Please help me to understand: Mods Vs. VV/VW and their respective outputs

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hey all-

so, been vaping for not quite a year yet. the long and short:
started with an ego type battery (800mah, i think and i have no idea what wattage it's putting out) and typical throwaway atty's.
then moved onto a protank. from there, a kayfun lite plus (still with that same battery).

hated the protank and the replaceable heads/coils (inconsistent life, taste, etc.). hence the upgrade to the kayfun, which i really like.
no problems with making coils or wicking. been making 1.8 ohm coils with 28g kanthal A1.
overall, the kayfun doesn't seem to hit quite as hard or have as much flavor as a fresh coil in a protank, however.

i realize the battery i currently have is not ideal. i really would like to get a bigger hit and more flavor. not cloud chasing mind you- but a bit better than i'm doing now.
i'm interested in upgrading to a mech mod but i'm a little confused on a few things.
i understand the voltage drop off with a mech vs. regulated output with a vv/vw.
i'd very much like to be using a mech mod for the simplicity of it all. no electronics for me, please.
what i don't quite understand though is- with a mech what kind of wattage does it put out? should i be considering using a kick with any given mod?
does the wattage change depending on the resistance of the coil?
for a better throat hit than a protank can offer- should i be still be using a 1.8 ohm coil with my kayfun on a mech or a higher/lower resistance one?
so is it more the wattage that produces the throat hit/cloud amount or the resistance of the coil?
or is it a more of a voltage thing and i'm way off base here?

very sorry if this all seems rather old hat, but i can't seem to come up with any clear answers by combing through the forums.
needless to say- any and all input is incredibly appreciated!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 20, 2011
The wattage that a mech puts out is dependent on the resistance of the atty you are using and yes, the voltage/wattage will decreases as the battery discharges. 1.8 ohms or lower if best for a mech. The kick will give you a consistent voltage/wattage throughout the battery discharge until it reaches it's low threshold then it will shut down the mod until you recharge the battery. You can also use higher ohms with a kick.

Throat hit can depend on a lot of things...juice, resistance, voltage/wattage.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
Depending on the mod, if you build your own coils, they are all Variable Voltage/Wattage after a fashion.

A mech mod using a 1.8Ω coil will give you about 7 to 9 watts, depending on the state of the battery charge. You can lessen the "wattage", heat by pulsing the fire button on a full charge, and pre-firing a second before puffing on a weaker battery. Lowering or raising the ohms of your coil will also vary the wattage and heat you get, but cannot be easily changed while vaping.

A VV mod could provide the same 7 to 9 watts depending on the voltage you select for the coil resistance you're using. It will hold the same voltage regardless of battery condition, until the battery needs a re-charge. You can also adjust your coil resistance up or down, and adjust the voltage to result in the same wattage , heat in the resulting vape. Easier to adjust on the fly while vaping.

A VW mod could provide the same 7 to 9 watts depending on the wattage you select. The difference is if you change toppers, or coils, it automatically adjusts to the same wattage regardless of coil resistance. This works well if you only use one type of topper. I find different toppers and tanks will excel at different wattage depending on juice, wicking, air flow, overall design.

Bottom line all mods, or even eGo's simply provide the electric power, voltage. You can't taste electricity. If you can adjust the amount of power provided, reasonably easily, you can find your sweet spot.
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