Need assistance from suppliers

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Full Member
Mar 20, 2009
I was in one of my two local smoke shops a couple of days ago. I was talking to the manager about e-cigs. He stated that the owner would like to carry e-cigs but that the franchise fees are outrageous. I told him that there are more than one avenue to take with that and he gave me a horrible attitude and said "what of what I said did you not understand? the franchise fees are enormous!!"

Because of his attitude I would like to take information to the other smoke shop in town about the best way to go about stocking these would be, best brand, easiest to work with, etc.

Can anyone help me out?


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 25, 2008
Order them in bulk and sell them.

It's not rocket science (sorry suppliers!)

You don't have to buy into a franchise to sell them. If you go through a company as a sole distributor, you're going to be paying, but he's not understanding how electronic cigarettes are sold by just about every other business doing it.


It amazes me how some people can be so rude to those trying to help them. I hope the other smoke shop takes your advice. GL.
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