Importing into Singapore

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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 1, 2009
Just a warning to share. ecigs are banned and categorized as a medical device. If your package is confiscated, there are a few possible outcomes depending on the HSA official handling the matter.

You get to return it to sender for a refund. You are not allowed to redirect your parcel, only back to the sender at your expense. This happens only once. Subsequent seizures will result in your parcel being sent for destruction.

You are fined for attempting to import a banned device. The HSA official advised that this is not a common practice.

Your parcel is sent for destruction.

You go to court for attempting to import for sale. This might be considered if you have multiple sets in a package.

HSA officers can order a search warrant of your premises.

Don't bother attempting to import Penstyles. Apparently the scanners at Singpost can single Penstyles out with great accuracy. There are templates and after one find, the subsequent ones are real easy to detect.

There is no way the officers at HSA will let you have your ecigs. All appeals are noted and then rejected.

They officers at HSA are aware of what ecigs are and how they work. They are also aware that it contains no tobacco. But it's grouped under some law enacted in 1993. You'll be quoted this law over and over.

There are no online resources to find out what is exactly banned. Laymen like ourselves have no access to such a directory or documents. In other words, you wont know until you are screwed.

Good luck, be courteous and be creative.
May 24, 2009
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