Newbie with intro, eGo product/vendor review, and various ramblings

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2010
NW Arkansas
Another newbie here with intros and a product and vendor review. I am (was!) a 35+ year smoker (don’t know how ‘cause I don’t think I’m even that old, but whatever). It wasn’t unusual for me to go through 2+ packs a day, but I had a tendency to light and let burn – a lot. The longest non-smoking period I ever maintained was about a year when I became pregnant, then subsequently nursed my twin boys. I started smoking again one night when they both had ear infections, but that’s another story, as was a very long time ago. Other than that, I temporarily permanently quit three-four times for maybe a week max. Tried patches, gum, meditation, developed mouth ulcers from sucking lemon drops, wrapped packs in rubber bands, yada yada. Only thing that ever worked was the twin pregnancy. Not happening again.

So, after brain-numbing hours (days) of research and lurking, on 10/19/10 I ordered an eGo kit from (A post by a member here helped me with the final product decision – but I can’t find him now – his name is The Boss, or something like that, and his avatar is the awesome Val Kilmar as the more awesome Doc Holiday). Nevertheless, it took almost as long to settle on a vendor as it did a model. I decided to go with Mike because of his eGo YouTube review. I appreciated the fact that he wasn’t pushing his storefront, but doing an actual review. He has some of the best prices, flat rate $6.99 shipping, easily-found contact info and not a lot (if any) flashy gimmicks. His site gives me the feeling he’s someone who tried a product and believed in it so much that he added it to his storefront. I like that. Nothing wrong with the e-cig super-site kings out there, but I liked the warm fuzzy vibes.. He sticks with the basics and only offers the Joye 501 and eGo in limited colors, but I had already settled on the eGo so that was fine by me. He also offers the eGo carry case ($11 – again cheaper than most), 30 ml Dekang juices ($9), and basic accessories/parts. Perfect place for a newbie like me – too many choices and I tend to want to light up *lol* OK – forget the humor attempts…

I caught my stainless steel eGo kit on sale for $55 (regular $58). It included 2 manual batteries, 2 MEGA atties (cone type A), USB/AC charger, 5 pre-filled carts (various), 1 drip tip, pouch. I also ordered the zippered carrying case, 10-pk empty carts, and 3 30ml bottles of juice (24, 18 and 11 mg). Total cost with flat rate shipping of $6.99 was $107.93. (And now all my future purchases are at 5% off.)

I was set.

But my husband wasn’t. I didn’t order one for him because he seem fairly uninterested, and a bit skeptical when I talked about my findings. He claims this is because he heard me mention “FDA” a few times. According to him, when I mention FDA in a sentence, it follows that I pull up a soapbox and go on a rant. Whatever. Facts are facts, unless they are FDA-generated…but that’s another post. So wanting to be like me, he wants one too. I email Mike some 16 hours after my order was sunmitted (it's like 6 a.m. now) asking if I could add another kit to the order and if he could just charge my card the difference. Within 30 minutes he responded that he couldn’t because he doesn’t keep card information. I needed to place another order and he would add it to the shipment without the additional shipping charge. Seven hours later he had not heard back from me (long story) so he went ahead and sent the original order. Shortly after that, when he did hear back from me, he told me not to worry about it, he would send my additional kit out the next day, shipping cost on the house. That rocks! Two days later I received the first order; third day, the second order. About a week later I had a question about the pre-filled carts strengths and he responded the same day (a Sunday morning, no less) fully answering my question and adding a personal note. Very cool.

So on to the actual product - This definitely rocks too. I smoked one analog the first day I vaped, and one the second. That was over two weeks ago. My intent was really just to see what all the fuss was about and to hopefully cut back on the analogs. I’da never thought…. Amazing how this addresses the nicotine craving AND all of the physiological needs/addictions related to analogs. I seriously want to explore researching this. My good-morning-world-this-sucks massive headaches and congestion are gone, cough nearly gone, but we know how all that goes….

Just over a week into this incredible experience we took a short road trip to Kansas City (Roger Waters’ The Wall – also rocked!). My twin boys and their older brother were fascinated with my e-cig. When we got home I noticed an increasing consistent burnt plastic taste in both my atties – coming from my atties, rather. My husband’s atties seemed to be fine. Since the twins mostly break everything they touch (seriously), I figured they were at fault (and I’m sure they are to a degree). But I’d also been doing a great deal of experimenting with blends, flavors, dripping, etc. (As an aromatherapist and maker of natural body products, I had everything I needed to make my own juices – except the nicotine, which I ordered the day I received my eGo – I did not use essential oils, btw, but I do plan on looking into this more). I tried the atty blowing, rinsing, soaking, etcetera, without much luck. I considered removing what might be “burnt threads” under the bridge, but decided to wait since there is debate as to whether the threads actually do become “burnt” (I’m thinking not). I considered removing the bridge since one seemed to be off center and I thought…something, don’t remember now. I tried various cart mods and filler materials. I cut down the amount of the original filler material (that helped some, but not enough). Ultimately I decided to bravely (desperately) try the dry burn. Fourteen web pages and 32 YouTubes later I did it. It took a lot of courage and several tries to let it burn until both sides glowed. But I got there – and it worked. On both atties.

I know there’s debate on this method too, but after trying what I did, and considering all other causes and things (including the fact that my husband had a spare atty and I already ordered several 501 sets to keep my kids off my eGo), that seemed my best course of action – and I got lucky. I’m thinking some of blends I made with higher ratios of VG may have contributed. I use a high quality, very thick VG in my natural products, and it may be too thick for e-juice applications (without additional dilutions with PG, PGA or water). There may be sugars in my flavorings I’m not aware of too, so I’ve ordered some of the flavoring discussed in the forums.

So, yeah, awesome stuff, awesome forums, and a great new obsession! Since I had nothing to compare the eGo to, I’m anxious to get the 501s and see how they compare!

Lisa B

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2010
Central City, Colorado
Welcome to ECF and congrats on your eGo's they are the best IMO. Love mine and got me off the cigs, I still carry around a pack of cigs in my purse just so that I know I don't need them, I imagine they are pretty stale been there over 2 months. I just started making my own juice last week and loving it. I just wrote down a bunch of new recipes that I made up. Going to go mix them and see how I do, lots of fun.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
I use VG only, and get a lot of build up on the coil. I have taken the bridge/wick out of my atomizers, and dip right on the coil. This way I can see when it gets gunked up, and I get good flavor. As soon as I taste a little of the nasty burned flavor, I either drip again, or do a dry burn to get the build up to ash, and gently clean it. A good soak in some alcohol works well too, so I have found. Just make sure it is good and dry before you use it again. Good luck with your new ego!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2010
NW Arkansas
Thanks all! I'm thinking my issue was more related to VG as well - in terms of the filler not wicking it down well and gunk build up. Since I was making very small amounts I was measuring by drops, not mls. I should have know better, but a ml of my VG produces only half as many 'drops' as PG, PGA, etc. So my ratios where WAY heavy on the side of VG. A good reminder to always test your tools and compounds!
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