Pregnancy and Vaping

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Sep 22, 2013
Real GA Peach
I don't know if there is a sub board for this, if so, my apologies for not locating it. My daughter, who smokes, is currently 9 weeks pregnant. She's wants to convert to vaping asap. At risk for stating the obvious, we are all aware stopping is best for the baby. That's not going to happen given the success rate or lack thereof. Relative to the subject at hand, I haven't really discovered any useful information out there. Her OB/GYN has no knowledge of vaping and based on that lack of knowledge(vaping world) would not make any recommendation for NRT. I'm asking for thoughts and feedback from the community here. Additionally I hope my local brick and mortar won't turn her away because her "condition" lol. Yes, I'm going to be a GiGi in June:laugh:wow.


Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
It's my personal opinion as someone who was unable to stop smoking even while pregnant that she should definitely vape if stopping completely is an issue. Some of us just can't quit without it and that's a real fact that must be considered.

I'm not recommending vaping over quitting. I want to make that perfectly clear.

Also, I don't see a B & M refusing to sell to her just like a regular store won't refuse to sell her cigarettes.

She needs to try to quit, definitely.


Vaping Master
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Aug 7, 2013
Nicotine alone will be far better for her, when compared to all the catalyzing chemicals for nicotine found in tobacco.. My girlfriend found out about three months in, after we both quit far worse things. She wasn't in an area that vaping was so popular like I was in, so she pretty much dropped cigs right after finding that out.. Our daughter was healthy and 8.26 pounds. Doctor said she'll be 5'8"-5'10" if she keeps growing like she is now.

It really comes down to motivation to quit anything... Just have her look at what she'll gain from smoking through out, and what she'll get out of not using nicotine at all through out her pregnancy. I'll also add some "program" knowledge. See if she can identify the triggers that cause her to reach for a smoke.. If there's more to it than just smoking, PM me.

I wish you and your daughter the best of luck on this journey!


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Jul 24, 2013
United States
I quit smoking completely for the first 4 months of my pregnancy. I then went into premature labor and my doctor advised I continued to smoke for the fact I was putting less stress on baby that way. Everyone has a different pregnancy and different doctors will tell you different things but I only wish I would have known about vaping while I was pregnant. I think it will most definitely be 100 times safer than the stinkies! I wish you all the best of luck and posivibes! :) babies are so exciting!

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Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
I quit smoking completely for the first 4 months of my pregnancy. I then went into premature labor and my doctor advised I continued to smoke for the fact I was putting less stress on baby that way. Everyone has a different pregnancy and different doctors will tell you different things but I only wish I would have known about vaping while I was pregnant. I think it will most definitely be 100 times safer than the stinkies! I wish you all the best of luck and posivibes! :) babies are so exciting!

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Yeah, vaping wasn't even around back in the olden days when I was pregnant. I wish it had been.


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Oct 12, 2013
Crystal, MN USA
I smoked analogs also through my pregnancy with both my kids. I wish they had vape around then also. I just cut way down. My kids where big babies so that didn't make a problem I got lucky I guess. If she has to do something I would say vape a low amount of nicotine and don't do it as much. After I had my kids I didn't breast feed either so the only time they where exposed is when they were inside me. But such my luck they both picked up the habit my daughter not until she 18 my son I have no idea. I did smoke outside or in the garage but them just seeing my husband and I smoking must have put it in their head that it was ok. Oh my husband quit smoking analogs years ago and went to cigars. I asked him if he inhaled the smoke he said a little I wasn't to happy about that. But at least he didn't chew. If he did that I don't think I would have kissed him anymore! Yuck!


Vaping Master
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Sep 26, 2013
Savoir-Faire is everywhere!
I smoked analogs also through my pregnancy with both my kids. I wish they had vape around then also. I just cut way down. My kids where big babies so that didn't make a problem I got lucky I guess. If she has to do something I would say vape a low amount of nicotine and don't do it as much. After I had my kids I didn't breast feed either so the only time they where exposed is when they were inside me. But such my luck they both picked up the habit my daughter not until she 18 my son I have no idea. I did smoke outside or in the garage but them just seeing my husband and I smoking must have put it in their head that it was ok. Oh my husband quit smoking analogs years ago and went to cigars. I asked him if he inhaled the smoke he said a little I wasn't to happy about that. But at least he didn't chew. If he did that I don't think I would have kissed him anymore! Yuck!
I had two sets of twins and they were ALL full size babies. I can't imagine carrying them around before delivery had they been any bigger. YIKES!
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