My state is so corrupt!!!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Allow me to present New Jersey into the mix....home to Senator Frank Lausenburg (thankfully deceased now). He was at the forefront in fight to ban e-cigs, restrict e-cigs, etc. New Jersey had one of the earliest bans on indoor vaping, it was in place back in 2010 when I started. Includes all workplaces, malls, buildings, and other "non-smoking areas"

The kicker, he was a US senator due to our state Supreme Court installing him on the ballot. In their ruling the stated, in print that it was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but we're going to allow it just this once...:facepalm:


Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
The CASAA website has a lot of samples, stories, and educational materials. They also fight for our rights of legal accuracy and fairness. Anyway, look at the material and write a personal paper on why e-cigs users should not be so abused.

Take that and send it to the Opinion page of your newspapers locally and in the capital.

I just wrote this one on a blog at: GHS Blog E-cigarettes: Not recommended for smoking cessation » GHS Blog

Letting people know, what we experience and know, is probably the best thing we can do. Create bookmarks, create passwords, follow your State's legislature...Its a good thing for all of us.

(Wherever the Greenville Health System is)
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Super Member
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Feb 22, 2014
i have already said to myself if this country(united states) gets any more worse or corrupt. like if i can't afford health insurance or to pay for medications or if it becomes a dictatorship which it sorta is. i am up an moving to Canada where its quiet and peaceful, not all the drama and free high quality public healthcare system. you just walk into hospital get treated for whatever including cancer and no bill collectors crawling up your but. Canada would be a great place to escape to in my mind.


Senior Member
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Mar 19, 2014
Columbus, Ohio, United States
I heard they are trying to ban them completely in Mass, I live in Ohio and recently wrote a letter to the Governor as there as been talks of taxing E-Cigs heavily here as well. Its all about money. They are freaking out knowing they are losing tax money as more and more people quit. Its the same reason they kept taxing cigs more as people would get off them they would have to raise the tax to keep hitting the same amount of money that they want to generate. In Mass they are talking of banning everything but regular analogs. LMAO Winston Salem is in Mass hahaha go figure.


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Mar 19, 2014
Columbus, Ohio, United States
There seems to be a common trend in this thread. Seems everyone who is complaining comes from a state run by the same political party.

Perhaps the way to stop this demonization and taxation of ecigs is to stop that political party.

That party does love to control us don't they. People will never wake up though, its seems more and more people believe the lies that the left spews.


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Mar 19, 2014
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Pretty sure if they are going to tax E-Cigs based on the sin tax then, they will have to tax anything with caffeine in it as well or for that matter anything with a stimulant. Love how some people automatically classify things as bad either because they don't like the action or they product just because they are against whatever it may be or because they are just to ignorant to educate themselves.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2014
Rome, NY, USA
There seems to be a common trend in this thread. Seems everyone who is complaining comes from a state run by the same political party.

Perhaps the way to stop this demonization and taxation of ecigs is to stop that political party.

Bold mine:

We The People in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice. ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America...

Now I'm not going to reveal my political affiliations save to say that my a** is OUT of New Yorkistan as soon as my family obligations are finished. Hint number 2 is I would fit in in Texas very well IYKWIMAITTYD. Alas, I love my New Hampshire and I intend to return there to help beat back the blue horde, or at least make 'em all stay below Manchester, but I digress.

I made those sentences in the preamble bold to highlight something. Something that the folks in Washington and statehouses of both parties seem to forget about. Time to re-assert who's boss. I think 2014 and 16 might just be tough sledding for those in power. Let's hope so...

Juice Layer

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 14, 2013
Georgia, USA
Allow me to introduce beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Here, I can buy [Moderated] but can't import or buy ejuice legally as it's bad for me and against the law. :facepalm: Oh yeah, and gas is 6.80 a gallon too.

We're not there yet in regards to your gas prices. I would expect that once our "Affordable" Care Act is fully implemented our gas prices will sky rocket far past yours to help fund it.
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