Juicy is a *GREAT* company!!!

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Verified Member
Apr 12, 2009
Piqua, Ohio
I ordered some stuff from juicy over the weekend, and first off, It already arrived!!!! Talk about FAST! I wasn't expecting anything for another day or two!!

But the kicker is that I ordered (2) 1/4oz menthol crystals ( total 1/2oz ), and Written on my invoice in the package, hand written it say's "THANK YOU" and then says "Menthol drops Gratis!". They sent me a *FREE* 10ml bottle of menthol drops!!!!

So I got super speedy shipping + a free 10ml bottle of Menthol drops!

This won't go un-noticed! I have friend at work thinking about buying e-cigs, and because of this, I'm going to recommend Juicyliquid.com to them, And tell them that they should order some bottles, syringes, and have them check out the e-juice they have on hand! I have also been talking about e-cigs over at another forum I go to, and I've been handing out links, And i'll post Juicyliquid's link up over there, and tell them about the great customer service.

Hopefully I can get you guys a couple more sales.

I am *VERY* satisfied with this company. If I need any other items that juicy has on hand, I'll be ordering it from them from now on!

Juicy obviously knows that a little gratitute and respect goes a long way. I hope they never forget that.

Sorry about the long post, But It's rare for a company to actually treat customers like this anymore, and i wanted to fully express my feelings towards this one very simple action.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Thank you for sharing, and for choosing us!

It's like this.. we could do it without menthol. We could do it without syringes. We could do it without flavors, and even without nicotine. The one and only variable that is absolutely indispensable is you guys-- our customers. (and maybe bottles HAAA!)
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