, while others see them as a serious threat to the industry and advocacy. On this week's episode, join us for a nuanced conversation about the pros and cons of these controversial products.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Adult vaping in Vermont increased 3 percentage points while smoking is down by 4 percentage points. Nicotine vaping is scientifically proven to be more effective than NRT and significantly less harmful, yet the DOH advises adults who smoke not to switch.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Are you a non-industry vaper who has been living under the flavor ban in Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York or Rhode Island? CASAA Live is looking for guests for our Vaping Frontlines series to talk about their experience in navigating these bans.

Please let me know if interested!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Tell us you're clueless about what the FDA is NOT doing without telling us you're clueless about what the FDA is NOT doing.

"The [state] registry’s purpose is to identify products that have been INSPECTED and AUTHORIZED and SOMEBODY'S LOOKED AT THEM."



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
“The official argument for regulating tobacco differently to alcohol is that cigarettes are a “unique product”. The WHO says that tobacco “is the only legal consumer product that kills when used exactly as intended by the manufacturer." This was the explanation given by anti-smoking campaigners for decades whenever it was suggested that tobacco regulation creates a "slippery slope”...

For example, Stanton Glanz wrote, “The 'slippery slope' argument is one that the tobacco industry has routinely raised to oppose policies against its interests, including smokefree policies, decisions by arts and cultural organizations not to accept tobacco money, advertising restrictions, and other policies. These predicted subsequent problems simply have not materialized."

Author Christopher Snowdon, however, points out that more recently, “public health campaigners HAVE cited the precedent of graphic warnings, advertising bans and plain packaging for tobacco as a justification for applying the same regulations to OTHER products, including alcohol. It is far too early to say that the “dire predictions” were wrong.”


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