I did not quit! I cut down and I am JAZZED about that!

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Full Member
Jul 25, 2011
:2cool:Thought that I would share my successs with you czats. Mostly cause I betcha there are other peeps that have had the same kinda success I have and they should feel excellent about it, like I do.

Did I quit analogs...nope!
Do I plan to quit ... nope, but it might work out like that.

I have been a 2 pack a day smoker for like 20 years, that's a lot of puffing.
I am now a 2-5 cig a day smoker that's a big win.

I don't think that smoking is the cause of all evil in the world, its just not good for you and it's expensive, this is better. I have noticed my cravings diminish with my vaping, may be one day soon I will not want to smoke an analog at all, when that happens it happens. I think a lot of peeps think that if they pick up an e-smoke they are going to have to quit analogs the day they get it..some can..great for them.. others like myself dont..I cut way back..great for me. I can tell you a few stories (just keeping it real) of peeps that have tried to cold turkey switch to vape and ended up smoking more!

Don't think that you have to quit the second you get vape in hand..do it like you do it, celebrate YOUR success and don't compare it to others..

My advice -- quit cold if you can..if not cool, slip into it like a warm bath and enjoy the journey!



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Jul 25, 2009
Central Texas
I hadn't planned on quitting, I wanted something I could use at non-smokers house or in cars. I guess I did enough reading on here that when I ordered my e-cig I also got 24mg e-liquid, started with that and haven't touched an analog since. As time went by I started noticing how much I was saving by refilling carts, couldn't justify the $4.50 a pack any more.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 2, 2011
in my body in the Windy city
Congratulations! That's a fantastic victory!

I didn't stop smoking entirely, either. Like you, I cut down drastically to only a few a day and couldn't believe how easy it was. I even took a 3-day trip recently where I just didn't bring any cigarettes with me and was perfectly fine.

I haven't been smoking at all for the past few days, but I haven't forbidden myself to smoke either. I figure I'm doing great this way without pressuring myself. I know I won't ever go back to the 1-2 PAD habit that I had just a few short weeks ago. I like vaping, and I've rid myself of the horrible smell in my house and car, so I'm celebrating!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 23, 2011
Congrats on the cut-down JTF.

I have taken to vaping like fish to water, and now and again, (like once a week), i do try and analogue coz I have the craving for a smelly tobacco filled cig. But soon as I puff it, I'm reminded of how nasty it actually tastes in comparison to e-cigs. It's good to keep reinforcing yourself that way.

I think if you manage to go for about 1 week without an analogue, you'll find that your taste and smell come back. Once they do, I guarantee you'll think differently about analogues and their taste. But you'll have to drop it clean for a week or 2 to notice that effect. Let us know how you go if you try this experiment.



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Jul 9, 2011
Congrats on your success! I was "hoping" to quit but never really saw myself going without an analog for as long as I have now... It hasn't been long but with the daily stresses life brings i'm shocked to have gone almost a month without a death stick! If cutting back is what you wanted to do then congrats! Not all people quit and well... thats ok! Keep up the good work! =)


Full Member
Jul 25, 2011
You've cut down majorly and that deserves a big congrats.
And as they say, don't worry about the little things in life, most of the time, they work themselves out. :)

Indeed, I still have a smoke or few in the morning. Some habits right... You know what I think really helps... finding a juice that you really love. That's what is working for me.


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2010
Toronto, ON
Congrats on cutting down! Indeed, you don't have to quit right away, and fact going into vaping with that sort of mentality can work against you. The great thing about vaping is that you can take it at your own pace and you can allow yourself to smoke if you still want or need to. It's totally up to you and how vaping fits into your life. It may be that you get a new PV or some new juice that just really does it for you and kills your desire to smoke completely, and that would be awesome. But it could be that you're just not ready no matter what hardware or juice you use -- and that's awesome too. If it's working for you to any degree, you've come out ahead. You fit vaping into your life as you see fit, you cut down or quit at your comfort. However you do it, it's all good. Just keep at it!


Full Member
Jul 25, 2011
Congrats on cutting down! Indeed, you don't have to quit right away, and fact going into vaping with that sort of mentality can work against you. The great thing about vaping is that you can take it at your own pace and you can allow yourself to smoke if you still want or need to. It's totally up to you and how vaping fits into your life. It may be that you get a new PV or some new juice that just really does it for you and kills your desire to smoke completely, and that would be awesome. But it could be that you're just not ready no matter what hardware or juice you use -- and that's awesome too. If it's working for you to any degree, you've come out ahead. You fit vaping into your life as you see fit, you cut down or quit at your comfort. However you do it, it's all good. Just keep at it!

Lolady said something in one of her post the other day which I am starting to experience. Sometimes when I am smoking an regular I am starting to have the desire to smoke my vape instead. When that happens I just put out the regular and vape away. Now my big regular smoke thing is in the morning, generally once I start vaping, around 8ish I am done with the analog for the day. I just wish I could figure out a way to vape my morning analog desire away, might just be time...


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2010
Toronto, ON
Lolady said something in one of her post the other day which I am starting to experience. Sometimes when I am smoking an regular I am starting to have the desire to smoke my vape instead. When that happens I just put out the regular and vape away. Now my big regular smoke thing is in the morning, generally once I start vaping, around 8ish I am done with the analog for the day. I just wish I could figure out a way to vape my morning analog desire away, might just be time...

Just remember that there's no hurry. Vaping allows you to take things at your own pace, so you have the freedom to decide if and when you're just going to ditch the nails. For me I didn't need to transition, I just liked vaping so much and it hit all the right points on what I needed out of a PV to replace cigarettes that I ditched the pack the moment I picked up my first PV. But everyone's needs are difference; everyone prioritizes the things about smoking that make them feel like they're still smoking when they vape -- even if it's not something they've ever had to consciously think about before. For me, throat hit is paramount, followed by flavour, then vapor production. I know of someone else who needs the visual of all that vapor above all else. Still someone else here needs that "buzz" from strong nic content and couldn't care less about flavour or vapor.

Of course, there are other factors involved here. The hardware and juice you use also play a big part. A good PV and some good juice can work wonders -- but that can be a very subjective thing. It can take some experimentation -- the world of vaping is overflowing with it -- but once you hit that right combo you probably won't feel like ever touching another cigarette. :)

But the important thing to remember is not to feel like it's failing you if it doesn't totally get you off cigarettes. It can take time for some people, that's perfectly natural. Just try different things and eventually you'll hit upon a combination that really does it for you.


My friends call me A.G.
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Nov 23, 2010
Vaping Heaven
I didnt plan on quitting when I got my first vaping device. I was an "accidental" vaper. Congrats on cutting down, because we all know smoking isn't good for us. Being a vaper doesn't have to mean you are also a non-smoker. A good cigar, a fine bowl of pipe tobacco, even the occasional cigarette are all things many vapers still enjoy. :)


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2009
Trainer PA

I have the same problem at night...I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should buy a 401 (cig lookalike) and get a tobacco flavor to mimick smoking a real cig to get over the hump. When I do light up the cig still tastes like ........but that doesn't stop me from smoking it....

I am still thrilled that I went from two packs a day to a couple cigs a day...but I want more...well...less...oh you know what I mean...

Lolady said something in one of her post the other day which I am starting to experience. Sometimes when I am smoking an regular I am starting to have the desire to smoke my vape instead. When that happens I just put out the regular and vape away. Now my big regular smoke thing is in the morning, generally once I start vaping, around 8ish I am done with the analog for the day. I just wish I could figure out a way to vape my morning analog desire away, might just be time...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 2, 2011
in my body in the Windy city
Lolady said something in one of her post the other day which I am starting to experience. Sometimes when I am smoking an regular I am starting to have the desire to smoke my vape instead. When that happens I just put out the regular and vape away. Now my big regular smoke thing is in the morning, generally once I start vaping, around 8ish I am done with the analog for the day. I just wish I could figure out a way to vape my morning analog desire away, might just be time...

I've taken lolady's blogs to heart - it really helps to be gentle on yourself in this process, and to go at your own pace.

I knew the morning smoke would be my hardest to avoid, so I approached it like this:

- that first smoke was always with a cup of coffee, so I found a strong coffee flavor vape in the highest mg I had
- had the PV ready to go the night before, so I could just reach for it and start vaping
- placed the PV where I would reach it first (again, following lolady's blog, I didn't hide my cigarettes, but did place them somewhat out of reach so if I went for them, it would be a choice, my decision, not automatically without thought)
- start vaping on my way to the coffee pot, as I'm preparing the coffee, the first sip of coffee
- continue vaping as I'm drinking the coffee and just do that for as long as I wanted before going for the smoke

Essentially, it's a delay tactic - both physical (giving the nicotine time to get absorbed through vaping), and mental. I found that if I allowed myself to smoke if the vaping wasn't doing it for me in the morning, I chose to vape for longer and longer periods of time before choosing to have the first cigarette of the day. One day, I realized it was 1pm and I hadn't yet reached for a cigarette and hadn't really noticed.

It really becomes easier over time if you can get past the first hurdle. Basically, start chain vaping that sucker right away and give it time to do its thing!


Full Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've taken lolady's blogs to heart - it really helps to be gentle on yourself in this process, and to go at your own pace.

I knew the morning smoke would be my hardest to avoid, so I approached it like this:

- that first smoke was always with a cup of coffee, so I found a strong coffee flavor vape in the highest mg I had
- had the PV ready to go the night before, so I could just reach for it and start vaping
- placed the PV where I would reach it first (again, following lolady's blog, I didn't hide my cigarettes, but did place them somewhat out of reach so if I went for them, it would be a choice, my decision, not automatically without thought)
- start vaping on my way to the coffee pot, as I'm preparing the coffee, the first sip of coffee
- continue vaping as I'm drinking the coffee and just do that for as long as I wanted before going for the smoke

Essentially, it's a delay tactic - both physical (giving the nicotine time to get absorbed through vaping), and mental. I found that if I allowed myself to smoke if the vaping wasn't doing it for me in the morning, I chose to vape for longer and longer periods of time before choosing to have the first cigarette of the day. One day, I realized it was 1pm and I hadn't yet reached for a cigarette and hadn't really noticed.

It really becomes easier over time if you can get past the first hurdle. Basically, start chain vaping that sucker right away and give it time to do its thing!

Hmmm... excellent idea.. I will have to get me some coffee vape and try er out..recommend any?
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