On the fence

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Dec 11, 2013
Garner, NC, USA
You have to want it though! You have to really want to quit! Any questions please ask

I completely agree. My transition to vaping has been relatively smooth. I think that's largely because I really want to quit...and I have for years. I believe all my failed attempts have somehow set me up for success with vaping. Keep your chin up!
Monday I received some new Halo products that are good, but find I get bored with the same flavor after one day.

If any of this helps…. I typically take two or three Kanger T2's with me to work each day with different flavors because I enjoy switching things up.

As for what:
tank 1- Anything I've purchased from Flavorz by Joe has been excellent- such as Peanut Butter Cup, Cup of Joe, Mint Chocolate, etc. (The only one I found a bit harsh was Grape Fez, btw) Irish Cream & Buttered Keoke Rum Coffee from CueCig are a couple others I also like.

Tank 2- Something fruit-flavored. Usually Strawbana (from ecigexpress), Fruit Smoothie or Pineapple from CueCig. I recently bought Cherry flavor (with an extra shot) from ECBlend that is tasty, too.

Tank 3- Exclusively, Peppermint Candy Cane from Cuecig. It's kind of like a sweet-tasting menthol cig to me. I was a 1-1/2 pack-a-day smoker for 26 years (Marlboro lights), but I did enjoy a menthol cig every year or so, lol! Also, the Peppermint Candy Cane originally came with my starter kit. I liked it so much that I haven't looked for alternatives, so I really have nothing to compare it with.

I guess I've been pretty lucky to find flavors I like right out of the gate. Last month I made a small purchase from a new (to me) vendor that I didn't care for, but I'm letting them steep for another month or three to see if they improve :p They have already been sitting around (except for shake/open/close cycle now and then) for about three and a half weeks, but no improvement.

Before I even ordered my starter kit I had made the decision not to chase the tobacco flavor with an ecig. I've only been vaping for 2 months now and still new to all of this. I just thought I'd share what has been working for me, and keeping me cig-free since I started.
Please don't give up the good fight!!! There is something in the vape world that will help you I promise! There are so many juices and vendors and devices. Once you find what works you'll feel so much better trust me. I went from 2 packs of reds a day to smoke free. I was frustrated using BLUs and such. Finally found my footing with my original ego and a ce4. I have worked my way past that now but it started out slow and now I enjoy being able to wake in the morning without hacking. So keep trying. There are a lot of reputable dealers out there that have so many juices to try. Please, take the time to find what works for you.


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Mar 4, 2013
The Netherlands
I am using the Kanger Mini Pro II and it works perfectly. I have two of them and I clean it after each use.

However, my juice supplies have been limited to the local tobacco shop and gas station varieties. I threw them all out.
Monday I received some new Halo products that are good, but find I get bored with the same flavor after one day.

I repeat which type of juice do you like, which do you dislike. What kind of cigarettes do you smoke, how would you describe the flavor?
You can still mix some very vapable tobacco+fruit juice with 2 cheap liquids, why did you just chuck them out?


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Dec 9, 2013
Outskirts of Detroit Rock City
From my personal experience, I don't see an ADV in my future. I am in love with very few liquids. I like quite a few. Like a few posts above, I take two or three different to work daily.

I found out early that I couldn't replace the menthol cigarette taste and stopped looking.

AIV sample pack - which you can order when they are closed is simply awesome. Cost effective as they are very small bottles.

I hate to recommend spending more money but I couldn't live without my bridge less drip atomizer (5$). Three drops of a sample gives me 10 or so hits and allows me the pleasure of a new juice without the hassle of cleaning out a tank cause I don't like a said juice. YMMV.

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Dec 21, 2013
Asspucker, Illinois
Funny but since I started vaping I look at people smoking analogs as living in the stone age. Vaping is the way of the future.
i do too... Daisey, hang in there.. there are so many options (and i know it is extremely overwhelming) but i think in the long run you will find what suits you... it is like clothing... you search you search you search, and then BAM you find that perfect thing that you live in... same thing with vaping... i really hope you stick with it as it is a healthier cleaner way to go (IMO)


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Jan 6, 2014
Leicester, UK
I was smoking and vaping for a year before I quit. The cig-a-like I was using was not great, but that was what I quit on.

In my experience, first you need a secure nicotine supply from vaping. Then you need to tell yourself that you are a non-smoker and you will never again smoke a cigarette.

You also need to know what it is about smoking that you are addicted to apart from the nicotine. Is it the ritual, the quiet moments away from your desk, the high? Work to recreate those with your vaping.
I can understand your frustration. My B&M doesn't really put forth much effort into someone like me who is slowly building up their "backups for backups" and has no interest in mods and whatnot. Plus, having recently quit smoking (1 month today!), I can't taste most liquids. At all. The only luck I have had has been with cinnamon based juices. I would love some variety, but I will just have to give it time for my taste buds to revive and keep trying different things.

Luckily, I was not that heavy of a smoker (1/2 pack on weekdays, 1 pack a day on weekends) and I made it inconvenient to smoke... no smoking in the house, no smoking in the car, my cigarettes rarely left the house (why I smoked less during the week). I'm sure all that made the transition easier for me. I think half of the battle though is mental. I couldn't quit smoking with patches or cold turkey or gum... my doctor wouldn't prescribe Chantix... I enjoyed smoking enough that mentally I wasn't prepared. I enjoy vaping much more than I ever enjoyed cigarettes, even with my trouble finding liquids I like (or can taste!)

Since you already have a set up, maybe just tell yourself you don't have to quit RIGHT NOW, give yourself some time to play around with juices without the pressure and expense of trying to find that flavor that does the trick. Maybe with time you will and will find yourself moving away from the analogs.

Good luck!

Daisey Moonshine

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Jan 5, 2014
Chicago, Il
Sorry I wasn't specific xy. I'm trying not to run on at the mouth with my replies.

The local varieties are pretty self explanatory, they aren't very well made. Like a gas station sandwich. It's eatable, but why would you want to eat that crap if you didn't have another choice available at the moment.

Anything from Halo is a quality product. I ordered three 'tobacco' flavors from Halo, which are very good quality. Of course, they are not real tobacco flavors. They have a vanilla and a nutty flavor, which is perfectly ok, but I got so bored with them after a day. Everybody loves cake and cookies, but eating them all day will make you sick of cake and cookies.

And then it's all the same thing after that.

Strawberry... Banana... S.S.D.D.

The hassle of how the vendors set up their website aggravates me to death. I need it now and next Tuesday is too late. Oh it's out of stock. Boo hoo. It's not exactly convenient, or reliable either.

The gas stations and tobacco shops never run out of cigarettes. I can get them anytime I want.

I keep two Kanger's filled with two different varieties. As much as I would like to, I'm probably not going to buy anymore devices until I get used to vaping.

28if - I know right! It is such a pain to keep cleaning them. It's a curse. Especially after a bad rootbeer vape or a Chinese strawberry. I don't know anything about the bridgeless drip device. I will have to look into that. What brand do you use? It would help to get me started. All this technology is all Greek to me. The B&M stores are useless to bother to show you what is what. You're expected to know everything and the clerks are usually vapid and useless.

It's ironic I never get sick of cigarettes. They are consistently rewarding to me. I know that cigarettes are bad for me. I know they are expensive as hell (my main purpose for wanting to quit). I just can't put them down. I can't hide them from myself otherwise I'd tear the house apart.

I suppose I like the smoking part itself, as well as the calm and ease it brings.

I feel pretty relaxed while the world is blowing up around me.

When I'm not smoking and trying to quit I am completely obsessed with the thought of smoking. I'm a monster.


Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2013
Mount Vernon, Wa
Frustration, dissatisfaction, and general WTFness, is common with people just starting out. I started with a cig-a-like style, when I fist quit, worked initially, but left me wanting, then found an ego and a protank, was better, but had flooding issues, and when looking for a fix, found the ECF and what vaping really entailed. Then I bought a high end regulated device, and then got into rba's. And finally found total vape satisfaction.

That's the short story of my vape success. The main difficulty with vape, is that there are so many choices, styles and decisions to make on what to vape with, juice ratios, nic levels, flavor %'s, Cartomizer, clearo, rba, rda, wick choice, wire choice, Venders here, vender there, OMG, what's a person to do. When it comes right down to it, I am amazed so many people stick with it. But with persistence, trial and error, and a bit of plain old stubbornness, one can prevail and find total vape satisfaction, and never ever even think about lighting up a cigarette ever again.

Find a juice one likes is half the battle, finding a decent atomizer is another 3rd of the struggle. Try the Aspire Nautilus, if looking for a great easy to use atomizer. Buy a selection of sample juices with a range of nic levels and VG/PG ratios. Every success story here had to go through the same process and learning curve before finding vape success. It can be done. The best way to insure that it happens, is by thoroughly search, reviewing and comparing different gear and juice, before one make an investment in Vape. Can save money and frustration when working from an informed and educated positon.

Good luck,

Vape long and Prosper.!!
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Daisey Moonshine

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ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2014
Chicago, Il
Thanks again for all the responses, and for the time it took you to write me back. I try to acknowledge every reply even with a simple 'like' so you know I hear you and appreciate everything you tell me.

I'm kind of journaling my vaping experience out loud as I am facing my personal demons with smoking cigarettes.

I'm so frustrated, I can't even stand myself right now.


Full Member
Jan 15, 2014
Mpls, MN
Hey Daisey, hang in there, you can do it! At 68 years of age and having been a dedicated 2 pack a day smoker since I was 16 years old, if I can do it so can you! Finding a liquid is an art of it's own as their are so many flavors and manufacturers out there. I finally found a liquid that I really like and have been vaping it for the last six months. You guessed the next part, they changed the formula! The new stuff tastes like battery acid! Back to the drawing board again. Many I purchase are just a one time try and they get tossed into the trash. I can't honestly believe that anyone has really tasted some of this crap before they start to sell it!

Keep the faith, it can be done!



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Jan 11, 2014
Marquette, MI
martok, you sound like me but I only started vaping a week ago. I'm 70 and started at 14, like most everyone else in those days.

Just caught this advertisement earlier this morning, a TGIF sale. Everything on sale and buy 2 get one free. I'm experimenting to find a few I really like, so I bought 10 and selected another 5 free ones. Lucky 7 Vapes I hope it's legit and decent juice :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2013
I feel your pain Daisey. I'm going on 3 months and there are still plenty of times when this vaping business gets to me. It's during those times when I really want a cigarette. It's the simplicity of smoking that appeals to me so much at those times. I start thinking I swear if I have to clean one more tank after trying something seriously nasty I'm gonna scream. I got a bunch of new flavors in over the past couple of days from various vendors and I honestly think I spent more time cleaning out my tanks yesterday than actually vaping from them.

What's currently getting to me is it seems like half of the flavors I'm trying taste absolutely nothing like their flavor profile. I mean if it's labeled "Strawberries and Cream" should it not taste like...strawberries and cream? I don't care of it's a sweet candy strawberry or a naturally sweet strawberry, it should at least resemble that flavor. But honestly I think half of these vendors throw some random flavor and sweetener in a bottle and label it "Strawberry". Sorry, just my own little rant that's been bugging me the past couple of days.

You said you have your Protank Mini working so that's great. For me that was half the battle. If you find a setup that works for you just stick with it. Buy a couple of batteries and tanks of the same type as backup or for more of a variety. Oh yes, and don't forget to always have coils on hand, whether you rebuild or simply clean the stock one's until they stop working up to par.

I personally have had to subscribe to the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method. People often recommend building, re-building, trying this type of atomizer or that type of battery but I say if it's working fine for you, why change it? If cleaning out my 3 tanks that I use daily is getting old, why on earth would I want to start rebuilding anything? Btw I use a Protank II and 2 Mini Protank IIs and I clean them pretty thoroughly when I change the flavors, especially if I'm trying new flavors. I'm a little weird about not having flavors bleed into the next tank :).

Sounds like you have a bit of flavor ADD like I do hehe. For this samples are your best friend. Keep ordering samples from the vendors that have them as an option, and order anything that sounds good to you. I know a lot people who are new to vaping want something that tastes like a cigarette, I did too, but I found that light, crisp fruit flavors work best for me. I also have a little notebook I write down all the flavors I enjoyed well enough to re-order. And as far as others opinions go, take them with a grain of salt. What works for one person may not for another.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
... I'm smoking again and hardly vaping at all anymore.

Maybe I am just a smoker, and will live and die a smoker?

It could be. Or it could be that you are Just Not Ready to switch Yet?

If a Person is Not Ready, or doesn't Want to do something that is Going to be Hard, their Chances of Success are going to be Very Low.

Daisey Moonshine

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 5, 2014
Chicago, Il
I want to quit smoking, but that's so much easier said than done. It's clearly going to be an uphill battle for me every day.

I've become so disenchanted with shopping for eliquids because it's not as easy to acquire as a pack of cigarettes. That alone is enough to push a person like me off the fence.

I don't even want to be a vaper anymore than I want to be a smoker. However, going cold turkey or taking Rx for it is not going to help me at all, so this is the only option I have right now.

Roselie - I keep my rig's clean like a surgeon so they run efficiently. I am all about the perfect vaping experience. I don't think it's weird because I don't like the residual scent from the last vape lingering either.

I don't refill when I get halfway down the pipe. I dump it, clean it, and then reload it to get that fresh, pure vape and a nice fuzzy buzz from the nicotine as a reward.

Yes! I admit I have eLiquid ADD. ELADD? I love the Halo, but I'm already bored with it after using it the last couple days.

Thanks for the reminder to get some backup coils. I should probably go do that instead of sitting here feeling sorry for myself. lol.


Full Member
Jan 15, 2014
Mpls, MN
I want to quit smoking, but that's so much easier said than done. It's clearly going to be an uphill battle for me every day.

I've become so disenchanted with shopping for eliquids because it's not as easy to acquire as a pack of cigarettes. That alone is enough to push a person like me off the fence.

I don't even want to be a vaper anymore than I want to be a smoker. However, going cold turkey or taking Rx for it is not going to help me at all, so this is the only option I have right now.

Roselie - I keep my rig's clean like a surgeon so they run efficiently. I am all about the perfect vaping experience. I don't think it's weird because I don't like the residual scent from the last vape lingering either.

I don't refill when I get halfway down the pipe. I dump it, clean it, and then reload it to get that fresh, pure vape and a nice fuzzy buzz from the nicotine as a reward.

Yes! I admit I have eLiquid ADD. ELADD? I love the Halo, but I'm already bored with it after using it the last couple days.

Thanks for the reminder to get some backup coils. I should probably go do that instead of sitting here feeling sorry for myself. lol.

I agree about the Rx statement. I took Chantix in an attempt to quit the mighty weed and all it did was give me some really wild dreams and take a big chunk out of my checkbook! A lot of folks that I have known also tried Chantix and had similar and worse reactions.

It is hard to find a supplier that actually sells what I consider "good juice". Juice that tastes like it sounds in the description, as Rosalie says. Most that I have tried are like a bunch of chemicals might taste! If a juice is called "Tobacco", it should taste like "Tobacco", not taste like car exhaust!

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