

Full Member
Aug 19, 2023
Hey guys i changed my coil and now when im vaping my fav liquid thats been fine all this time im getting weird taste and feel like throwing up its AWEFUL im using 3mm bp cotton and 3mm coil but all of a sudden its doing this bad bad taste and making me gag. Is it the cotton thats burning that im inhaling? Ive re wicked 5 times and its done it over and over i vape on a diff device i just set up and its fine but im tripping out why its doing it all of a sudden ive used the same technique as i normally do the cotton isnt too tight i thin out the ends its nice and ive dry fired my coil washed my hands over n over i dont know what it is


Full Member
Aug 19, 2023
Sorry guys. Yes coil was replaced and cotton too to a different brand and even changed my ejuice to another banana type the first was redback juices caramel fudge pancake banana and the second that game me that taste was basic batch waffle banana. I tried it in a subohm tank and got it too so was told from my vape shop that it could be vapers tongue. Which fits the bill. But i was wondering why my monster labs pb and jam banana doesnt give me that taste it is perfect yet all 3 are banana im confused and shattered that i switched out my coil 3 times and wasted so much juice coz i thought it was contaminated or something. Is there a way to help get my taste for those juices back? Or do i just have to vape something else for a while??? Thanks for your replies guys


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
One of my regulars is a strong menthol juice. That was never affected by vapers tongue. Maybe try some menthol.

But from my experience vapers tongue doesn't cause a bad taste, just no taste at all. If you haven't been vaping long, taste buds go through a lot of changes early on. Maybe that's happening to you. My advice is try a few different flavors and see if it clears up.

Good luck

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